OT: Nethack

Re: OT: Nethack

If we're just doing a leaderboard, here you go:

Forum Name                      Attempts   High Score
----------                      --------   ----------

Rules: don't cheat (will be fleshed out later if I feel like it); only things started after putting your name on the table count.

I almost started a couple short term competitions yesterday - I may well after work today. One of my favorite things about nethack is it isn't the time commitment that diablo is - even ascentions take substantially less time than it takes me to full clear normal untwinked, and ascentions are not a large number of games. Because of the quick turnaround, it should be easy to do little week-or-two competitions pretty much whenever.

So, while typing that, I think I talked myself into starting one this evening (or earlier if I remain bored at work). Sometime within the next 12 hours, you should expect 2-3 divisions of a short term, fixed role competition. I won't figure out all the roles right now, but if anyone wants to start on some practice, one division will definitely be barbarians (my favorite choice for new players to learn with - gg pr). One division will be tier 2/3, and one may be randomly chosen (or I may pick something, I don't know).

If anyone feels they haven't had enough practice, feel free to not add yourself to any of the divisions (though I'd strongly encourage everyone to play along (particularly in the barb division), cause, why not). If interest continues, there's no reason at all not to start up new competitions pretty much constantly as the old ones expire.

Re: OT: Nethack

Rules: don't cheat (will be fleshed out later if I feel like it);

... One division will be tier 2/3, and one may be randomly chosen (or I may pick something, I don't know).

In my opinion, the only hard and fast rule in Nethack is: Never, ever, ever backup your save files to restore later (In case of inevitable death). You get one chance and one chance only. In other words, don't cheat!

It might be worth mentioning that Explore Mode is useful if you want to take a look around the dungeon but I've always been a believer that the best way to get good at Nethack is to die a lot and learn from your mistakes.

If you want to do a third division, it might be fun to try out some random class that must adhere to certain conducts i.e. illiterate Wizard or something like that (doesn't have to be too hard but if everyone is doing the same thing, that might be fun to see.)

Re: OT: Nethack

If this continues to the point that we've got more than a couple experienced participants, I had planned to do some conduct-based competitions at some point. I'd prefer to steer clear of it in the beginning, because the game is terribly difficult as-is even without any conducts and I don't want to further disadvantage people who are new to the game.

Thou shalt not save scum is definitely going to be rule #1 if I ever write up a full list. For those of you who don't know what save scumming is, it's copying a save file to circumvent the HC aspect of nethack (or to ID items, or to guarantee you get a wish from every fountain, etc). I don't really expect it to be popular around here, as it's identical (slightly worse in terms of what you gain, actually) to reviving a dead D2 HC char.

I do personally want to at least address start scumming to some extent, though I don't really trust my ability to comprehensively articulate it as a "rule", which is why I was going to take care of it with score penalties (which still seem unpopular). For now, I think I'll just leave it at this:

In general, everybody, don't be a nub. Play each game like you're trying to win, don't just suicide/quit/escape because you don't like your starting gear, and don't do things that are likely to kill 19 out of every 20 chars just so the 20th will have an unfair/unearned advantage.

Other things (non-comprehensive list) that I'd probably put on a final rules set:
-No explore mode bones files
-No intentional bones files suicides (bones files from legitimate deaths are perfectly gg)
-No doing anything with the file system (including screwing with level files, etc)
-No selectively deleting bones files (deleting ALL/NO bones files is fine, deleting SOME is not)
-No altering your system clock

This pretty much all falls under "don't cheat" IMO - these are all pretty obvious outside-of-the-game methods of boosting your survival chances.

For those of you who know what I'm talking about, do you have any opinions on name-IDing artifacts or calling high priests? I consider both of these gray areas - they're generally regarded to be bugs (at least from what I've seen), but they've been known, abused, and unfixed for quite some time, so it could be argued that they're intentional "features".

Re: OT: Nethack

Fun fact - if you're (a) lawful, (b) level 5 or greater, and (c) dip a long sword into enough fountains, it will turn in to excalibur, so it's quite possible to replicate your feat of obtaining it quite early on (I hit clvl 5 on either dlvl 2 or 3 depending on whether I'm paying attention to my exp). This is one of the (many) reasons that valkyries pwn so much - they start with a long sword and are lawful. Knights are also in a position to take advantage of this easily (also start with long sword and lawful), but they have other drawbacks. It works for anything lawful with clvl>=5, though. Unfortunately, dipping in fountains also can produce the rather painful-to-low-level things mentioned in the scumming discussion, though this is almost always a worthwhile risk as compared to wish hunting (and not considered scumming anywhere I've seen, aside from the fact that 95% of my chars that try for excalibur from a fountain get excalibur before they get pwned).


This is actually exactly how I got it, with a Knight.

Re: OT: Nethack

If you want to type up a little rules sheet, I can edit my first post and put it in. That way it'll be easy for everyone to find. I'll do that with your "No scumming" post above. Thanks a bunch for putting yourself in charge; I never would have thought up most of what you did :thumbsup:

Guess I'll get started later tonight. Expect to see double digits under my "attempts" column in no time ;).
Re: OT: Nethack

Black dragons/scale mail provides disintegration resistance. Magic resistance protects from death attacks. You also can't get the amulet without doing the quest, as the quest provides one of the invocation artifacts

Lol really? unidenfiied fake amulet? who knows - it was so long ago. Disintegration resistance... ah yeah... same same :p

And if memory serves, if your god tries to strike you down he can't when you're disintegration resistant
Re: OT: Nethack

Close. If your god tries to strike you down and fails (don't remember specifically how to survive this strike - it might be reflection or it might be magic resistance or it might be high hp (or any combination thereof), cause instead of figuring that out I just figured out how not to piss my god off), he tries again with a "wide angle disintegration beam" (wide angle so it will bypass reflection), which disintegration resistance will protect against (and exactly nothing else will IIRC). If you survive the wide angle disintegration, he just whines about it and leaves you alone IIRC.

And, about disintegration and death resistance being the same, try facing off with something with touch of death with disintegration resistance and no magic resistance and see how it goes. :p

Re: OT: Nethack


[b]General SPF Nethack Rules[/b]
-No Save Scumming. This is defined as making or restoring a backup of a 
 save file for any purpose, ever.
-No explore mode bones files.
-No intentional bones files suicides (bones files from legitimate deaths are 
 perfectly gg).
-No doing anything with the file system (including screwing with level files, 
-No selectively deleting bones files (deleting ALL/NO bones files is fine, 
 deleting SOME is not).
-No altering your system clock.

-No start scumming. I'll leave the exact definition up to you, with just this 

In general, everybody, don't be a nub. Play each game like you're trying to 
win, don't just suicide/quit/escape because you don't like your starting gear, 
and don't do things that are likely to kill 19 out of every 20 chars just so 
the 20th will have an unfair/unearned advantage.

[b]Leaderboard Rules[/b]
-You may only post entries where the char was [i]started[/i] after you entered 
 yourself on the table.
-You may post [b]one[/b] entry per role. Only post your highest score for that role.
-Do your best to keep track of the number of attempts per role. You're welcome 
 to do "practice" games outside the leaderboard to your heart's content and not 
 count them on the leaderboard, but that decision has to be made [i]before[/i] 
 the char is created.

[b]Competition Rules[/b]
-You must play according to the specified rules of the competition.
-You may only include chars created [i]after[/i] adding yourself to the table.
-You may only include chars created [i]before[/i] the end of the competition.
-You may continue playing chars that conform to the above rule through to either
 death or ascention after the end of the competition provided you don't take
 years going about it (we'd like to be able to declare a winner eventually).
-One char at a time (you aren't allowed to create 100 chars right before the end
 of the competition just in the hopes that one of them steals a victory over the
 next six months).
-Only enter yourself once per competition (no segregation by roles as with 
 leaderboard). This just means one line on the table - you're still welcome to 
 try as many times as possible.
-You are welcome and encouraged to participate in as many different 
 competitions simultaneously as possible.

Please feel free to edit these in to the first post, or link to this post, or whatever you'd like. Do not consider these rules final - I would be perfectly fine changing whatever anyone thinks needs changed. I'll be posting tables for both the leaderboard (to accommodate the role-related change) and the first few competitions in a bit.

Last edited:
Re: OT: Nethack

Ah, beautiful Nethack. Truly one of the gems to come out of the collective keyboards of hordes of unsung contributors. I spent a solid-ish amount of hours on the game about two years ago, though I never ascended or even got remotely "good."

I love the depth, though. In what other game can you die of pleasure from a succubus that you are carefully trying to romance in order to get stat bonuses? In what other game can you kill a cockatrice, pick up its corpse, and whack enemies with it to petrify them? And all in your terminal :p

I'd like to get back into it, but I'm currently absorbed in Baldur's Gate (yeah, I get introduced to all games years after they become old... D2 was the same way).
Re: OT: Nethack

Forum Name                      Attempts   High Score
----------                      --------   ----------
Smips				    1	      2778

Starting it out right :D. I was actually doing rather well...then I got food poisoning. Since I had just prayed from being weak, I could pray to remove the poisoning. Oh well!

@CG: Thanks for the rule set! I edited it into my first post.
Re: OT: Nethack

[b]-SPF Leaderboard-[/b]
Forum Name           Char Name      Role    Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      ----    --------   -----
Smips                    ?           ?         1        2778

[b]Competition #1 - Role(Barbarian), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0

[b]Competition #2 - Role(Priest), Race(Elf), Align(Chaotic), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0

[b]Competition #3 - Role(Rogue), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Female)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0

Enjoy. I'll be creating chars for all three competitions after work. Also, you're welcome to include the same char(s)/score(s) in competitions AND the leaderboard.

Good luck everybody. For those of you who are newer, I strongly recommend the barbarian. FWIW, I consider barbarian tier 1, priest tier 2-2.5, and rogue tier 1.5-2.

Re: OT: Nethack

[b]-SPF Leaderboard-[/b]
Forum Name           Char Name      Role    Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      ----    --------   -----
Smips                    ?           ?         1        2778

[b]Competition #1 - Role(Barbarian), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0
NacRuno              Qual              0           0

[b]Competition #2 - Role(Priest), Race(Elf), Align(Chaotic), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0

[b]Competition #3 - Role(Rogue), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Female)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0

I will be playing with a barbarian for a while. I was actually playing since the start of this thread and i guess i got the hang of things. My last character died with 10004 points to a unicorn while trying to find the minetown. I reach minetown only once till now and i got killed by a guard while breaking a door then :p (@6012 points).
Re: OT: Nethack

[b]-SPF Leaderboard-[/b]
Forum Name           Char Name      Role    Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      ----    --------   -----
Smips                 Smips       Barbarian     3      5484

[b]Competition #1 - Role(Barbarian), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
Smips		      Smips	        3	 5484
CG                   ?                 0           0
NacRuno              Qual              0           0

[b]Competition #2 - Role(Priest), Race(Elf), Align(Chaotic), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0

[b]Competition #3 - Role(Rogue), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Female)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0

Bah, a disappointing death. I got an early wish from a lamp and got a blessed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail. Things were great until I got to Sokoban. I somehow glitched one of my pets into a boulder and then got swarmed by soldier ants. Not nearly my highest score, but I think it was my best effort yet. I think I might start attempt 3 later :D.
Re: OT: Nethack

[b]-SPF Leaderboard-[/b]
Forum Name           Char Name      Role    Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      ----    --------   -----
Smips                 Smips       Barbarian     3      5484

[b]Competition #1 - Role(Barbarian), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
Smips		      Smips	        3	 5484
CG                   ?                 0           0
NacRuno              Qual              0           0

[b]Competition #2 - Role(Priest), Race(Elf), Align(Chaotic), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0

[b]Competition #3 - Role(Rogue), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Female)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   Kashya            1           0

I am stealing this name for my rogue right the hell now. I'll post an update later when I either die or go to bed or something.

smips said:
Bah, a disappointing death. I got an early wish from a lamp and got a blessed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail. Things were great until I got to Sokoban. I somehow glitched one of my pets into a boulder and then got swarmed by soldier ants. Not nearly my highest score, but I think it was my best effort yet. I think I might start attempt 3 later :D.

Ouch, sorry to hear it. Deaths after an early wish always sting a good bit. Watch out for soldier ants - they're probably the #1 cause of death of low level chars that can't be chalked up to doing something dumb. Do you do sokoban before starting mines? I'm a bit surprised by your score - I've generally got a lot more than 5.5k by the time I hit sokoban.


edit: Arbitrarily, for consistency's sake: Your current character counts as an attempt. When you first join, your attempts should read 1 (as soon as you've created your character, at least). I've updated my entry to reflect this - I'll leave everyone else to update their own since I'm not sure who has and who hasn't already been doing this.

@Smips: if you would be so kind as to edit the bolded part into the rules in the first post, it would be greatly appreciated.

edit2: Nac posted while I was editing - whoever updates next, please change my attempts to 1.
Last edited:
Re: OT: Nethack

[b]-SPF Leaderboard-[/b]
Forum Name           Char Name      Role    Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      ----    --------   -----
Smips                 Smips       Barbarian     3      5484

[b]Competition #1 - Role(Barbarian), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
Smips		      Smips	        3	 5484
CG                   ?                 0           0
NacRuno              Qual              2           7679

[b]Competition #2 - Role(Priest), Race(Elf), Align(Chaotic), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 0           0

[b]Competition #3 - Role(Rogue), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Female)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   Kashya            0           0

And another death by the guards, i somehow got halucinated in the mines and attacked the guard by mistake. I was already dead when i understood what is going on. I even had my first stash behind a locked door =(. I hated those thied nymps (or whatever their names are) in the minetown btw.
Re: OT: Nethack

Ouch, sorry to hear it. Deaths after an early wish always sting a good bit. Watch out for soldier ants - they're probably the #1 cause of death of low level chars that can't be chalked up to doing something dumb. Do you do sokoban before starting mines? I'm a bit surprised by your score - I've generally got a lot more than 5.5k by the time I hit sokoban.


edit: Arbitrarily, for consistency's sake: Your current character counts as an attempt. When you first join, your attempts should read 1 (as soon as you've created your character, at least). I've updated my entry to reflect this - I'll leave everyone else to update their own since I'm not sure who has and who hasn't already been doing this.

@Smips: if you would be so kind as to edit the bolded part into the rules in the first post, it would be greatly appreciated.

edit2: Nac posted while I was editing - whoever updates next, please change my attempts to 1.
I can see why they're a huge cause of death :p. I never tried Sokoban before, so I decided to do that instead of the mines or continuing into the dungeon. Last time I do that :D.

Also, fixed the table and added the bold part for you, CG.

And another death by the guards, i somehow got halucinated in the mines and attacked the guard by mistake. I was already dead when i understood what is going on. I even had my first stash behind a locked door =(. I hated those thied nymps (or whatever their names are) in the minetown btw.
If you don't break down doors and such, the guards shouldn't attack you. That's been my experience anyways.

Edit: Just realized the "by mistake" part :D. I usually turn "rest on space" on, then just skip turn until I'm no longer hallucinating, unless something attacks me.

[b]-SPF Leaderboard-[/b]
Forum Name           Char Name      Role    Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      ----    --------   -----
Smips                 Smips       Barbarian     3      5484

[b]Competition #1 - Role(Barbarian), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
Smips		      Smips	        3	 5484
CG                   ?                 1           0
NacRuno              Qual              2        7679

[b]Competition #2 - Role(Priest), Race(Elf), Align(Chaotic), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 1           0

[b]Competition #3 - Role(Rogue), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Female)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   Kashya            1           0

Re: OT: Nethack

I have completed what I call, My 13 Step Program to Learning Nethack. I thought I would share it here, incase other beginners were interested in learning the game.

1) Announce on these forums you are to dim witted to advance out of the first area.

2) Have someone spoon feed you the basic commands (open, kick, search)

3) Play only Wizards. They have the least (or very low?) HP so you will die quickly, resulting in many lessons learned very quickly.

4) Click Help -> List of Commands every time you want to do something. Browse the list of commands until you find something that might work. Return to the game... realize you've forgotten what key activated the command. Click Help -> List of Commands again, and browse until you find the command again. Repeat this step every time you want to do something.

5) Find a shop. Pick up all the items on the ground to see what they are. Assume that one tile can only hold one item - continue to return the items onto the ground in the shop while accidentally picking up other items you've already dropped (without realizing that you can turn Autopickup OFF). Struggle to exit the shop because the keeper is standing in the way of the door ("Really? Attack the shopkeeper? NO"). Finally escape the shop, only to stumble back in later - drifting in and out of conciseness due to starvation - Eat the food you can't pay for. Assume you have to attack the shopkeeper in order to escape without paying. Die.

6) Start again. See what happens if you go down the stairs you originally entered from at the beginning of the game (don't forget to return to step 4 to figure out how to go down stairs).

7) Start again. Find lots of food quickly, think "oh good, food wont be a problem this time. Die to a water monster while clicking a fountain.

8) Start again. Encounter a rock in a corner which you cannot get past. Die of starvation.

9) Start again. Realize that you can walk at an angle past rocks in corners. Click on a fountain multiple times while thinking "I shouldn't be doing this". Die to 5x water snakes.

10) Start again. Have a decent run and make it to a point where you think you should save for the night. Not knowing what point you will restart at when you load the game next, quickly load the game to see the answer before you go to bed (at the stairs, good stuff!) Hit the X to close Nethack... "Do you want to save?"... "no, why would I? I just saved!"

11) Try to load the game the next day only to realize that (apparently?), even though you saved once, your next choice of "no, don't save" resulted in a Quit.

12) Google "Nethack tips". Read a brief guide on beginning the game. Laugh at all the things you've done wrong.

13) Feel despair for all the other things going on in your life that will be ignored while you continue to kill yourself over and over and over again, because you feel an addiction starting.

The strange part is, I wasn't frustrated at all by the 2-3 hours I spent experiencing this. Mostly I was just laughing at myself!

I will probably throw my hat into this tournament, but I think a few more practice runs are needed first!

Re: OT: Nethack

[b]-SPF Leaderboard-[/b]
Forum Name           Char Name      Role    Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      ----    --------   -----
Smips                 Smips       Barbarian     3      5484
Vildecor              Ilana       Valkyrie      1         0

[b]Competition #1 - Role(Barbarian), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
Smips		      Smips	        3	 5484
CG                   ?                 1           0
NacRuno              Qual              2        7679

[b]Competition #2 - Role(Priest), Race(Elf), Align(Chaotic), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 1           0

[b]Competition #3 - Role(Rogue), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Female)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   Kashya            1           0

Hopefully I can get a Valkyrie as far as I did earlier today...almost level 13, had both Excalibur and Mjollnir, had good resistances, and I idiotically decided to eat a cockatrice corpse. :doh:
Re: OT: Nethack

-[B]SPF Leaderboard[/B]-
Forum Name           Char Name      Role    Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      ----    --------   -----
Smips                 Smips       Barbarian     3      5484
Vildecor              Ilana       Valkyrie      1         0

[b]Competition #1 - Role(Barbarian), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
Smips		      Smips	        3	 5484
CG                   ?                 1           0
NacRuno              Qual              2        7679

Competition #2 - Role(Priest), Race(Elf), Align(Chaotic), Gender(Any)
End Date for Creation of New Chars: 3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 1           0
OHG                  Joe               1           0

[b]Competition #3 - Role(Rogue), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Female)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   Kashya            1           0
Re: OT: Nethack

-[B]SPF Leaderboard[/B]-
Forum Name           Char Name      Role    Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      ----    --------   -----
Smips                 Smips       Barbarian     3      5484
Vildecor              Ilana       Valkyrie      1         0

[b]Competition #1 - Role(Barbarian), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Any)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
Smips		      Smips	        3	 5484
CG                   Larzuk            1           0
NacRuno              Qual              2        7679

Competition #2 - Role(Priest), Race(Elf), Align(Chaotic), Gender(Any)
End Date for Creation of New Chars: 3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   ?                 1           0
OHG                  Joe               1           0

[b]Competition #3 - Role(Rogue), Race(Any), Align(Any), Gender(Female)[/b]
End Date for Creation of New Chars: [b]3/31/09, 11:59 PM local time[/b]

Forum Name           Char Name      Attempts   Score
----------           ---------      --------   -----
CG                   Kashya            1        2889

Well, I am extremely annoyed. Two altars on level one (one of which I converted, one of which was one step from the up stairs). A large armor shop on level two that provided speed boots, a cloak of displacement, and some other miscellaneous stuff. A dwarf on level four with dwarven mithril and helm/shield upgrades. A few rooms over, I was busily tossing daggers at a gnome lord. It turned to flee. I took a step in to the room and attacked the dark blue thing next to me (my monitor does not display dark blue particularly legibly, especially for round letters). As it turns out, it was a floating eye, so I stood perfectly still while a hobgoblin walked up to me and took a very long, miss-filled time whittling away at my health. DYWYPI?

I'm gonna start a barb next I suppose.

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