Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)


New member
Dec 18, 2005
Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

"A [highlight]Call To Arms[/highlight] for those daring to play in a cooperative, reset-style group environment, untwinked, from Act 1 Normal to Hell Baal, hardcore, without hacks of any kind, in one sitting. Original thread. CTA Round #1. CTA Round #2. CTA Round #3. Team CTA Ladder Rush 2008 Domination. Static Enchantress build. CTA Round #4 (part 1). CTA Round #4 (part 2). CTA Round #5. We built teams, dominated the ladder, and made great memories. The unparalleled camaraderie, laughter, and sheer fun we shared made these our most epic and treasured Diablo II gaming experiences ever."

[highlight]BASIC UNTWINKED STUFF[/highlight]
- gamble/buy a 12 slot belt ASAP
- early on, buy lots of stamina potions (trust me)
- casters; fill your inventory with blues; consume them
- FHR is better than no FHR
- Don't be stupid and/or stupid and greedy, please

[highlight]CUBE RECIPES[/highlight]
3 Magic Rings = 1 Random Magic Amulet
3 Magic Amulets = 1 Random Magic Ring
6 Perfect Gems (1 of each) + 1 Amulet = Prismatic Amulet
1 Magic Ring + 1 Perfect Topaz + 1 Rejuv = 1 Coral Ring
Diamond (any) + 1 Staff (any) + 1 Kris (any) + 1 Belt (any) = Savage Polearm Class Weapon
3 Health Potions + 3 Mana Potions + 1 Chipped Gem = 1 Rejuv
3 Health Potions + 3 Mana Potions + 1 Gem (normal) = 1 Full Rejuv

[highlight]BASIC CTA STUFF[/highlight]
[highlight]- Ventrilo is mandatory; be on chat and be in channel[/highlight]
port: 4606
channel: Call To Arms
password: sent to you via PRIVATE MESSAGE; empty your inboxes
- All runes go to a mule that'll sit in an outside game; must organize to distribute spirits, stealths, etc.
- All gems go to Tai; he'll be cubic styling

- when in doubt, dump in town - someone will see it and use it, or I'll contribute to the Bone Shields of Deflection and enchant staff fund
- EVERY rare item deserves an ID and to be dumped in town
- don't sell stuff that might be REMOTELY useful to others; some examples:
  • attack rating
  • faster cast rate
  • mana after kill
  • faster run/walk
  • +life +mana
  • +skills
  • etc., etc.
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Team CTA (Core) Reference

[highlight]TEAM REFERENCE[/highlight]
    Build                  Account Name        Forum Name
1.  SF/Enchant Sorceress   Socialism           Socialism
2.  BO/Frenzy Barbarian    razisgreat          Razuel
3.  Zealvictor Paladin     Zeebo81x            Zeebo
4.  20 DS Assassin         iTppkMhBotEbay      Still-Xey-Lover 
5.  LF/MS Amazon           Tai-                Tai.
6.  Summoner Necromancer   robzombiesslave     robzombiesslave
7.  Orb/TK Sorceress       Shin                AgentMarth
8.  Blizzard Sorceress     LuckyDwarf          LuckyDwarf

* Character names are to be prefixed with "CTA-" in that format, i.e. CTA-Rockstar
** Razuel might be sick; filling in would be Mouse_Wiz
*** Characters we lose / don't have will be invited in from Team CTA (Crucial) --> this is why it's important for Crucial folk to be on the Ventrilo server!

From ladder reset (could be anytime from 4:00 PM EST - 6:30 PM EST, who knows how reliable is) until we dominate the ladder and plateau there.
Build Rundown

[highlight]BUILD RUNDOWN[/highlight]
Nobody's assuming you don't know what you're doing; here's what everyone else should look like.

[highlight]1. Static Field / Enchant Sorceress[/highlight]
20 Enchant
20 Fire Mastery
20 Warmth
15 Static Field
15 Teleport

Utility character, makes every attacker useful in Hell with enchant; speeds up entire game with 15 Static Field early on.

+Baal glitcher

[highlight]2. BO/Frenzy Barbarian[/highlight]
I don't know, here's a rough outline, really up to taste:

20 Battle Orders
20 Frenzy
06 Double Swing
20 Taunt
20 Mastery

Utility + Damage character, makes everyone safer with Battle Orders. Keeps teleporter alive, has Enchant damage modified by Conviction making him a firedamage powerhouse.

[highlight]3. Zealvictor Paladin[/highlight]
Provides essential auras, absolutely key for ladder domination.

20 Salvation
20 Zeal
20 Holy Shield
20 Conviction

01 Resist Lightning (to keep us alive Act 2 and 3 normal, Maggot Lair, etc.)
01 Meditation (at level 24, this stays on permanently until we get a Sol rune)
01 Salvation (keeping team alive > faster monster killage)

Essential, essential party support. Firedamage destruction with Conviction and Enchant. Early on, constant switching between Resist Lightning / Meditation / Conviction; this will eventually drum down to Conviction / Salvation.

+ Cowkiller
+ Baal glitcher

[highlight]4. 20 Death Sentry Assassin[/highlight]
Pure / basic Lightning Trapper build:

20 Death Sentry - first
20 Shock Web
20 Charged Bolt Sentry
20 Lightning Sentry
01 all shadow skills except venom

Cakewalker extraordinaire, acts as the group scout all throughout normal. Super-liberal usage of Cloak of Shadows and Mind Blast essential to keeping party alive; will be Burst of Speeding through areas and making sure nobody's being eaten by charging mobs. First down to Throne, spamming MB. Handles all corpse explosion splatter; CE popping + Static Field = group pwn.


[highlight]5. LF/CS/MS Amazon[/highlight]
Tai's got the build down pat.

Main MF Char. Will be running with all the MF the party can muster, as this will be our "kept back in normal" Baal glitch MFer. Has a few points in multishot to be useful early on and to nail out lightning immunes in Act 3 hell. ...quite possibly unnecessary given Enchant, though.

Baal kill strategy:
1. Necromancer casts Decrepify, drops Gumby, backs off into a corner
2. Zealvictor hangs tight to apply Conviction
3. Sorceress spams static field until slivered, teleports away
4. Charged Strike kills Baal with ~200 mf (3 ptopaz armor, 2 ptopaz helm, 25 mf gloves, 25 mf boots)
5. Itamz

+Baal Glitcher

[highlight]6. Summoner Necromancer[/highlight]
20 Raise Skeleton (first)
20 Skeleton Mastery
20 Raise Mages
01 Revive ++
05 Summon Resist
01 All curses
01 Corpse Explosion

05 Amplify Damage (?)
05 Lower Resist (?)
20 Dim Vision (?)

Built to taste, the core build is above -- LR/DV split may be interesting. Amp early on runs Act 1 FAST. Supertank meat shield provider; more points in revive for endgame? Critical for SF/Enchantress for safe release of Static Fields. Focuses on curses to keep party alive; allowing Trapper to take care of Corpse Explosions.


[highlight]07. Orb/TK Sorceress[/highlight]
Primary Baal teleporter. Indestructibuild.

20 Telekinesis
04 Energy shield
20 Frozen Orb
20 Cold Mastery (LAST - we have Conviction)
+-15 Teleport

Love/hate relationship here. Love the speed, hate the god damn repetition. Builds a low-cost teleport FIRST and FAST early on, gets 75% blocking, teleports everything, speeds up everything. Upon reaching near-infini-cast teleportation, affords Energy Shield for the Hell baal Teleport buffer. With Battle Orders, unstoppable teleporting machine. Gets Baal Quest first; makes subsequent Baal games.

[highlight]8. Blizzard Sorceress[/highlight]
Not as sturdy as the Orb/TK sorceress, but dishes out the game's share of cold damage. Backup teleporter.
20 Blizzard
20 Glacial Spike
20 Ice Blast
15 Teleport
20 Cold Mastery (LAST - we have conviction)

Oh, look, it's a Blizzard sorceress. Zzz.
Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

Good luck guys. See you tomorrow afternoon.
Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)


Just some quick questions :p

I'm the enchant sorc for my team, but what should I go, melee or ranged? And should I get any secondary skills like frozen orb for it?
Game Progression

(Take a look at this one; I've changed things up a bit to make more sense)

Team Gillian*
- Summoner Necromancer
- Static Field Enchantress
- DS Assassin
- Orb/TK Sorceress

Team Tara*
- Blizzard Sorceress
- Zealvictor Paladin
- LF/CS/MS Amazon
- Frenzy/BO Barbarian

[highlight]GAME PROGRESSION[/highlight] (Normal)

Act 1
- All vs. Den
- Gillian vs. Stony (Find "Cairn")
- Tara vs. Dark Woods + Marsh for WP
- All vs. Cain
- all vs. Butcher, Andariel (Split up to find Catacombs 2 WP / exit faster)

Act 2
- Tara vs. Rhadament
- Gillian vs. Cube
- Tara vs. Maggots
- Gillian vs. Vipers
- All vs. Arcane (splitting routes)
- All vs. Duriel

Act 3
- Tara vs. Spider Eye
- Gillian vs. Flayer Brain
- Tara vs. Kurast hunt
- Gillian vs. Sewer Heart
- Teams converge vs. Travincal / Mephisto

Act 4
- Killall

Act 5
- All vs. Shenk
- Tara vs. Soldiers
- Gillian vs. Hunting Anya (all vs. Frozen River)
- Tara vs. Finding Ancients (all vs. Ancients)
Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)


Just some quick questions :p

I'm the enchant sorc for my team, but what should I go, melee or ranged? And should I get any secondary skills like frozen orb for it?
Hey, just some quick questions.

What motivated you to spam your repeat posts in this thread, titled:
[highlight]Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)[/highlight]

...instead of reading up the many guides available in the sorceress forum? Does this look like the right thread to ask "what's the most leet setup for blah" questions in?

Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

Ideally for NM and Hell we'll have Marth porting just about everywhere.

Interesting changes on the Team setup, will think them over while watching TV with the lady.

See you all tomorrow
Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

Good luck guys, i'll be in vent the whole time waiting for the coach to put me in...reminds me of my freshman year playing basketball...wait i THIS is what it feels like.
Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

Also, you have 1 pt Salv and 20 pts Salv listed for the Zealer.

So as far as I can tell the new team setup is so we both have access to tele?
Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

Just confirming that I will be there tomorrow.

That and that I didn't get a PM with the Vent server, so that is kinda important I suppose.

Ideally for NM and Hell we'll have Marth porting just about everywhere.

Yep, thats pretty much it. Just try and get me a Spirit sword, Stealth, Lore, and a nice blocking shield and I will be good to go. Hurry for all the pressure to be on me to not die, its no sweat.....

Re: Build Rundown

[highlight]3. Zealvictor Paladin[/highlight]
Provides essential auras, absolutely key for ladder domination.

20 [highlight]Sacrifice[/highlight]
20 Zeal
20 Holy Shield
20 Conviction

01 Resist Lightning (to keep us alive Act 2 and 3 normal, Maggot Lair, etc.)
01 Meditation (at level 24, this stays on permanently until we get a Sol rune)
01 Salvation (keeping team alive > faster monster killage)

Essential, essential party support. Firedamage destruction with Conviction and Enchant. Early on, constant switching between Resist Lightning / Meditation / Conviction; this will eventually drum down to Conviction / Salvation.

+ Cowkiller
+ Baal glitcher

Edit; that's Sacrifice, not Salvation.

#2: I really hate that idiot green smiley face by my name.

Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

If it is not too much to ask:
"Could you be bothered to make some screenies along the way and post them at a later stage (much like Superdave did), or will the rushing prevent you from doing so?".
I'm a sucker for following threads like this, and a few screenies makes it so much more interesting to watch.
Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

While this journey shan't be nearly as epic as Superdave's (regretfully, none of us are Superdave); we'll try!


...if you've played a HC Nova sorceress (and lived to tell the tale) before, you may be prime to do this!

Two routes:
1) mobile (dangerous, likely spells death for you) - focus on teleport (seriously, not recommended)
2) killall (dangerous, likely spells death for enemies) - focus on 1CM and 20 Orb or 20 Firewall (super damaging... consider that we have Level 20 Conviction running)

Keep in mind this is the most clutch character we have, as a ballpark of 60% of the damage dished out by the group will be based on your enchanting. If you leave, you also leave the password to your account, because we can't quite function in hell without you.

Job description: 15 in Static Field early on; sapphires and FCR gear to churn them out. Generally hang within the necromancer's skeletons (so you don't get eaten... you're too damn important). 20 in Firewall (5k damage per second before conviction, anyone?), Enchant, Mastery, Warmth.
Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

Emmm....aren't you supposed to be playing that yourself?
Re: Rundown: Team CTA (June 17th, 2008 Ladder Reset)

Emmm....aren't you supposed to be playing that yourself?

He was going to switch to the char I was going to play, but I thought it reset at a different time, so I'm still good. The 8 is ready!


Estimated market value