Grief bm?


Jan 22, 2007
Grief bm? the grove channel, and asked a fury druid to duel, and he asked me what my wep was i said "Grief, for my 1hand" and then he said he wouldnt duel me becuz grief is considered it?
On east its considered highly bad mannered because it outshines there rare / magic weapons in the damage department.

It's not bm on west though.
Some people on east are really anal about BM shiz. Keep in mind BM is 90% subjective so don't be surprised to see some rediculous claims. Most of the people you see claim BM this BM that are part of the NL old school wolves.

Ps I saw that convo, the guy you're refering to said he would duel you still.
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ya, twas that guy in the drove, but the "would" i assumed to be a typo,or i thought he said wouldnt.. i like grief anyway, the ebotdz didnt rly help me alot from alot of duels i did with it +ss.
Wich is better tho, 347/38 grief pb, or 406 ebotdz, i have both and wana know wich is betta
well...i know for barbs the lowest grief does more damge then a ebotd. im not sure if its the same for druids. but outta those 2 id go with ebotd.
Jayson has it right.

Also, Grief is considered BM in some areas because to them any poison dmg is BM >.>. Losers.
Jayson has it right.

Also, Grief is considered BM in some areas because to them any poison dmg is BM >.>. Losers.

Keep in mind this is the east non-ladder fury community, which has been around for a while. The fact that they are on nl makes the import of "grief" offset the balance in said community; so the calling of "grief" bm is as much a practical call as anything else. If you think back to Jay's recent fury guide, he mentioned how even the chilling armour off "fort" would prompt a s/e at times to remove it. That said, that's just the way the pure fury community does things, you don't have to run with that particular pack, but do try and respect them for what they are. :jig:

You can look at it that way, or you can look at it as people refusing to adapt to change. It might work in games, but in real life, refusing to adapt to change just puts you at a disadvantage.
Ya I like superjasons ideals on this subject.

AnimeCraze, your right as well but on one little factor. Game wise this can change as well. It just takes a little bit of moving. I remaber way back in the 09 days of temple dueling in the paladin forums. Which is like minded people. Never dueled there but I did know the people and chatted with them offten in the paladin forum. Used to call my self one back then as well.

The whole ideal to temple is to keep 09 dueling alive, to teach paladin players how to duel well, and make friends. Back then one of the biggest thing was life leech and its amounts. Today as we all know life leech doesnt work. But life tap does. Also we know that life tap isnt aloud in these kinds of duels. That in its self proves that that they are not doing 09 dueling any more. Also they are using higher damage dealing weapons. Well other then pec weapons oq, perfect eth cruel weapons of quickness. The start of all this banned items where because of the massive amounts of hacked items iths, quarks, whites, and what not. That was all fine and dandy to me. But the real problem started with the banning of the eth rune. Back then if you had the mod -#% to targets def. What you really did was you gave that target -#% below 0 of theyre stated def. As in if you had 1000 def. The person had a eth rune in theyre weapon. Your def became -750. So ya it was ITD in dueling. They had a good point and went with it from there. Because that removed the ideal of using a high def user dueler, iron barbs basicly. What you would call a concentrate barb, and wolf barb today. Ok lets move on.

The whole thing started out when 1.10 first came out. You would see zealots killing people in dueling game, charge actly working right, eth runes effects gone, stone armor, and ebotd weapons. Everyone went crazy over ebotd weapons. It was a mad rush for zod, vex, and a eth 6 socted zerk, warspike, and dim blades. In the trades. And all the paladin zealot players ran to them. There was some talk of creasent moon being a cool weapon. But mostly for the holy shock zealot build. But at the same time there was debates about dracs, and exile where wrong to be used. Because of inbalence all most equel to the effects of a ith weapons effect. Thats where the seed that a eth rune sprouted into a weed.

Today when I talk with these kinds of players that know of the past That I remaber they talk like these people where great. And they have no clue who I am. Do I care, nope. Because its not fully apart of my gaming past. But what I see from these are not the same kinds of duelers from what I used to chat with. Straight up honorable, kind hearted, and knowagble poeple. I see liers that spread romors to get people on theyre side, alot like the nazis did. I see people that act like they are better then you to because they might be richer then you are, snobs. I see dueling games that are more like crabs in a ally, gamblers. And the winners are most likly the richer player. And the prize is nothing.

To me the todays gm player is a can be compareable to the local preppy football team bully. And are nothing like the noble knights of the past.

I wont even name names of guilds, clans, or anything else of the old that I havent all ready. But I will say today is a shame of what it was.

I know I just pissed someone off.
Keep in mind this is the east non-ladder fury community, which has been around for a while. The fact that they are on nl makes the import of "grief" offset the balance in said community; so the calling of "grief" bm is as much a practical call as anything else. If you think back to Jay's recent fury guide, he mentioned how even the chilling armour off "fort" would prompt a s/e at times to remove it. That said, that's just the way the pure fury community does things, you don't have to run with that particular pack, but do try and respect them for what they are. :jig:

the point i made ablout chillin armor and grief and weapons like that..dont just apply to the pure fury community..but all melee on east nl.

and the gm/bm weapons are basicly comming from melee guilds and certain forums that hold melee ladders.

it common practice in a ladder duel to have the winner leave the game and rejoin due the the enhanced defense the previous winner gets from chiilin armor.

the first time i heard of this rule my fury was dueling a zealot for a spot on this melee ladder,and he told me to leave in come back because i will have to much defense.

a couldnt help but laugh for 2 reasons.

#1 is completely anal(IMO)
#2 a druid will hit 7-8 def with chillin armor..if hes lucky.haha(zealot/conc is hitting 50k+?)

its safe to say 50% of all good weapons are banned
and pretty much every new 1.11 runeword except fort/torch are in fact not used.
death is another banned item..due to massive ele dmg/ctc offensive spell.

do i aggree with it?
nope not at all..but then again,i dont play east anymore except to duel for the melee ladder that im on.

the difference between east and west is something that took awhile to get used to...but i stand behind my statement.

im sure as hell glad i made that move.

i like being able to build how i want to...not how someone wants to.

if i made my west fury/rabies hybrid on east...i would get bmed because ppl would tear up about rabies..and im sure the game would go 7vs 1 on me real quick.

my first duel game i was dueling with a surprise eh?
he tells me "i wont bm ya..i wolf druids,you guys rock:)"

been many years since i heard that....and this was the first time i heard it from a paladin.

but i never knew the difference between realms was so huge,actually makes me wanna duel again.

and as far as the ppl on west go...the last time i had 6-7 cool wolves on my flist..was very early 1.10.
you know who you guys are:p


Jay you kind of dueled in an isolated environment on east. Up until a month ago I had never dueled a fury/rabies wolf cause I thought all wolves on east were pure fury, but theres actual a huge community out there they just never go to the grove cause it's populated by NL east people who are generally afk most of the time. Aka it's boring as hell there.
East is much like west its just more scattered.
I've been exchanging posts and ideas with some paladin guys from west (temple). At first ,they too considered banning runewords like grief/fortitude/phoenix. What they actually realised was that this thing would make their rules obsolete for the great majority of bnet duelers and so they decided to face the challenge and embrace the new stuff. Because eventually it gets down to this. How flexible you are, if you are willing to leave your ivory tower and face the new challenge.

West guys have objections on life tap. Their explenation is that it makes the duel too unpredictable and a matter of luck while it should be a matter of preparation and design. I see the reason behind this decision,although I don't really think that life tap is such a big thing personally. What I can't possibly accept is the reasoning behing banning grief/death that is given on east. You can't claim that these items offer elemental damage so they are bm and should be banned because meleers have low resists. This is totally arbitrary. Ravenfrosts offer elemental damage. The torch triggers diablo's firestorm which hurts. Highlord's offers elemental damage. Exile freezes target. Psn from grief isn't bigger than all these.For crying out loud, ban all sources of elemental damage altogether then, so there is not gonna be a need for cbf either. That would make sense. Else just accept that the only reason behind banning 1.10 ladder runewords is that they are superior and thus if accepted they would force you to drop your precious edc/rares/whatever, seek new setups or even rebuild...
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Dont forget on west its bm not to "Yip woof howl" and wag your tail three times(Go) at another werewolf to initiate a proper wolf duel. ;)

Only thing i dont like is life tap everything else is fair game to use for wolf vs wolf when i want to have fun with a freinds wolf. And if one of us is rabie/fury and another is just fury we usaully agree on just goin all out fury with no rabies.
Only thing i dont like is life tap everything else is fair game to use for wolf vs wolf when i want to have fun with a freinds wolf. And if one of us is rabie/fury and another is just fury we usaully agree on just goin all out fury with no rabies.

I really hate Blizzards logic when making items like dracs and exile.
They wanted to do away with life leech in pvp, that's fine no problems. After you do something like that why go out and make an item that has ctc life tap that DOES work in pvp ?
If life leech still worked in pvp, ctc life tap items would probably be fine.
Makes me wonder if Blizzard knew exactly what they were doing in prior patches.

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