Would attack speed really matter for a Concentrator build ?


New member
Dec 8, 2003
Would attack speed really matter for a Concentrator build ?

If I am correct, the whole purpose of a concentrator build is to get a "one hit" killer. If I am going for one BIG hit, would attack speed really matter in my choice of swords ?

I could see at an early level where It might matter, with low skill levels and low AR and all. But at a higher level where my concentrate would be doing its purpose would it really make much of a difference ?

Any input would be appreciated :)
Bignerdmatt said:
If I am correct, the whole purpose of a concentrator build is to get a "one hit" killer. If I am going for one BIG hit, would attack speed really matter in my choice of swords ?

I could see at an early level where It might matter, with low skill levels and low AR and all. But at a higher level where my concentrate would be doing its purpose would it really make much of a difference ?

Any input would be appreciated :)
Depends how you look at it... you make a good point but remember...

Lets say you are doing enough damage for one hit kills, and you are killing one moster ever 2 or 3 seconds. If you could bump that to once monster every second, I would rather kill more monster than to "over kill" them by maybe have Ohm's or ED jewels instead of Shael's and IAS jewels. If you are doing over kill damage to monsters, then all the extra damage is just a waste pretty much. But then again, both ways are great, its a personal preference.
I'd say attack speed is an incredibly big factor, in both pvp and pvm. The point of the concentrate barb isn't to be a one-hit killer - that's what berserkers do. The point behind concentrators is to be almost invulnerable, avoiding damage through high defense and such while wailing out with your uninterruptable attack; in essence, it's to be able to consistantly deal damage without interruption or real threat of danger. It's somewhat hard to get a conc barb up to one-hit kills anyways; mine hits for 8000 or so one-handed damage, and it usually takes between 6-8 swings to kill most things in /players 8 hell. Since Concentrate barbs are one-enemy-at-a-time type fighters, it would be rather tedius to kill like this if not for the fact that he's swinging at 9 frames.

Of course, you can see the obvious advantage for pvp.

Just some things to think about is all. It's usually prudent to get down to 10 or 9 frames if you can (unless you're swinging something like a thunder maul or such which can't get down that fast feasibly).

-Helpful ol' Hal
Halciet said:
I'd say attack speed is an incredibly big factor, in both pvp and pvm. The point of the concentrate barb isn't to be a one-hit killer - that's what berserkers do. The point behind concentrators is to be almost invulnerable, avoiding damage through high defense and such while wailing out with your uninterruptable attack; in essence, it's to be able to consistantly deal damage without interruption or real threat of danger. It's somewhat hard to get a conc barb up to one-hit kills anyways; mine hits for 8000 or so one-handed damage, and it usually takes between 6-8 swings to kill most things in /players 8 hell. Since Concentrate barbs are one-enemy-at-a-time type fighters, it would be rather tedius to kill like this if not for the fact that he's swinging at 9 frames.

Of course, you can see the obvious advantage for pvp.

Just some things to think about is all. It's usually prudent to get down to 10 or 9 frames if you can (unless you're swinging something like a thunder maul or such which can't get down that fast feasibly).

-Helpful ol' Hal
My Conc Barb is up to level 85 now, and I have been taught by this build how incredibly important skills like Howl are to this build too (in PvM). I haven't choose taunt yet, however my next level I think I am going to do so (even though I will then not be able to max out Bash for the synergy bonus to Concentrate).

Why do I bring this up in this thread? Becasue these cries (especially Howl) are important when confronting a pack with a boss. Howl clears the way so you can get your 5 or 6 swings off on the pack boss so you can kill him and thus weaken the rest of the pack (with the boss dead, they no longer share his abilities like mana burn, etc and are much easier to kill). 9 or 10 frames is great, but use it on that boss first and that is how it is most effective- this seems the best way to take advantage of fps.

I used to be just a whirl and puker or Frenzier when playing barb but this build has taught me a lot about the nuances of the character. It isn't one single ability that makes this build outstanding- it is the balance that you can obtain with several factors like synergies, IAS, warcries and available equipment choice.

Oh yeah- and what Hal said too :)

Well thank you all for the help :)

Im almost embarassed to admit Ive had this game since the D2 days and still know NOTHING about it. Im the prepetual "casual gamer" :p
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