Question Why only some Legendary Aspects can be upgraded at the Blacksmith


Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
I've been trying to work out why some Aspects can be upgraded at the BS and some can't.

I thought it was something to do with Item Power but that doesn't appear to be the case because the upgrade doesn't push either of these examples into the next iLevel.


Comparing it to another item with the same Aspect and that doesn't increase.

  • Level 0: 1 – 149
  • Level 1: 150 – 339
  • Level 2: 340 – 459
  • Level 3: 460 – 624
  • Level 4: 625 – 724
  • Level 5: 725+
What am I missing?
My guess would be that it has to do with rounding & the way the end value is calculated based on the scalars.
For your helmet at the end there, you may not see an increase at +5 since a low base value * 5ilvl of difference * scalar isn't enough to push it into the next tier (or it may have rounded up into that tier to begin with and didn't hit a value high enough to exceed the tier after +5), but +10 or +15 certainly should reflect a difference.


you can see here on a low-ilvl item how it doesn't always increase.

That is, the aspects are calculated similarly to [base value] * [item power + blacksmith upgrade] * [unknown scalar] * [equip slot scalar]
I say similarly because I can't quite get estimated values to match up with ingame values cleanly.

The rest is napkin math:

For example, with a codex'd pulverized aspect on 1h 803+25, the base value is 1.05. The same aspect on 2h 192+15 is 0.61, and on 192+20 is 0.65.
Normalizing to 1h, .305 at i207 and .325 at i212. So over 616 ilvls, a base diff of 0.725.
0.725 / .02 (the base inc) = 36.25, so assuming 828 is mid-tier, 36.25 tier jumps over 616 ilvls = 16.993 or every ~17 ilvls the base value is expected increase on average. But this is only based off 3 data points, is not reliable, and is just an approximation.

Given ilvl 192 and aspect tooltip dps of 63
if x = 1 (assuming no bsm scalar); base/2 * 192 = 63
192b = 126​
b = 126/192 = 0.65625, which we know is untrue as that's > the base value at i207​
so there must be hidden/base value scalar even at +0​
base/2 * 192x = 63, if base = 0.61 (possibly less)
.61/2 * 192x = 63​
.305 * 192x = 63​
58.56x = 63​
x = ~1.07582​
0.61/2 * (192+15) * x * 2 = 140
.305 * 207 * 2 = 140​
126.27x = 140​
x = ~1.108735​
0.65/2 * (192+20) * x * 2 = 154
.65 * 212 * x = 154​
137.8x = 154​
x = ~1.117562​
x diff btw +15 and +20 ~0.88264%

192 (+15) -17 is still within an estimated tier, but is possibly 1 tier lower.
so if base = 0.305-0.02 = 0.285, x should be closer to 10%
0.285 * 192x = 63​
54.72x = 63​
x = ~1.151316​
too high, so more likely to be within the same tier (0.305 base) with a lower scalar (~1.07582)​
it's also possible that the base value increases in stepped amounts (e.g. +0.01, +0.02, +0.01, +0.02) at more frequent intervals or something.​
Again, not enough data points.​
But we can clearly see the ranges as "126-180", "140-200", and "154-220" at 2h values -> "63-90", "70-100", "77-110" 1h in increments of [7-10]. So in order for the blacksmith upgrade to actually upgrade the aspect, 0.61/2*[192+y]*x has to be closer to the new tier, I think.
e.g. if we assume a 10% scalar for example's sake, 0.61/2 * 192+5 *1.1 = ~66.1, 63 < 66.1 < 70, and is closer/still within the 63-90 tier, so doesn't upgrade. But 0.61/2 * 192+10 *1.1 = ~67.8 which does upgrade, being closer to the next tier.

Although, it could also be a matter of exceeding that min threshold, with the game rounding up to the nearest integer.
If we increase the scalars slightly,
0.305 * 192+5 * 1.11 = ~66.7 -> 67
0.305 * 192+10 * 1.12 = 69.0032 -> 70, tier break

nothing conclusive to garner from all this just that
tl;dr, +5 ilvls upgrade isn't enough to break into a new tier, probably.
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Thanks for all that you.

I actually used this feature yesterday. Replaced a like for like Aspect that was a little better, upgraded the item fully at the Smith then extracted the much-improved Aspect and imprinted it onto another item.

I noticed another one today. I've just made the image below for the Wiki and noticed the very last upgrade boosted the Aspect. Only marginally though.

I really never thought about upgrading the Aspects into the next level (if possible) before extracting them.

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np, this sort of stuff interests me.
upgraded the item fully at the Smith then extracted the much-improved Aspect and imprinted it onto another item.
ah, they may have just fixed this actually (upgrading the aspect then extracting it).
  • Fixed an issue where Aspect power would also increase when upgrading an item at the Blacksmith.
But I don't have any progressive aspects to test with ingame, so I can't confirm that's what it refers to.
I tried imprinting an 806 staff I had in stash and the flat value still upgrades normally on the final item after imprinting.
Though codex costs are through the roof now too.
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