D2 West? East? SP? where are you old farts


Staff member
Mar 16, 2020
I'm not playing yet (new gaming PC should be around income tax time), so I will likely start then.

Where are all of ya playing?

(I'm looking at the usual people and old timers)
There are no east west anymore. Only Americas, europe etc. And one can crossplay regions now(just need to tick the region in the launcher before launching game)

Im HC Europe btw :)
There are no east west anymore. Only Americas, europe etc. And one can crossplay regions now(just need to tick the region in the launcher before launching game)

Im HC Europe btw :)
See how far behind I am lol.
Hope GPU prices are down by the time you start shopping. Now's a pretty crappy time to build a PC.
I'm not playing yet (new gaming PC should be around income tax time), so I will likely start then.

SC Americas on the weekends. SP the rest of the time.
Hope GPU prices are down by the time you start shopping. Now's a pretty crappy time to build a PC.

SC Americas on the weekends. SP the rest of the time.
That's it exactly.

A $579.00 ish GPU (AMD's RX 6800xt in this example) is marked up around $300.00 in Digital Storm for a total of 879.00. At other retail outlets, the same GPU is double or triple the price, not counting Newegg Shuffle, etc. That's not even getting into the Nvidia 3000 series cards or anything else.
Former USWest player, picked up D2R day of release at the behest of a friend who didn't play D2 much in it's older days. Used to play a ton back in like 09-11 and was fairly active on the trading back on the old site. Can't for the life of me remember what name I used back then though to login but, the market/trading was easily my favorite aspect of the game.
Let us know when you're playing, Gorny!
Hah! Yes. Young...

*screams in 35 year old*
Americas SC (I'd say ladder but... grumble grumble doesn't exist.) Got a zon up to 75ish and I'm waiting for death from old age folks to catch up so we can finish hell and get to dem Ball runs.
Americas SC (I'd say ladder but... grumble grumble doesn't exist.) Got a zon up to 75ish and I'm waiting for death from old age folks to catch up so we can finish hell and get to dem Ball runs.

Some dude from Sover.net helped me take down the Dclone back in the day. I forget his name though :p
Estimated market value