Well guys, back to 1.09 again.

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Jan 19, 2004
Well guys, back to 1.09 again.

someone is selling "Constricting Rings", +2Skills and 52MF SC's, and "Nagelrings". Hope this doesn't happen on softcore, cuz if it does, I'm quitting.
The Rules said:
3. Thou Shalt Not Advertise.We do not intend to serve as a linking service or a search engine to other sites. Links that wouldn't be allowed anywhere on the forums (including signatures, and location) would be to links to sites (commercial OR personal) that have:

5. Thou Shalt Not Pimp or aid the Pimping of hacks and Cheats. Hacks and Cheats are 3rd party programs that allow you to alter the way a player interacts with a game. This includes, but not restricted to Maphack and Pindlebot. We do not support the use of these. You may not ask for help in creating a hack/cheat, a link to where you can find one, provide a link to where people can download one. However, the morality of using these programs is sometimes discussed and we allow these [within reason], unless it violates any other rule.

Linking to hacked items on ebay is pimping hacked items, even if that is not your intention.
SuggestiveName said:

Linking to hacked items on ebay is pimping hacked items, even if that is not your intention.
True, you are giving us warning, BUT also are making it easier for cheaters to get these items.

"You may not ask for help in creating a hack/cheat, a link to where you can find one, provide a link to where people can download one."
Well, if you look at that you may think it doesn't mean you can't post this link. Because you are not posting an actual cheat or hack but you ARE posting a cheated/hacked item which i consider full cheating.

And you DEFINANTLY are "pimping" the stuff, and "advertising" it.
Items that are this blatantly hacked would have to be detected by Rust Storm (assuming this guy is even telling the truth). I mean, these are about the same in terms of extreme mods as Open B.net items.
I said it before in one of the gone topics that it might just be a scam, and that person's using screenshots of hacked Open items. +7 to all skills seems to be popular in Open. I was playing a few days ago and saw someone with a +7 to Skills SoJ.
I don't see why ebay links promote hacked items... the fact that the original poster told us about the item allows any script kiddie to type "diablo 2 constricting ring" or something like that, and they would come up with the same trade.
Please don't link to Ebay, there are rare instances when ebay links are allowed (blizzard employee selling off booty from the job).
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Estimated market value