The Monday Give-away Thread

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Lothric said:
4 Normal uniques per week
Normal Uniques
Blastbark x 2 | Blood Crescent | Maelstrom | Steeldriver x 2 The Iron Jang Bong x 3 | Undead Crown x 2 | Wormskull |

Hi Lothric,

Could I have a Maelstrom, a Blood Crescent , a Wormskull and an Undead Crown please? They are for t'grail, although I'll keep an eye out for a use for them.

[email protected]

You da man.
Lothric said:
It was a somewhat difficult for me to follow which requests were being directed at me in the stickied give-away thread so I've decided to start a new thread every week instead.
I understand your concern, but I will insist that you use the stickied thread. In the past a number of us hosted weekly giveaways and always used the thread - I'll ask you to do the same.
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