Ravenlore Progress Thread


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
Not too long ago, I found an ethereal Ravenlore, and I wanted to do something with it. A Fissure druid was suggested, and I decided to go for it.

Early levelling was pretty straight forward. I started with a +werewolf/lycanthropy hat and Death's set for early levelling. Eventually I got to where the fire elemental skills were strong enough that I could switch to a Leaf staff, and then Spirit broadsword and Sigon's shield. Also, I put on a 1.07 MPK ring very early.

I put on 1 elemental skiller and 1 summoning skiller at 42, and then found another +elemental skiller with my mosaicsin doing TZs. In late NM, I equipped HotO, Spirit Monarch, Vipermagi, Magefist, etc. A rare +2 elemental skills amulet has been on the character for a while now. Shako went on at 62. At/around 65, Infinity went on the merc and Enigma went on the druid. All of Normal and NM have been on /p8, but I switched to /p1 in Hell. I used the NM Larzuk quest to put a socket in the eth Ravenlore, but the socket is empty for now.

Just now, I hit level 74 in Act1 Hell and the eth Ravenlore went on. I have a torch and a sunder charm waiting for level 75, and I'm hoping that playing on /p1 will mean that most mobs die before they can take a swipe at me. Let's see how far I can get before the hat breaks! :p
Good luck @snickersnack I had an eth Shako drop for an untwinked character (my 99er zon) and pushed it to 1 of 11 if I recall the numbers correctly. I hope your Druid and his pelt make it through to Pat intact!
Thanks! I'll avoid saying anything that might belie optimism lest the RNG gods smite me. :)

Act 2 is down. No interesting finds. Ravenlore status:
I took a hit in the Maggot lair. I did some blind teleporting to speed things up and paid the (modest) price.
At level 77, all skills I planned on maxing are maxed (all of the fire tree except Molten Boulder). I was considering putting points into Molten Boulder as well, but I decided instead to increase the players count and save points in case I need to put more into summoning to keep my meat shields alive.

Act 3 is down, done on /p3. I'll bump it up to /p5 for Act 4. Ravenlore status:
I took a bunch of hits blind teleporting around the Durance of Hate, but got lucky with no durability loss. Here's the map for Durance 1:
Not much porting needed, but then I cleared out pretty much all of durance 2. Then I found this:
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Act 4 is down. I ran it on /p5, it was a bit slow, and I have 6 skill points saved. I'm not sure if I'll bump it up to /p7 tomorrow, but I might do that and spend points in Oak Sage and Dire Wolves. Or, I might leave it on /p5 and put points in Molten Boulder. We'll see.

Ravenlore status:
Act 5 is down. I had considered going with /p7, but I decided that it would be too slow for my liking, so I stuck with /p5 and put those saved skill points into Molten Boulder.

Ravenlore status:

So, yeah... only 2 points of durability lost on the whole run, with none lost in Act 5. Hmmmm, I thought this'd be harder, but I'll take it, I guess. I don't think that I'll make a pat thread for this character, as he's a pretty standard Fissure druid.

The sailing was smooth for pretty much the entire playthrough. Baal on /p5 was a bit time consuming since my main damage dealers are aoe, with Volcano being the only way to focus on one target. I also spent too much time resummoning wolves and the Oak Sage.

I'm not sure what I'll do with this character now. Maybe some TZs? I'd imagine that he would do well in cows.
congrats on the not-red chicken head. Pat threads are always welcome, even if cookie cutter, so a little nudge to please post one!
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