How's the HC crowd now a days?


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Hey good folks!

I haven't been on playing diablo2 for almost 15 years by now. A few friends and me have been playing HC together via direct connection in a few briefer periods over the years.

After the diasapointment of D3 we decided to jump on and join the HC ladder this weekend. I remember being plauged by hacks and pking back in the day. The pking I didn't mind so much if it was done somwhat fairly, it actually kinda added to the tension and excitment of HC. However, getting killed by some hacks/macros or being lured into creeps was pretty dumb.

I have yet to join a public game out of fear of being the victim of some pking, perticularly via hacks. I figure most hackers should've left D2 a long time ago. So my question is if pking and hacking is still something to be aware of or if you can (mostly) trust people now a days. If there still are hacks, anyones in perticular I should be aware of? How trusting can you be (jumping someones TP blind, for instance), how careful do you need to play around others.

Grateful for answers, too much of a ***** and too few playing hours compared to when I was in my teens to learn the hard way ;)
The only hacks to fear these days involve items and botting, which are passive in relation to you. I find PK-ing isn't very prevalent any more either, although PK-ing isn't some sort of breach unless hacks or exploits are involved... unless you're a bltch. It's part of the game after all.

On EUHCL myself.
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