Hardcore Walkthrough ?


New member
Jan 1, 2013
long returning player here, getting back into the USE-HC ladder. and was wondering if anyone would like to play through with me, As although I enjoy playing alone , I enjoy playing with others alot more, since it'll be a naked toon, i'll be playing through as a summoner to build my gear for other toons, probably eventually a bowzon or Lsorc but i'll do my first play through as a fishy.

if anyone would like to play through with me, please let me know :) !

My summoners name on HC-USE is "GenericName" so feel free to hit me up!
long returning player here, getting back into the USE-HC ladder. and was wondering if anyone would like to play through with me, As although I enjoy playing alone , I enjoy playing with others alot more, since it'll be a naked toon, i'll be playing through as a summoner to build my gear for other toons, probably eventually a bowzon or Lsorc but i'll do my first play through as a fishy.

if anyone would like to play through with me, please let me know :) !
My summoners name on HC-USE is "GenericName" so feel free to hit me up!

YES!! I will be installing on either 1/6 or 1/7 (Sunday/Monday). I will be on. I will add you - my account is will be rompzor @ USEast. feel free to add and message me. Other people who are reading this, don't be shy. JOIN UUUUUS.
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