Burn the Witch!

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New member
Aug 8, 2003
Burn the Witch!

What's going on with the witch hunt mentality of this place recently? It used to be that someone would do something to make people suspicious and then the accused would have a chance to plead their case before a bunch of people jumped on them saying "well I always knew he was a shady character"

To make matters worse, the change in additude is driving off several respected members in disgust as well (notice the spike in goodbye threads?). If this trend continues then this forum will eventually die.

The SPF was a system based on trust. People were expected to be honest about how they played and the vast majority of people were (and still are) There is no reason to jump on people before giving them a chance to explain what's up.

I don't post screenshots. This is mostly because I'm too lazy to but if I wasn't lazy I'd probably be scared someone would acuse me of cheating for having a strange build or equipment choices (I tend to have some odd outfits)
dantose said:
To make matters worse, the change in additude is driving off several respected members in disgust as well (notice the spike in goodbye threads?). If this trend continues then this forum will eventually die.
The reason people are leaving is because they believe too many people here use hacks, dupes or both, not because we are too suspicious. We have reasons to be that way, just this week Sharakor (sp) got banned because he was trading and giving away hacked items and he had Constricting Rings. This forum is as legit as we make it, if we let hackers and dupers run the show, THEN it will die, not because we are cautious about who we trade with or MP with. A lot of us work/worked hard to find our items and build up characters legitimately and I for one don't want all that good work undone by some guy using and trading me his hacked stuff.

If you are refering to the incident in the Item Find Thread, that has been sorted out and Ether3al has made a thread showing a full ATMA dump of his gear. We were quick to assume he was a hacker, I agree, but when someone gets a Tyreals after only being here for a few weeks, people are bound to be suspicious. As you said, it's all about trust and he hadn't built it up at when he got it, nor do I think he *fully* has my trust yet, but he's gone a long way to doing so with that thread.

I, along with many others, would really like to see the SPF be 100% legit and to be honest, it's nearly there (IMO). There aren't many people, if any, that I have queries about.

sam_manzanza said:
If you are refering to the incident in the Item Find Thread, that has been sorted out and Ether3al has made a thread showing a full ATMA dump of his gear. We were quick to assume he was a hacker, I agree, but when someone gets a Tyreals after only being here for a few weeks, people are bound to be suspicious. As you said, it's all about trust and he hadn't built it up at when he got it, nor do I think he *fully* has my trust yet, but he's gone a long way to doing so with that thread.

I think one thing that a lot of people forget is that a new member isn't necessarily a new D2 player. So while it may seem that this new person is loaded with great items, and it may seem odd, this new person might be a veteran player who's new to the good ole SPF. And there's also the whole lucky item generation thing yadda yadda yadda

sam_manzanza said:
This forum is as legit as we make it, if we let hackers and dupers run the show, THEN it will die, not because we are cautious about who we trade with or MP with.

I agree completely, but the thing is that we need to avoid grabbing pitchforks and torches instantly. We tend to be very fanatical about it, and I think that people need to evaluate (read: reread a few times) their opinions before posting so we don't drive people away. I think that after one or two people post their concerns, we don't need 40 other people beating the dead horse again and again.

Just some thoughts...
I agree with you wholeheartedly, but what I was saying was that the SPF is based upon trust and while their godly items may indeed be legit if you're new here don't expect people to be trust you right off the bat. If we did that every time we would get burned far to often.

Kaysaar said:
We don't need 40 other people beating the dead horse
I agree again, but everyone likes to have their say on matters like that and I don't think that will change any time soon, we can only hope AE or Kremtok will lock threads that start to get 'witch-huntish'.


Edit: :D forgot about our other mod, added his name :)
Real nice catchy thread title Dantose. That should get some people to look and add a little fuel to the fire (pun intended).

Instead of offering criticism, which is all you really did, how about being a part of the solution. What are YOU going to do to make it better here? Threas like this one sure won't help.

I'm tired of this type of conversation. If you want to read this kind of noise, go back a couple pages.

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