Barbarian Best rune/jewel for IK Maul - WW Barb

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New member
Oct 25, 2021
Hi guys,

what's the best to fill up the 2 slots in the IK maul?
I had so far 2 very "old school" perfect skulls for life and mana leech
Now it looks like i don't need them anymore (i reached 5 pieces of the set)
Is the attack speed from Shael working on Whirlwind?

You need 2 sheals to reach last ww breakpoint
ias only works in weapons for ww
2 ias jewels are enough to reach the breakpoint, so you can get some other mods if you have any lying around.
I prefer to use my IAS jewels elsewhere (at least the plain ones), like in in Griswold's armor, for medium-level mercs, respectively until I have enough Lem runes to provide them all with Treachery armors. It has a +20 str bonus which is helpful for wearing elite polearms a bit earlier... or even more so with 3 pamethysts for a +50 str bonus, for the sake of completeness!
Estimated market value