[2007] The Twelve Days of Christmas Tourney [by maxicek]

Jan 3, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Please do NOT post in this thread yet. We still need to migrate all posts from the old thread on diabloii.net to this thread. If you want to help, feel free to do so :)

This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by @maxicek on Nov 15, 2007. The last post was made Jan 8, 2008.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)

The Twelve Days of Christmas Tourney

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Diablo sent to me
Twelve Necro's Wands
Eleven pipers piping
Ten lords frenzying
Nine rogues fighting
Eight barbs a-bashing
Seven Gloams a-blasting
Six useless charms
Five golden rings
Four Oblivion Knights
Three TC3s
Two Twin Uniques
And a treasure class 87

This tournament is a cross between the Scavenger Hunt and Art Exhibition tourneys. Thanks to Atil for his help with some of the ideas for the tasks.

I have tried to make it so that there is something for everyone - If you are doing MF runs or questing, you should be able to complete tasks as you go.

The Rules
1. Any new or existing character can compete. Any version, any difficulty, HC, SC, vanilla, RRM, RWM.
2. All pictures / items must be taken / found within the tournament period.
3. Items found / pictures taken as part of other Tourneys may be used, eg. Mephathon, Pindlethon, Lifeless etc.
4. Items found / pictures taken whilst MPing do not count.
5. Tasks may be completed at any difficulty setting, but most of the picture tasks score higher in Hell.
6. You must complete a minimum of three tasks to qualify.

Time frame
- Tournament starts immediately (get that Christmas shopping done early!)
- It finishes on the 12th Day of Christmas, Midnight GMT on Saturday 5th January 2008.
- Results must be posted in this thread by Midnight on Sunday 13th Jan. I suggest Imageshack for hosting images.

What to Do
Complete each of the twelve gifts below. Points are given for each task. Put your points into the table, the winner is the person with the highest overall total. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the person with the most task wins.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Diablo sent to me

Twelve Necro's Wands

There are twelve different Necro wands, from normal to unique. Find one of each, they can be any type - set, unique, magic, rare or normal.

Eleven pipers piping
The pipers in question are the little Fetishes with blow pipes in Act 3 or the WSK. Take a picture of at least 11 Fetishes on screen. Bonus points for Uniques or Champions.

Ten lords frenzying
Take a picture of each of the Vampire and Blood Lord classes. They are: Banished, Ghoul Lord, Night Lord, Dark Lord, Blood Lord, Moon Lord, Hell Lord, Death Lord. Add in Infector of Souls (Chaos Sanctuary, Venom Lord) and Ventar the Unholy (Baal Minion, Venom Lord) and that makes 10.

Nine rogues fighting
Nine corrupted rogues on the screen at the same time. Can be a mix between archers and melee. Yes the Countess does count as one.

Eight barbs a-bashing
Round up the barbs. Get a screenshot of 8 of the A5 barbs on the screen at the same time.

Seven Gloams a-blasting
7 Gloams on the screen at the same time. Better pack that T-Gods.

Six useless charms
Find charms six different +1 charms, with no secondary mods - Strength, Mana, Dexterity, Defence, Min damage, Max Damage.

Five golden rings
Find five different unique rings, eg. Nagelring, Dwarfstar, Carrion Wind, Ravenfrost & Manald Heal. Two Nagelrings don't count.

Four Oblivion Knights
Everyones favourite foe, you have to take a screenshot of four OKs on the screen at the same time. And no other monsters. Extra points if the OKs are Unique / Champions, and even more points if you do it with a melee char and have IM swirlies on your head in the picture.

Three TC3s
Find three different Set / Unique TC3s. Each of Bane Ash, Torch of Iro and Knell Striker count double points, extra bonus if you collect all 3 caps.

Two Twin Uniques
Seven item types in the game have a second unique. Find one pair. Possible pairs are:
- Lightsabre & Azurewrath
- Schaefer's Hammer & Stone Crusher
- Tyrael's Might & Templar's Might
- The Cranium Basher & Earthshifter
- Veil of Steel & Nightwing's Veil
- Horizon's Tornado & Stormlash
- Heaven's Light & The Reedeemer

And a treasure class 87
Almost as unusual as a partridge in a pear tree, our final item is a TC87. Green will do, but Gold is obviously preferred. If your pair above includes a TC87, you can't use it for this task too.


General Notes on Scoring
- You score nothing if you don't complete the task
eg. You have to get at least seven gloams to score in number 7.

- If you have more that the quantity required, only count the quantity required. The best ones count.
eg. You have 15 Fetishes including a Unique, but only need 11. Count the Unique and 10 normals.

- You can't count an item in multiple categories.
eg. If you find a Tyrael's Might, you cant use it for numbers 1 and 2.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Diablo sent to me

Twelve Necro's Wands

White / Grey / Magic - 0.5 points
Rare - 1 point
Set - 1 point
Unique - 2 points.
Add up the total & round up any half points.

Eleven pipers piping
Normal Fetish - 1 point each
Champions - 3 points
Uniques - 8 points
- They must be the ones with the blowpipes.
- If the picture is taken on NM or Normal difficulty, each Flayer only counts for one point regardless of if they are unique, champion or normal.

Ten lords frenzying
Normal (Banished, Ghoul Lord, Night Lord, Dark Lord, Blood Lord, Moon Lord, Hell Lord, Death Lord) - 1 point each
Champions - 2 point
Uniques - 3 points
Infector of Souls & Ventar the Unholy - 3 points each

Nine rogues fighting
Normal Rogue - 1 point each
Champions - 3 points
Uniques (other than The Countess) - 10 points
The Countess - 6 points
- If the picture is taken on NM or Normal difficulty, each Rogue only counts for one point regardless of if they are unique, champion or normal.

Eight barbs a-bashing
Each Barb - 2 points
Basically this task is 16 points or nothing
Can be done on any difficulty.

Seven Gloams a-blasting
Normal Gloam - 2 points each
Champions - 4 points
Uniques - 8 points
- If the picture is taken on NM or Normal difficulty, each Gloam only counts for one point regardless of if they are unique, champion or normal.

Six useless charms
Each Charm - 4 points.
You have to find six charms, so it is 24 points or nothing.

Five golden rings
Nagelring - 1 point
Manald Heal - 1 point
The Stone of Jordan - 6 points
Dwarf Star - 2 points
Raven Frost - 2 points
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - 6 points
Carrion Wind - 4 points
Nature's Peace - 4 points
Wisp Projector -6 points

Four Oblivion Knights
Each OKs - 2 point
Each Champion - 3 points
Unique OK - 6 points
Melee Char with IM swirlies - 10 points
e.g. Melee with IM, Unique OK, 2x Champions + 1 normal OK = 10+6+3+3+2 = 24 points
- If the picture is taken on NM or Normal difficulty, each OK only counts for one point regardless of if they are unique, champion or normal.

Three TC3s
Set TC3s - 2 points each
Bane Ash, Torch of Iro or Knell Striker - 5 points each
Other Unique TC3s - 3 points each
Flush of Caps (Biggin's Bonnet, Sander's Paragon & Infernal Cranium) - 20 points

Two Twin Uniques
Lightsabre & Azurewrath - 10 points
Schaefer's Hammer & Stone Crusher - 20 points
Tyrael's Might & Templar's Might - 30 points
The Cranium Basher & Earthshifter - 20 points
Veil of Steel & Nightwing's Veil - 10 points
Horizon's Tornado & Stormlash - 20 points
Heaven's Light & The Reedeemer- 10 points

And a treasure class 87
Tyrael's Might - 30 points
Darkforce Spawn, Astreon's Iron Ward, Mang Song's Lesson or Death's Fathom - 20 points
Any other Unique TC87 - 10 points
Any Set TC87 - 5 points

Maximum scores in the table below are based on one unique, three champions and the rest of the monsters being normal for picture tasks. In this case it could theoretically be possible to exceed the maximum score,
Estimated market value