[2005] Survivor Tourney II [by Cattleya]

Jan 3, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Please do NOT post in this thread yet. We still need to migrate all posts from the old thread on diabloii.net to this thread. If you want to help, feel free to do so :)

To migrate a post, use the "multi-quote" function in the original thread for all posts of one page, insert the quotes, then copy and paste the text into this thread and insert quotes from original posts (i.e. quoted quotes) manually. Take a look at the latest post in this thread to see how migrated posts should look like. Once all posts from this thread have been migrated, the disclaimer will be removed and the thread open to new posts.

This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by Gaz on Mar 6, 2005. The last post was made Jul 11, 2005.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)

Survivor Tourney II -- Progress Thread

Well, its Monday for some forumites, so its time to kick this off. All players may start, regardless of timezone. Like last time, new participants may join as long as there are still people alive who have not defeated normal Andarial.

Forum Member     Character          Class + Build     Cursed   W1/W2
Act I
Hrus             Atlanta            As Furysin        None     1-H/2-H        
SuperSavage                                           None          
Bull(R)                             P  Frost Zealot/  None     1-H/1-H     
azn_apocalypse                      P  Frost Zealot   None     1-H/1-H     
ricrestoni       Starshot           Am Bowazon        None     2-H/?     
isengart         Penguin_Peter      P  Frost Zealot   None
barren                              N                 None        
shermo                              S  FB/Orb         None          
Snuva                               As C/C MA         None     2-H/?     
DX-Crawler       Venomous_Ploppy    N  Venomancer     None
tenaka           LargeMarge         Am Spearazon      None     2-H/2-H
stupidgreen      KarrdeShark        As                None     2-H/1-H
Gabriel74        Bleached           N  Bonemancer     None     1-H/1-H

The Survivor Tourney II - Rules
Tourney start - Monday, March 7th, midnight

I. Basics:

A. This is a Single Player HC Tourney. All participants must create new characters.

B. Your tourney character can use ATMA for an extended stash. Muling items onto your character from other chars, trading with other players (with the exception of challenges, explained later) and duping items are not allowed.

C. Any players setting is allowed, and you may change it at any time.

D. You can run areas as many times as you like. However, you may only kill Act Bosses 3 times.

E. All quests are optional. The only monsters you have to kill are Act Bosses; all other monsters can be ignored. You do not need to collect all of the WPs.

F. The finish line for the tourney is killing NM Baal.

G. You must update your character every once in awhile, within a reasonable amount of time. Not posting a char update (or some reason why you haven't been able to play) for two consecutive weeks = dead.

H. No Save and Exit to escape death.

II. Classes/Builds:
You may freely choose which class and build to play. However, the following classes will have restrictions on them.

A. Necromancer
  1. Skellys are NOT allowed. Revives are allowed.
B. Sorceress
  1. All builds of sorcs are allowed
  2. Sorcs may only place ONE stat point in vitality each time they level up.
C. Paladin
  1. Hammerdins are banned (may only place one point in B Hammer, as prerequisite)
D. Druid
  1. Elemental druids are banned (you may place points in elemental skills, but for synergy purposes only. Don't use them in combat.)
E. Assassin
  1. Trapsins may not place any points in vitality. A Trapsin is defined as any Assassin who places points in the Traps tree with the following exceptions: 1 point may be placed in Fire Blast, Wake of Fire, and Blade Sentinel. Unlimited points may be placed in Blade Fury.
E. Amazon
  1. Javazons are limited to 1/vit per level. A Javazon is defined as an Amazon that places more than one point in poison javelin and lightning bolt or any points in plague javelin or lightning fury.

III. Scoring:

A. You receive (100-clvl) points upon completing an act. Your challenge score is your cumulative score (including the current act score) + the current act score. The moderator will calculate scores based on the player's level. (In other words, the challenge score is the cumulative score with the current act being counted double.)

B. Example
Act  Level  Act Score  Cumulative Score  Challenge Score
1    20     80         80                160
2    28     72         152               224
3    34     66         218               284
IV. Challenges

A. When you complete an Act by killing an Act Boss, you must complete a challenge before you start the next Act. You can go to the next Act's town if you want, but you may not leave the town before your challenge is complete.

B. Challenges work like this. Whenever you complete an Act, e-mail the tourney moderator (me) at d* at * dot com with BOTH your level as well as your total experience right after killing the Act boss. Also send a full ATMA dump of your best items. The easiest way to do this is to place your best items on the character (or in their inventory/stash) and do a full ATMA dump for the character. This dump will include the stats on the items as well as the character stats (like level and experience.) Now you must wait until another person completes the same Act.

C. The next player after you to complete the same Act and e-mail me their level/exp pts becomes your opponent in the challenge. The challenge process is, I will compare the scores between you and your opponent to see which one is higher. The player with the higher score is the winner of the challenge, and the player with the lower score is the loser. The exp points earned shall be used as a tiebreaker, only if your scores are the same.

D. Based on the results of the challenge, the winner and loser will SWAP items in the following manner:
  1. The winner CHOOSES an item from his stash, his merc, or his character, to give to the loser or his merc. This item will be considered “cursed,†and the loser (or the loser's merc) will then be forced to wear the cursed item for the rest of the tourney, except in case (3). Donation of terrible, practically useless items is encouraged (but not required). The restrictions on winner's donations are the following:
    • The donated item must be wearable, by the loser's character or his merc.
    • The donated item must not be a weapon. Players must state before their Act I challenge what type of weapon the will use both as a primary weapon and on weapon switch. The options are as follows:
      • 2-handed (dual wield, two handed weapons, bows) If this is chosen, the player may never equip a shield in that weapon switch.
      • 1-handed weapon. Players may use two handed weapons as long a cursed item does not prevent it's use (i.e. a cursed shield.)
      • Boots (Kicksin) -- Weapon switch does not apply, all weapon slots can be cursed.
      • Shield (Smitadin)
    • Any other spots not taken up by the weapon as defined above may be cursed.
    • If you are cursed with an item in the weapon/shield slot, the cursed item must always be worn on the main weapon switch used to do most of the killing. (Exception: players who use 2-handed as their main and 1-handed on switch can still use the 2-handed weapon as their main weapon.)
    • The donated item must be magic, rare, set, unique, or runeworded.
    • Donating ethereal items (even broken ones) is OK (and great fun!).
    • You may NOT shop NPCs specifically for items to donate. The donated item must be something you either: 1) picked up from the ground (feel free to do Blood Moor runs) 2) bought from an NPC and used yourself until you found something better, or 3) had cursed on you by losing a previous challenge.
  2. The loser will donate the BEST item from his stash, merc, or character to the winner. The best item is the one that would be most useful to the winner. The moderator will decide which item is given by the loser, based on the ATMA readout sent when the act is completed. The item can be a charm or whatever; it need not be wearable. It can also be the loser's/merc's weapon, if the winner/merc would find it useful. There is no restriction on how the winner uses this gift item.
  3. If you lose a challenge, receive a cursed item, and later end up as the winner of another challenge (having worn the cursed item throughout), you can get rid of the cursed item by donating it to the loser/merc of the second challenge. Now the new loser/merc must wear it (and continue to do so).
  4. If a player loses multiple challenges, a new item slot must be cursed each time the player loses a challenge. The next item donated to the player must be something other than a pair of gloves, and going into Act 3 the player must wear BOTH cursed items.
E. After the challenge takes place and items have been exchanged, the two players can move on to the next Act (with their new equipment).

F. In the EXTREMELY unlikely case of a tie there will be no exchange of items, and the two players will just move on to the next Act.

G. Cursed items may not be altered in any way. This means no cubing, crafting, or socketing of cursed items. You would have to take off the item anyway to alter it so this is not allowed.

H. Odd Numbers of Players
  1. If there is an odd number of players, then the last three people to complete the act will have a three-way challenge instead of a two-way challenge.
  2. For a three-way challenge, there will be one winner and two losers. The winner will donate a cursed item to each of the losers. The winner will only receive ONE prize item, however. It will be the best item out of the two losers' stashes. This means that one of the losers will not have to give anything up from their stash (but they will be penalized because they will receive a cursed item).
  3. If there are only two people remaining behind in an Act and one of them is killed, then the remaining person, once they complete the Act, will not have to complete a challenge. They will just move on to the next Act.

V. What is Secret/Not Secret Information

A. The LEVEL and SCORE of your character should remain a secret to the rest of the players. (Only the tourney moderator will know this information). Don't reveal your level upon death.I know it is tempting, but it may allow players to estimate the progress of surviving players. I will post all of the level/challenge info at the end of the tournament for the curious.
B. The CLASS and BUILD of your character will be public information, disclosed when you sign up for the tourney. After you start the game, your LOCATION in the game will also be public information for your updates.
C. The results of all challenges are also public. After you complete a challenge, please post whether you won/lost, and what item you received/gave up as a result.
D. Also, your cursed item slots should be public information. That way if you lose future challenges, players will know what item slots are available for them to curse.
E. Other information about your character may be revealed at the player’s discretion.

Updates should be in the following format:

Character Name
Class: character class/build (i.e. amazon/LF zon)
Weapon: main/switch (i.e. 1-handed/2-handed)
Cursed Items: cursed slots (i.e. 1 ring, shield, armor)
Location: last area visited
Merc: current merc being used

VI. Determining an Overall Winner

A. The winner of the tourney is the person who advances the farthest without dying, NOT the person who has the highest score.
B. In the event that players advance to exactly the same spot, the player with the higher score will be considered the winner.

VII. Prizes

A. After the tourney is complete, everyone except the winner will send in TWO good items from their inventory to make a prize stash. I am doing this so participants can keep some of what they found. Use your judgement here, on what is a good item. As someone (I believe Exarkun) stated in another tourney, an El rune is NOT a sufficiently good item. Players who die early can send in chippies.
B. The winner will receive the contents of the prize stash.
Last edited:
Note: These are posts #3-20 from the original thread.

Let me be the first to update. LargeMarge has killed Andy.

Class: Amazon/Spearazon
Weapon: 2h/2h
Cursed Items: none
Location: Lut Gholein
Merc: Act II Defiance

So, who wants to challenge me?
tenaka said:
So, who wants to challenge me?
I'll take up that offer.

My pally, XMinusOne, has killed Andy as well. I would say that the process of getting to her was scarier than the actual fight itself.

Class: Frost Zealot
Weapon: 1h/1h
Cursed Items: none
Location: Lut Gholein
Merc: Act II (Blessed Aim? still haven't decided)

EDIT: Challenge e-mail sent, awaiting results
[highlight]Act 1 Challenge[/highlight]
Tenaka vs. azn_apocalypse

Winner: azn_apocalypse (Frost Zealot)
Loser: Tenaka (Spearazon)

azn, you get to curse an item on Tenaka.
Tenaka, azn gets this charm:

Russet Small Charm
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 10
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 11
Fingerprint: 0xdd8e6dc7
Fire Resist +7%
Cattleya said:
Russet Small Charm
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 10
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 11
Fingerprint: 0xdd8e6dc7
Fire Resist +7%
Sweet! Fire resistance is definitely something I need.

I have decided to curse this lovely item:

Cap of Light
Defense: 4
Durability: 11 of 12
Required Level: 4
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 11
Fingerprint: 0x31172a24
+15 to Attack Rating
+1 to Light Radius

Send the charm to a**@**.com and I'll respond with the...gift.
Class: Assassin
Skill Trees: Martial Arts/Shadow
Weapon: Main - 1 hand/shield
Cursed Items: None
Location: Rogue Encampment
Merc: None

My information on character... etc. Will update later.
Stash sent and a rules question. Since I was cursed with a head item do I get to pick whether it goes on me or my merc, or does he? I assume if he picks if goes on my head.
tenaka said:
Stash sent and a rules question. Since I was cursed with a head item do I get to pick whether it goes on me or my merc, or does he? I assume if he picks if goes on my head.
Pending a response from Cattleya, just to clarify, the cap was meant for your zon and not for your merc. I'll be sure to specify next time.
Class: Assassin
Skill Trees: Martial Arts/Shadow
Weapon: Main - 1 hand/shield
Cursed Items: None
Location: Stony Field
Merc: Act I Rogue Fire

Killed Rakinishu and got WP.
And...I'm the first one to die.

Things were actually going pretty well for XMinusOne...he had killed Radament and had just stepped out into the desert when he encountered a FE Beetle Boss pack just outside the city gates.

I killed all of them, but got caught in the boss's death explosion...which released lightning bolts as well as the normal FE blast. I think the lightning bolts of FE beetle bosses are FE as well?

Apparently, I have a lot to learn about taking HC characters through Act 2 Normal. RIP XMinusOne. You will be missed.
Well, it looks like I am the second. Tried to get too far killing too little. Karrde died in the Underground passage. Her deeds probably won't be remembered, as all she ever talked to was Akara, Wariv and Charsi.

Are there restarts as long as people are in act 1?
rules question:
do cursed item slots open up again if the competitor that has cursed them dies or is a cursed item cursed for all time or until I can pass it on?


RIP azn and stupidgreen
@stupidgreen: no restart

@isengart: it's cursed forever (or unless you win next challenge)

@Cattleya: Atlanta will go 1H/shield + 1h/shield on switch too.

I will try to play this night.

EDIT: RIP azn, stupidgreen. It's not so easy going low level isn't it?
RIP Azn and stupidgreen.
tenaka said:
Stash sent and a rules question. Since I was cursed with a head item do I get to pick whether it goes on me or my merc, or does he? I assume if he picks if goes on my head.
The person doing the cursing gets to pick.
Hrus said:
@stupidgreen: no restart

@isengart: it's cursed forever (or unless you win next challenge)
Hrus is right on both of these. I'm sure there will be a round 3 eventually for those who need to do some avenging. As for cursed items, you are stuck with them until you can curse them onto another player. (Winning a challenge won't always allow you to get rid of a cursed item. I remember one challenge last time where both players had cursed belts going into the challenge.)

Thats what I figured, just thought I'd ask rather than screw myself unnecessarily. So no one curse anyone else with a helm, mmkay? :D
I am still trying to figure out how someone got to Andy at level 7!! Guess I will need to avenge him. Looks like I'll be playing a pally.
stupidgreen said:
I am still trying to figure out how someone got to Andy at level 7!! Guess I will need to avenge him. Looks like I'll be playing a pally.
Shh. There are no levels :eek: Anyway you can get "to" her at lvl 1. Killing her is another matter.
stupidgreen said:
I am still trying to figure out how someone got to Andy at level 7!! Guess I will need to avenge him. Looks like I'll be playing a pally.
Last tourney I got there at 8, and it was pretty easy. I had a poison creeper to distract Andy, and I just shot her full of arrows. Antidote potions are your friend!

I think beating Duriel at lower levels is more difficult, myself...
tenaka said:
Shh. There are no levels :eek: Anyway you can get "to" her at lvl 1. Killing her is another matter.
That's what I thought too (that getting to her would be easy), but wouldn't you know it, the game spawned me a NASTY LE Tainted boss pack on Catacombs Lvl 4, near the entrance. Merc died almost immediately, and kept dying. Killing those guys was more dangerous than the Andariel fight itself.
Estimated market value