
  1. S

    [SC] [ISO] PC ISO Eth. Thresher 4 sockets / offering Vex or more

    Hello everyone, looking for an etheral Thresher with 4 sockets, full or emtpy does not matter Offering at least Vex for it. If it has enhanced damage surely more just name your price :cool:
  2. W

    [NL] [SC] [FT] [FS] PC Switch 4OS Eth Thresher FT

    four open socket ethereal thresher for trade can do switch or pc ❤️
  3. Freak King

    [NL] [SC] PC 0s 15ed eth thresher

    Superior, 15 Enhanced Damage and Ethereal Thresher - No sockets Make an offer. This item is superior and cannot be "cubed" to add sockets. 5 sockets can be added via Larzuk.
Estimated market value