
  1. H

    PC on ETH Stormlash

    Not to sure what an ETH, high ED is worth. Any suggestions?
  2. SKunKKi

    [SC] PC N Stormlash O Pul?

    Can pay more depending on ED. Thanks.
  3. W

    [SC] [FT] PC Short Sell List + Buying Stormlash

    Selling Titan's Revenge (196% ED, 7% LL) Mavina Belt Marrowwalk Snakecord Belt Undead Crown Sazabi Armor (Balrog Skin Set Armor) 4 OS Monarch 4/5/6 OS Phase Blade White Monarch Buying Stormlash Willing to offer Mal+ for Stormlash and accepting Buy offers in Runes/Gems.
Estimated market value