large charm

  1. Freak King

    PC on a couple of charms

    Much appreciated! And sorry for the long list. SC 3frw 10Psnres SC 3frw 14Mana SC 3frw 17Mana (2x) SC 3frw 26Def SC 11Psnres 7gf SC 11Psnres SC 11Coldres (2x) SC 17Life - 13Mana SC 17Mana SC 22Def-20Life SC 26Def-20Life SC 28Def SC 30Def GC 9maxd 58ar GC 84def 24gf GC 118ar 6str GC 130ar19L GC...
  2. Freak King

    [NL] [SC] PC For trade - Several skillers and charms

    Thanks for checking out this post! Ill trade the items below for runes, make an offer. SC 17Life - 13Mana SC 22Def-20Life SC 26Def-20Life GC 130ar19L 1 Masteries +12FHR 1 Masteries +6-11 cold damage 2 Shadow lc 5 maxdmg/42ar/6psn dmg in 3s lc 6 maxdmg/21ar/4str sc 11 cold/15 psn dmg in 4s...
Estimated market value