Stream your D2 gameplay!

Twitch is being buggy. I tried to highlight when I had an heart attack:




When Nulio finds godly item:

When Gripphon finds godly item:



It's been like 2 weeks. Let's see how long I can bother to run trav tonight

edit: down. 2x qualifying runes (finally) and a 1.07 saracen's!!!

Now if only I could roll one with the prismatic recipe ;)
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Should I continue to 1.07 RFO or just stop? (what were the runes? :p)
Time for some more 1.07 council. Maybe a cham will drop!?

edit: down Did some council runs and then burned about 600 items in my crafting stash and mostly all I got for it was ~4 more cathan's with cres/fres
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Can't sleeeeep, time for council/crafting as usual+

edit: stream kept messing up for some reason. Found another SoE...
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crafting prismatic amulets with ~1k pgems

edit: down. long stream, some sexy crafts
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Wow! Two skillers in a row!
Nice set there with 3 skillers in same set!

(nice cube micro btw)


Re-lol-ing skillers was something new to me!
(unless it the hexy once maybe)


All the skulls make that sound :)


sorry for talking about the hex one


Didn´t see if the one you don´t know if you saw what it was where something either, I was typing at that point.


Curse rerolled into curse must be a sign, maybe throw that charm away and start rolling another one.


The skillers keep rolling up! Are the odds for them being rolled better in 1.13 than in 1.12?


3 H(S)exy in total now, Nice pause pause before rerolling the 3rd hex skiller as a hint of it becoming another hex skiller again!


Thanx for the show, I have had a meh day, but this made it shine!
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Thanks for watching!

Hehe I meant if in every game dropping skulls make that sound ^^ It's a funny sound for me.

I'm pretty sure it was probably nothing, if it was good an alarm would have sounded in my head.

The odds are the same in 1.13 as in 1.12. From my experience it's easy to get them if you spend really big amounts of perfect gems, only possible with trading or intensive farming. It's when you specifically look for a certain skiller that they don't show up :p

Yes! I was really "afraid" of getting another curse one. Especially with high life! It doesn't chance anything but when I get a nice modded crappy skiller I always wonder if I didn't just lose a great skiller :p

Stream down. Highlights:

- 35 life java skiller
- 23 life elemental skiller
- 33 life martial skiller

- 44 life 55 mana
- 41 life 30lr
- 40 life 53 mana
- 39 life 57 mana
- 33 life 55 mana ( many of these)
- 21 life necro summon skiller
Hehe I meant if in every game dropping skulls make that sound ^^ It's a funny sound for me.

I understand your point, couldn´t help myself tring for an obvoius joke

I'm pretty sure it was probably nothing, if it was good an alarm would have sounded in my head.

Me to

Yes! I was really "afraid" of getting another curse one. Especially with high life! It doesn't chance anything but when I get a nice modded crappy skiller I always wonder if I didn't just lose a great skiller :p
Yä and like how many plain skillers will it take until I get one modded again!

The odds are the same in 1.13 as in 1.12. From my experience it's easy to get them if you spend really big amounts of perfect gems, only possible with trading or intensive farming. It's when you specifically look for a certain skiller that they don't show up :p
I did 650 rolls when doing 10 k lk runs back in 1.12 (2008) got some 30 skillers then, How many skillers do you think you got here?
Hard to say since I rerolled some. I did 537 rolls total and kept 10 skillers in HC and 6 in SC. I remember rerolling at least five, so I'd say we had similar results.
1.07 council/crafting.. lvl 92 now :D

edit: down. nothing interesting found
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Estimated market value