OT: Workout and Diet Log

I'm ill, so apologies if I sniff a lot during the videos today^^ I'm actually taking a few days off for recovery, I'm over done it a bit recently. Lat pull downs and seated cable rows were also supposed to be done, but I had to stop unfortunately.






Kitteh, do you mind if I siphon off a teeny bit of your energy to ride my stationery bike every day for 10mins? I'm supposed to be doing that to treat my poor arthritic joints so the muscles are stronger to protect them but it's so hard to bring myself to do it ... so I'll piggy back off your energy if you can spare it! It's such a small and simple thing and yet I just won't do it. So I will try!
I'll check out the calculator, thanks!

I figured p90x2 isn't good for weight gain, with so much balance with light weight exercises. I'm a bit hamstrung because I only have 2 small dumbbell sets that max at 20 lbs and some 8 lb dumbbells. It pretty much leaves my major muscle groups to body weight work.
Totally unfamiliar with powerbags! I think I see what you are talking about after a quick google search. Are they large? Space is a bit of a premium in our apartment.
I'll check them out. I am shooting to finish this go of p90x2 in 10 weeks. By then I hope to have an alternative to break it up a bit and gain a few kgs.
How are you feeling today? I hope Briony is bringing you chicken noodle soup and fluffing your pillows. A sick man requires special care!
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been pretty busy this week. Below are the recorded exercises (as always, some weren't recorded due to other people being inconsiderate and being around at the time) for a push day and leg day. Date of workouts; some point since my last updated workout. Today was pull but I was rushed for time so I recorded nothing. I won't be doing drop sets on my flat bench for a while because I want to pick up the pace a bit with mass.










Sorry for not updating. I actually haven't recorded anything in my last 3 sessions due to time constraints, but I definitely will tomorrow :) Pull day tomorrow!

I'll be doing rack pulls, which I don't think I've posted before. Plus some basic bicep DB curls, which I normally don't do. I've also changed from an EZ bar to a barbell for my shoulder presses.
Today was a pull day. The only real changes were that I did my bicep curls sat down and I've changed my t-bar row form to a slightly more parallel version. I've recently found lactofree cheese, yoghurt and spread in my local Tescos, so I'm pretty chuffed :)
My form was off today during my BO BB rows, fixed it in the end though.






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