The Diablo 2 Wiki
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From Diablo 2 Wiki
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The Amazon has a full skill tree devoted to Spear and Javelin skills, and her Spear and Javelin Skill Tab makes her powerful with spears, though spearazons and javazons lag behind Bowazons in overall success, due mostly to the lack of quality spear or javelin skills. Still, using a good spear with 1 point in Jab is a very good way to get a new Bowazon going, and with a decent Pike and some mana leech, any Amazon can power through normal difficulty very quickly.

Though spears and javelins are in the same weapon class, they are very different types of weapons. Javelins are throwing weapons, held one-handed, and are non-magical and non-socketable. Spears are larger, heavier, and are melee weapons which must be wielded with two hands, and may be socketable, or have a full range of magical modifiers.

Their striking speed is not as fast as smaller weapons such as swords or blunts, but they are not so slow as the massive axes or polearms, and will not have very high strength or dexterity requirements, making them useful weapons for every character class.

Larger and heavier than javelins, spears are melee weapons that do far higher damage than javelins, but can not be thrown. Spears are stabbed with from the side, and have excellent reach, able to hit monsters on the other side of a friendly player, or to stab a monster while it is still too far away to strike you.

All spears require two hands to wield them.

The Amazon can only use the melee skills from her Spear and Javelin Skill Tab with spears; the javelin/throwing skills are inaccessible while wielding this item type. The Barbarian's Spear Mastery boosts his damage and Attack Rating with spears, and he can of course use his Combat Skills such as Bash or Frenzy or Whirlwind for still higher damage.