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Wyatt Reiterates Multiple Diablo Titles in the Works

Blizzard’s Diablo team come back to the stage after the Diablo Immortal announcement fallout to reassure fans.

With this year’s BlizzCon coming to a close, Diablo fans have had time to digest the announcement and Blizzard were very keen to point out what they have already told fans.

As soon as the Diablo Immortal Q&A kicked off, Wyatt Cheng immediately reiterated to the audience that there are “multiple Diablo titles” in the works. Diablo Immortal is just one of these. The video can be watched on the BlizzCon site.

I think we can all agree that Blizzard didn’t handle the timing of this mobile reveal particularly well. However, as long as fans are prepared to wait, and Diablo players are experts at that now, something worthwhile will likely appear. Question is, are you prepared to wait?