BlizzCon 2020
BlizzCon Diablo Schedule
BlizzCon is now only a week away and Blizzard has now released their presentation schedule for Diablo which spans the two days.
BlizzCon 2021 Incoming – Diablo Expectations
Last year’s BlizzCon was shunted to this month making it BlizzCon 2021 and its online-only thanks to the pandemic. It’s a couple of weeks out so what can we hope for this year?
BlizzConline will be free next year says Brack in Fireside Chat
BlizzCon was canceled this year with an online version called BlizzConline coming next February so it’s great to see Blizzard deciding to make it free next year.
BlizzCon 2020 has Been Cancelled
BlizzCon was up in the air due to COVID-19 and lockdowns around the world. Although it would not be until later this year, Blizzard needed time to prepare the event. Today an official statement was released announcing its cancellation.
Blizzard Unsure About BlizzCon 2020 Due to COVID-19
This year we’ve seen plenty of event cancellations thanks to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). BlizzCon doesn’t take place until later this year and Blizzard is unsure what will happen according to the latest new update.