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Diablo 4

Poll: Are you happy with the Diablo 4 art direction?

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Following the latest developer update, are you happy with the Diablo 4 art direction? Vote now.

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How they modelled Diablo 4's “By Three They Come” cinematic

How they modelled Diablo 4’s “By Three They Come” cinematic

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Over on Artstation there’s a great piece on how the team behind the “By Three They Come” created this cinematic. This cinematic was probably one of the best Diablo cinematics we have seen in years. It’s not surprising when you find out how long it took.

More... How they modelled Diablo 4’s “By Three They Come” cinematic
Diablo 4 Art

Blizzard working from home – New Diablo IV art

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Everyone should be self-isolating now as the Coronavirus spreads and Blizzard is no exception. They posted a quick update to say they were still working hard on Diablo IV despite the current situation. While that is not really news, we do have a new piece of concept art.

More... Blizzard working from home – New Diablo IV art
Rod Ferguson Diablo IV

Rod Ferguson Discovers Disturbing Diablo IV Art

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We now have some more confirmation from Rod Ferguson, who recently joined Blizzard and the Diablo IV team, that there are some truly disturbing images of what’s to come.

More... Rod Ferguson Discovers Disturbing Diablo IV Art