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Rod Fergusson clarifies Diablo 4 beta update – Maybe not so soon

Rod says keep calm and carry on. The DIablo 4 beta is not there yet

Diablo 4 beta

Earlier today we reported that the Diablo 4 beta may appear sooner than we expected. However, to dampen the excitement, Rod Fergusson has posted an update clarifying the BattleNet client update.

It appears that there is some internal testing going on at the moment and the client was updated to enable that to happen. Rod states:

Hey all, I’m loving all the energy and excitement about a Diablo IV Beta showing up on but you should know that this is an internal only test. Sorry! We will have more public testing in the future as we continue down the path to shipping in 2023!

I don’t think anyone was expecting a beta test to start tomorrow or even next month, but perhaps a couple of months or so from now. The fact that it’s appeared at all at this point in any form is at least an indicator things are moving internally at Blizzard. It does mean we’re getting closer and I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw the Diablo 4 beta appear for an initial round of public testing sometime between October and December this year for a select few. Much like the Diablo 2 Resurrected beta test.

Blizzard is going to have to test the hell (no pun intended) out of Diablo 4 as it’s quite the departure from the previous games.

To keep up to date with the beta news, you can track updates in the Diablo 4 Beta Buzz section.

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