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No need to reinstall Diablo 4 beta for Server Slam

You did keep those files on your HD right? Whoops!

No need to reinstall Diablo 4 beta for Server Slam

The open and closed beta downloads were around 90Gb so it’s understandable if you have deleted them. Whoops!

If you have the beta still on your HD then well done you. Why? Because the Server Slam test is going to use the same files with a few updates to download when it launches.

If you did delete the previous beta then you’re going to have wait for the download to go live on 10 May and sit through the pain of the download again. Rod Fergusson added this evening:

For the upcoming May 12th Diablo IV Server Slam test, if you still have the Open Beta version installed, it will simply be updated to the right version. No new install required. If you hastily uninstalled the Open Beta then I’m sorry but hey, another weekend!

Sometimes if pays to be slack about cleaning out your HD.

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