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Introducing WraeCast – The Path of Exile 2 Podcast

The team behind The Diablo Podcast bring you WraeCast for all the Path of Exile 2 discussion.


If you’re a regular PureDiablo visitor then you’ll be aware of The Diablo Podcast. With most of us having played PoE over the years, and also jumping into Path of Exile 2, we thought we would expand our podcast/vidcast offerings beyond just The Diablo Podcast. Today the first episode of WraeCast went live.

As most of you know Xanth is at the helm of The Diablo Podcast while I produce it for your consumption on the various platforms. Xanth and I thought it would be fun to expand our offerings into PoE 2 and hence WraeCast was born.

What does this mean for PureDiablo and The Diablo Podcast? Nothing, our focus is here and regular scheduling will continue. However, as we’re also playing PoE 2 and Diablo 4, we wanted somewhere to talk about it and not create a full site because, well, PureDiablo is our baby and requires constant attention.

So where can you find this new podcast/vidcast? You can hit up to get all the subscription links and it’s also joining The Diablo Podcast on our Youtube channel.

Now, hop over and give it a listen/watch. This week, Xanth is joined by Leviathan and ZiggyD for the very first episode.

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