zeal barbarian??


New member
Dec 20, 2009
zeal barbarian??

hey guys :wave:

after i read maareek's awesome thread, especially the zealdin without giving point into zeal something pops out in my mind.

I always thought that zeal is pretty good combat skill and it should fit the barbarian perfectly. Here is my question. When/If i make a Passion sword and use the zeal. Will barb hit with both of his weapons??

If not, can i use a better sword on hitting hand(example: oath, grief) and put the Passion to not used hand?

My last question :) For calculating zeal's ias will both weapons' ias works??

Thanks for the answers guys :thumbup:

sorry for my bad english.
Re: zeal barbarian??

I believe Zeal will always hit with your primary weapon, and not the secondary one. so yeah, you can use something nasty along with Passion, and hit with the nasty one. As far as IAS, it will only count for the primary weapon. Same thing happens when you dual-wield and one of the weapons has things like crushing blow, deadly strike, etc. It will only apply for that weapon.
Re: zeal barbarian??

I believe Zeal will always hit with your primary weapon, and not the secondary one. so yeah, you can use something nasty along with Passion, and hit with the nasty one. As far as IAS, it will only count for the primary weapon. Same thing happens when you dual-wield and one of the weapons has things like crushing blow, deadly strike, etc. It will only apply for that weapon.

Thanks for the answers :)

You should read mareek's zeal barb thread. ;)

I must be blind or sth. :doh: Thanks

Re: zeal barbarian??

...Same thing happens when you dual-wield and one of the weapons has things like crushing blow, deadly strike, etc...

Some mods on one weapon carry over to both weapons when dual-wielding (and others don't, like you said). For the list, have a look at the post by Onderduiker here.

As for the Zealbarb, if you don't already have a good non-Passion in mind for the 2nd weapon, you could also consider going with a 2-handed axe/sword/maul to make Passion in.

And I'll vouch for the idea as a fun melee build.

Re: zeal barbarian??

I must be blind or sth. :doh: Thanks

You know, I thought about pointing you in that direction myself, but you said you got your inspiration from Maarek's Sept. thread, and his zealbarb was a part of that same thread. I was afraid that I would be the one to sound stupid, sending you back to the same place you came from. Sort of like if somebody said, "Hey, I checked the stickies, can somebody tell me about ________" and somebody else responded, "Have you checked the stickies?"

Happy to be all on the same page now. I was baffled by this thread.

Re: zeal barbarian??

Some mods on one weapon carry over to both weapons when dual-wielding (and others don't, like you said). For the list, have a look at the post by Onderduiker here.

As for the Zealbarb, if you don't already have a good non-Passion in mind for the 2nd weapon, you could also consider going with a 2-handed axe/sword/maul to make Passion in.

And I'll vouch for the idea as a fun melee build.

I have Grief and Oath in BA, i think i will go with them. :)

Thanks for the link btw, it is a helpful one. :thumbup:

You know, I thought about pointing you in that direction myself, but you said you got your inspiration from Maarek's Sept. thread, and his zealbarb was a part of that same thread. I was afraid that I would be the one to sound stupid, sending you back to the same place you came from. Sort of like if somebody said, "Hey, I checked the stickies, can somebody tell me about ________" and somebody else responded, "Have you checked the stickies?"

Happy to be all on the same page now. I was baffled by this thread.

I'm the stupid one now. lol.

Well, i see the Zeal Pala and suddenly Zeal Barb come to my mind. I did not read the hole thread after it, just give quick look at them. :D Next time i will read the hole. :D

Re: zeal barbarian??

You know, I thought about pointing you in that direction myself, but you said you got your inspiration from Maarek's Sept. thread, and his zealbarb was a part of that same thread. I was afraid that I would be the one to sound stupid, sending you back to the same place you came from.

I'm a risk taker. :punk:

Well, i see the Zeal Pala and suddenly Zeal Barb come to my mind. I did not read the hole thread after it, just give quick look at them.

That's what I suspected. :jig:

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