You gotta be kidding? Pike Zealot

Sokar Rostau

New member
May 19, 2004
You gotta be kidding? Pike Zealot

I decided to make a pike Pala of some sort (St_Longinus) and thought I should come here to see if there are any guides or at least suggestions for best build. So I did a search for Spire of Honour, Spire of Honor and Spire only to find that in more than 9000 threads in the Pala forum there is not a single mention of this Paladin weapon. Perhaps the search function is broken...

Anyway, I am thinking I will probably just make a Shock Zealot with him using a Spire of Honour and a Steel Piller, upped Hone Sundan or maybe one of the faster weapons like Soulfeast Tine of Viperfork. Any useful suggestions will be appreciated. If I had the fundage I would probably try using a HoJ war pike or something, but that is prohibitively expensive.
Sokar Rostau said:
I decided to make a pike Pala of some sort (St_Longinus) and thought I should come here to see if there are any guides or at least suggestions for best build. So I did a search for Spire of Honour, Spire of Honor and Spire only to find that in more than 9000 threads in the Pala forum there is not a single mention of this Paladin weapon. Perhaps the search function is broken...

Anyway, I am thinking I will probably just make a Shock Zealot with him using a Spire of Honour and a Steel Piller, upped Hone Sundan or maybe one of the faster weapons like Soulfeast Tine of Viperfork. Any useful suggestions will be appreciated. If I had the fundage I would probably try using a HoJ war pike or something, but that is prohibitively expensive.
well there isn't one that why you can't find it but making paly like that i would realy like to see it
since your making shcok paly with pike you need to get item that give ar as well
for my shock paly i do 8k with mace try to get moon or doom (still have low ar 3k ar but still i own few player)
so if you make it good i think you can 10k :scratch:
If you're going to be using a weapon like that with such high base damage, it may be a little better to build it on a standard zealot setup (fanat, sacrifice, zeal). That way you will make the most of the weapon... and you're going to need all the speed help u can get from the fanat :)

Holy shock zealots get most of their damage from the aura itself and perhaps CB so a standard 1H+shield setup will do almost the same damage as you with the pike...

Just a thought...
crescent moon is polearm/axe/sword only.

i think the best choice here would be shaelshaelshael eth upped hone sundan, since it has the autorepair mod and thus doesn't require a zod rune. make a zealot out of that, using holy shock; watch the enemies fizzle and die.

oh, and to make up for the lack of a cmoon, make sure to put on a griffon's socketed with light facet.
All good suggestions (I'm surprised actually, I expected most replies to consist of "joo g3t pwnd wout 3b07d n n1gm4"), thanks for showing some intelligence.

After considering that I already have a Storm Ranger, and that Spire of Honour is rather slow, I was already coming to the conclusion that a standard Zealot would be best suited. So without the need for Holy Shield what should I put those 20 pts into? Resist auras for passive max resists, Blessed Aim for passive AR bonus or something else? And what merc would you suggest, Act 2 Defensive?

Does anyone know why Spire of Honour does not seem to be mentioned anywhere in the Paladin forum? According to my search there isn't even a thread saying how crappy it is. This seriously doesn't make much sense for an item that gives +Paladin skills.
why would you make a shock zealot with a very slow high dmg weapon? would fanaticism not be more beneficial for its use of the weapons base damage and the IAS modifier?

oh, I see this has since been addresed, forget that then

anyhoo, Spire of Honor was big in .08 and the days of buggy dual wielding, but I haven't heard much of it since, being able to use Spire and HoZ was pretty nutty though

in the years since, too many better weapons have come along, I only ever use Spire for mercs, the +combat skills are not enough for me to consider it as a paladin weapon at all except perhaps as a low lvl charger weap
Ash Housewares said:
Spire of Honor was big in .08 and the days of buggy dual wielding, but I haven't heard much of it since, being able to use Spire and HoZ was pretty nutty though

in the years since, too many better weapons have come along

OMFG am I reading this wrong??

Looking again Arioc's Needle is more attractive given I won't need to spend runes to upgrade it and it has +4 All skills as opposed +3 Combat. The only thing Spire still has in it's favour would be the extra Physical damage (at the cost of runes) when upped and the +25% Defence.

Now I gotta try and decide between Hone Sundan and Steel Pillar.
I actually have a pike paladin going now, but he is an angel build instead. let me know how your's turns out.
Sokar Rostau said:
OMFG am I reading this wrong??

Looking again Arioc's Needle is more attractive given I won't need to spend runes to upgrade it and it has +4 All skills as opposed +3 Combat. The only thing Spire still has in it's favour would be the extra Physical damage (at the cost of runes) when upped and the +25% Defence.

Now I gotta try and decide between Hone Sundan and Steel Pillar.

Ariocs still would win out in damage because it has 50% deadly and is much much faster than Steel Pillar.
Sokar Rostau said:
OMFG am I reading this wrong??

Looking again Arioc's Needle is more attractive given I won't need to spend runes to upgrade it and it has +4 All skills as opposed +3 Combat. The only thing Spire still has in it's favour would be the extra Physical damage (at the cost of runes) when upped and the +25% Defence.

Now I gotta try and decide between Hone Sundan and Steel Pillar.

It is clear that this would be the wisest option for the following reasons:

-Arioc's Needle can have up to +4 All Skills
-Arioc's Needle has 50% Deadly Strike (socket with LO for 70%)
-Arioc's Needle has 394 PD over 10 seconds
-Arioc's Needle has ITD (very useful in PvM)
-Arioc's Needle has 30% IAS (with slvl 20 Fana, additional IAS is not needed)
-Arioc's Needle does not need to be upgraded

This is what I would do:

-Shako (CHAM)
-2 x BK Band
-Arioc's Needle (LO)
-5 x Combat GC's (15 res. all)
-5 x Combat GC's (life?)
-9 x 100 PDSC

The only issue is resists...for skills:

-20 Zeal
-20 Fanaticism
-20 Sacrifice
-20 Blessed Aim

Yeeha...I'm going to make one too. Get a big pokey stick and go to work. On switch a wand with charges of lower resist would be super nice...considering the poison damage...or even a Witchwild to remove physical immunities from a distance...I like this!
I play on Asia realm where runes have a real value...I have never seen a legit Cham before (though I have seen people complain that their Chams disappeared hehehe) and am one regular Topaz away from making my first Lo rune which in turn will eventually be a Ber (which will be the main ingredient in my Palazon's CoH). I could trade for these runes but since last season's duping spree I am totally unwilling to do so.

I will not be maxing Blessed Aim (though I might hire that particular Act 2 merc if I feel the need). I will be maxing Zeal, Sacrifice, Fanat, and Redemption so that I have 2 fully synergised attacks. I expect (though I have never seen it so I don't know) that a fully synergised Sacrifice will do more damage than a maxed Impale without the pesky repairs (add DS and CB to that mmmmmm :drool: ).
hi all!
what I really dont understand is:
why a pike? I mean, how can you survive hell as a paladin with a two hd weapon? the range? :scratch:
or is it just for fun? or because you have all the über items needed to make such a build "work"?
Draksen said:
Why a pike?

Zealing with a big pokey stick looks neat. :smile:

Draksen said:
How can you survive hell as a paladin with a two hd weapon? The range?

Surviving hell as a Paladin is much easier than with other classes. Using a long stick to poke out the eyes of your foe from a great distance also increases your survivability. Using a HF merc to slow them down and equipping him with a Reaper's Toll would make survivability more than viable.

Draksen said:
Is it just for fun?

Primarily, yes....

Draksen said:
Or because you have all the über items needed to make such a build "work"?

Again, yes....
just so you know 2 handed zeal is capped at 5 fpa so any ias beyond what is need for 5 frames is useless. at least this is what i have been told.

Draksen- yes you can survive in hell with a two handed paladin. I made a two handed avenger who survives well enough, you just have to rewire yourself for a different type of play. the hf/reapers toll merc with face of horror greatly increases your chances of surviving as it is a very effective means of crowd control. however this would definately not be a hc build, not one i would recommend anyway.

Euro- zealing with a great poleaxe is probably the coolest thing i have ever seen. cuz after all it isn't everyday you get to hit something with a giant axe.
MrGoth said:
I thought you played on closed realms?

I do. Hence the paranthetical enclosing 15 resist all. While obtaining a +skill GC is not all that difficult, obtaining one that has 15 resist or 35+ life on it as well is something that could take quite a long time to acheive...but not impossible.

I have found charms with interesting mods on them:

-1 to Summon (necro)/36 life
-18 life/5 resist all
-20 life/11% resist fire
-20 life/10% resist cold
-18 life/11% resist light

These are not impossible to find...just difficult to find. One piece of advice is re-rolling GC's from Travincal or Baal...or simply running NM cows or Hell High Council until you vomit profusely.
Euro-Crash said:
I do. Hence the paranthetical enclosing 15 resist all. While obtaining a +skill GC is not all that difficult, obtaining one that has 15 resist or 35+ life on it as well is something that could take quite a long time to acheive...but not impossible.

I have found charms with interesting mods on them:

-1 to Summon (necro)/36 life
-18 life/5 resist all
-20 life/11% resist fire
-20 life/10% resist cold
-18 life/11% resist light

These are not impossible to find...just difficult to find. One piece of advice is re-rolling GC's from Travincal or Baal...or simply running NM cows or Hell High Council until you vomit profusely.
A Skill charm with resistance is impossible to find, since + to skills and resistance is both prefixes. The closest you can get to a skill charm with resistance is the anni.

- D.J.

DjSlayer said:
A Skill charm with resistance is impossible to find, since + to skills and resistance is both prefixes. The closest you can get to a skill charm with resistance is the anni.

- D.J.
Estimated market value