Yay or nay on the porkchops?


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Yay or nay on the porkchops?

Hey Blizzard!!! I love you so much I LOL'd so hard. This morning I woke up after a huge night out with my staff and co workers from work, hungover like the kid dangling upside down from Michael Jackson's balcony.

And I came to these forums for the first time in a few days, and I see 1.13 everywhere.

I read the patch change notes ... and I LOL'd

I had to LOL.

Seriously, I'm sorry I spilt the coffee and ruined your carpet mum, but I had to LOL real hard IRL.

Its pathetic. I knew this was going to happen. It is exactly as I envisioned. Blizzard planned this whole thing and made a huge dramatic screenplay out of it, built it up to a giant crescendo to ultimately deliver ... pure trash and disappointment.

If you quit D2 before, stay put. Dont come back for 1.13 or heck, even D3 if you are that tired of the Diablo universe. Nothing new to see here, move along plox...

The new 'uber event' being just a form of respec is a huge letdown, I almost feel kind of 'insulted' that it seems like its purely just something they threw together in 5 minutes using some inhouse editor. And the patch was probably ready for release in April, but they had to hype up fans and make sure they gather all the old timers who might have quit, to come back for one more slice of this now rotten and tasteless pie.

I have been telling everyone this patch is going to be just a massive hype campaign and a dramatic episode to keep players stuck in place for D3. But no one listened :D

Oh wait .... they actually removed Iron Maiden. Good one Blizzard. :thumbup:
Re: Yay or nay on the porkchops?

The Michel Jackson part was great! Although your complaints are true, there are some good parts of 1.13 here and there, but they kind of get drowned out by the silliness of some of their decisions. Idk, maybe it's a psychology experiment they're doing. Maybe they did use darts...
Re: Yay or nay on the porkchops?

Its pathetic. I knew this was going to happen. It is exactly as I envisioned. Blizzard planned this whole thing and made a huge dramatic screenplay out of it, built it up to a giant crescendo to ultimately deliver ... pure trash and disappointment.
Oh wait .... they actually removed Iron Maiden. Good one Blizzard. :thumbup:
The removal of IM makes the patch and the whole game even more pathetic IMHO. It turns the game into a big, mindless cow-running-style game. "Hell" difficulty is reduced to a "slap-them-all" festival.
No possibility to die anymore, no thrill left...

PS: Nilathaks vipers poison cloud is no way to die, because it is easy to avoid.

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