WWsin Questions

John Garrano

New member
Sep 27, 2004
WWsin Questions

Hey guys.

I've recently converted to the world of sins (i had to, sorry) and made my first ever wwsin.
Read a few guides about them and worked with what i had, so here are the stats:

Crown of Ages, 1 socket (unused)
Nats armor, 3 sockets (unused)
Fury and Chaos suwayyah
Nats boots (could change later if i get shadow dancers)
Manald, Ravenfrost, Mara's
1 Shadow skiller, 1 or 2 other sc's (charms are quite expensive and i traded lots of stuff to get my hands on the claws)

Max Claw Mastery
Max Venom
Max Fade
1 pt Dragon Flight, Shadow master, Mind Blast, Blade Fury and Light Sentry from claw (thanks Joa_ix)

About 180 str, 120 dex, base energy and about 230 vit or so...

Now, after this boring description, i want to know what is wrong, since i couldnt hit any1 on a public duel game...

I have about 3.7k AR and if i switch to angelic combo, i'll get about 7k.
Quite far from decent, i could only hit an amazon and a necro and did a lowsy damage at it even tho i have a good OW rate. I know venom still needs to be pumped up, but atm i have no 5-5 facets...
So, what is wrong, or is this AR common in wwsins?

Other question, With fade at about level 27 and 3 anya quest rewards, a mara's 28 and CoA 29 res, why don't i have maxed resists? Do you guys wear resist charms, anni (which i cant afford atm), or should i UM the CoA?

Sorry for the boring post, thanks
3.7 ar is way too small to hit enithing,, i think u are also low lvl,, and 1 very important issue is that u need shadow skillers in inventory or maxar charms.

! ather thing i see that is missing is weapon block(it looks u use chaos + fury?), u need wb pump up ate least to 60% to be efective.

Try using 2* ravens+ higlord for the extra dmg vs casters and angelic vs paladins and barb(i dont think there is a way to kill a good barb with a whw assasin aniway)

Thats all about i think
Thanks for the tip, combatman

I'm level 82 atm, and i do have 60% block
I think the charms will make a difference when i do get them.

Keep it coming
I don't see what your problem is as you use the same gear as me except I use angelic ring/ammy and a raven. Also I use a bramble dusk, and Gore riders.

I can beat nearly everyone I only have trouble with ironbarbs/smiters and some FOHers. Also I use a 5-5 shako not a CoA.
Well i've tried a few duels again, now with gores and i must say it wasnt pretty, I always make funny faces when i die.
The AR is slowly rising as i found another shadow skiller and 3 fine scs.

I believe i've found 2 major problems:
1) Noobness using DF/WW combo;
2) No low grade pvpers out there, some with great skills, others with great purses...

During this, some questions popped up:
Q1:What influences Dragon Flight, fcr or ias?
Q2: I believe i already saw this before somewhere but i'd like to get this clear, what is better, venom or open wounds? (same as asking wether should i use trangs and facets or draculs)
Q3: Is bramble really that good or would i be better off with enigma/chains?
Q4: Is WWsin a caster killer build or a jack of trades for pvp? (I know we can die against all other classes/builds, if the opponent uses his char better)

I await for your replies anxiously
1 - Neither. It is a timered skill that suffers a big delay when you use it. IAS will actually speed up the kick animation, but that really makes no difference with the casting delay.

2 - Well, seeing how you have Chaos and Fury, I would suggest going for Trang's gloves to enhance your Venom damage a bit. Speederlander did a good calculation in another thread to show how powerful Venom can be, but I would definately NOT go for Venom buffing before making sure you have adequeate physical damage, attack rating, and open wounds. (Haha, I just typed "opwn wounds" by accident! :lol: )

3 - Bramble is really overrated IMO. Nat's with 3 poison facets beats it easily, and Enigma and CoH are also much better choices.

4 - It is definately more of a jack of all trades than a dual-claw kicker, but I still think that they are far from the best jack of all trades PvP build out there.
Sorry to be a pain, but what do you mean by making sure i have adequate physical dmg, other than fine small charms there mustnt be many other options to boost the dmg for a fury/chaos wield...

Anyway, thanks for the help, i'll stick to CoH for now :thumbsup:
Well, say, for example, that you decided to sacrifice some gear that added to your attack rating/physical damage and, instead, added to your poison damage. The simple idea is that your Venom isn't doing squat if you can't hit the person. I might have misspoken when I said "physical damage" because a significant portion of your damage will come from Venom, but a good easy way to increase your attack rating AND physical damage is + skills gear (unless WW doesn't gain an AR bonus froms skills - I'm not familiar with it).

Make sense now?
skygoneblue said:
Well, say, for example, that you decided to sacrifice some gear that added to your attack rating/physical damage and, instead, added to your poison damage. The simple idea is that your Venom isn't doing squat if you can't hit the person. I might have misspoken when I said "physical damage" because a significant portion of your damage will come from Venom, but a good easy way to increase your attack rating AND physical damage is + skills gear (unless WW doesn't gain an AR bonus froms skills - I'm not familiar with it).

Make sense now?

WW does get AR bonus, i played Barb alot :)
Got the idea and i'll try to get a few venom pumping claws as well as fine scs which, multiplied by claw mastery and ww should give me some slack for the venom to work.
Once again i'll blame myself for being inexperient with the char and not the build itself, as i've seen some fab wwsins around.

Makes all the sense, thanks loads
IMO, angelics will help you much more than the mara/raven combo against melee.

Also, I'd replace your armor with either an enigma or bramble. Bramble can add a lot of dmg to your venom. Unless you're planning on reworking your build, the str bonus from enigma wont be really helpful (it could save you a bunch of skill pts, which could go into vitality for more life). However, it still gives your some useful mods. However, with your current build, I'd rather have bramble.

For boots, I'd reccomend a nice rare pair. I'd rather have resists than ow from gores, because that much ow is overdoing it IMO.

Good luck with your sin. My ww sin is almost done!
stolisfashizzle8 said:
IMO, angelics will help you much more than the mara/raven combo against melee.

Also, I'd replace your armor with either an enigma or bramble. Bramble can add a lot of dmg to your venom. Unless you're planning on reworking your build, the str bonus from enigma wont be really helpful (it could save you a bunch of skill pts, which could go into vitality for more life). However, it still gives your some useful mods. However, with your current build, I'd rather have bramble.

For boots, I'd reccomend a nice rare pair. I'd rather have resists than ow from gores, because that much ow is overdoing it IMO.

Good luck with your sin. My ww sin is almost done!

My wwsin is done already and i'm starting to kick butt...
If you're on Europe NL i'd like to meet you for a test drive :grrr:

As for angelic combo, i've tried it and honestly dont think my assassin will be able to kill barbs, at least not the ones i've fought and some weren't all that good.

As for enigma over chains of honor, i do know chains isnt the best assassin armor, at least not for this build, but since i've been having no luck getting bramble for chains, i'll stick to chains. Besides, i get all the stacked resists which are great for fohers or cold sorcs.
I'm not wearing enigma in a close future, i think i prefer to lose than surrender to the concept that a good pvp char is an enigma char. Now i would like to try bramble.

Gore riders have been helping since i've replaced draculs for trang gloves and its not easy to get shadow dancers, i'm non ladder. Another factor in favor of gores is the crushing blow and deadly strike, when hitting a 4/4 WW i hope to hit a few of those as well, compensating for the weak phys dmg.

I'm still curious if arach's would or not be better than verdungo, i would like to hear from you guys about it, since fade, coa and coh already add loads of DR.
You won't be able to kill ww barbs, but angelics are needed for conc barbs and paladins.

The great thing about verdungos is that it gives no str or dex meaning you can switch it out for arach when you need fcr. Hitting 65 fcr helps a LOT in certain matchups, and I recommend having a gear switch that lets you hit it. Trangs, arach, 20 fcr circlet, and either a fcr ring or amulet will work.

Q1:What influences Dragon Flight, fcr or ias?
Neither. Against good casters, you will rarely land a DFlight. You can only land one when they are stunlocked, and establishing a stunlock is also hard to do without enigma.

Q2: I believe i already saw this before somewhere but i'd like to get this clear, what is better, venom or open wounds? (same as asking wether should i use trangs and facets or draculs)
Trangs because of the fcr.

Q3: Is bramble really that good or would i be better off with enigma/chains?
Its best to build your assassin around enigma. However, you already have a lot of str so I would keep both an enigma and bramble in stash. If you don't have enough to afford both bramble and enigma, go with enigma. See my post in the other thread about assassin armors, and trust me, despite people disagreeing with me there enigma is the choice for skilled duelers.

Q4: Is WWsin a caster killer build or a jack of trades for pvp? (I know we can die against all other classes/builds, if the opponent uses his char better)
Jack of all trades. As you duel more you will learn the vast potential of a ww sin. There are many different ways to play them vs various classes, and this is why they are effective and fun to play.
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