ww sin question about armor


New member
Oct 6, 2004
ww sin question about armor

i'm wondering if its better to use a 47% psn archon bramble or a dusk enigma on a ww sin? I know enigma would save a lot of stats to use in dex and life, but would the psn from bramble be the better choice?
Can u explain why natalias with 3* 5/5 is better then bramble?, i mean ok, u get a lot of life, 15/15 poison dmg, 2 skills,, but with good bramble u get more dmg about 20%, fhr, 100 poison res,....+ thorns aura(well ok i doubt this 1 helps in pvp)
Easily. When you take the 2 Shadow Disciplines into consideration, the poison damage that is added by just those two skill points in Venom, in combination with 2 facets, is easily over a 60% enhancement to your damage. As you get higher in levels, the Venom damage gets greater as well (increasing the minimum from 25 to 30 points per level, for example). + Skills in Venom is much better than % Damage.
nats is no doubt a decent armor, but for some sins (ie. those who use fade over bos primarily) it can be somewhat of a burden due to the heavy armor class.
Well, the boots give good 40% run walk, and adding charms will help with that too.

Besides, you don't run all that much with a WW Assassin. At least, you shouldn't be running anyway. Dragon Flight and WhirlWind are about all you need.
its hard to chase a nigma necro with capped fcr, even with dflight. considering the slow cast rate on dflight and how buggy it is, it's unreliable to catch an opponent with it. and no one really uses nats boots, even if they were they'd still be slow with a heavy class armor on.
Well, points taken. All I was saying was that you get the best poison damage with Nat's, and WW Assassins generally go for big poison damage and Open Wounds. You suffer some sort of penalty either way, but the choice is yours.
OK I'll elaborate.

Teleport is invaluable. Here are situations where you need teleport to have a decent chance:

Against casters who teleport quickly (125 fcr necros, 105 fcr sorcs) you can't compete with using a 24 frame DFlight. You will rarely land it, and will rarely catch them.

DFlight also has a long recast time meaning you will be waiting for it to recharge often. Running around while they tele circles around you spamming orbs/spears while you wait for DFlight to recharge means death.

When you namelock them with mb and establish a stunlock but they are pushed far off screen. This is usually how it goes, mb, wof, mb, wof, mb, now they are far off screen but you know you have a stunlock for a second or 2. If you DFlight, you will get the failed DFlight where you dont actually tele but you need to wait for it to recharge. You will be mad and slam your desk with a fist. However, when you have them namelocked you can tele on top of them from any distance.

Lastly, if you always move with tele, your claw block will always have the chance to work. If you are walking/running it will not work.

Enigma also has +2 skills, a ton of str which means more vit, 5% max life, and 8% DR. GREAT mods besides tele.

Bramble is a distant second best because of the fhr and lower str req than nats. The thorns also adds a little extra dmg vs melee. Poison damage doens't do much vs. a good dueler with high resists.

Nats has +2 skills which is decent but not as good as 50% fhr imo. Thats why I rank it under bramble. The life doesn't really do anything since the str req is higher you will actually be losing life if you use it. The facets do little just as the poison damage from bramble does little.

Comparing Enigma to either of the 2 it is the obvious choice. Poison damage on bramble or the 15/-15 on faceted nats will help against crappy duelers who have low poison resists and have no gear swap to increase their poison res. However, you should be able to beat these people anyway. Enigma not only gives you teleport, but the other bonuses are great as well.

I've never tried duress but I'm sure it's worse than enigma. It may be better than nats or bramble though, I really don't know
skygoneblue said:
Easily. When you take the 2 Shadow Disciplines into consideration, the poison damage that is added by just those two skill points in Venom, in combination with 2 facets, is easily over a 60% enhancement to your damage. As you get higher in levels, the Venom damage gets greater as well (increasing the minimum from 25 to 30 points per level, for example). + Skills in Venom is much better than % Damage.

The poison damage % from bramble gets added TWICE due to the application bug. The numbers say it's better.

You use enigma when you need mobility.

You use bramble when you need damage and mobility is not an issue.
Zangeif said:
Poison damage doens't do much vs. a good dueler with high resists.

If your opponent has 75% res in hell plus enough stacked to prevent any lower resist factors (i.e. facets, etc.) as well as 25% poison length reduction, a high level venom will STILL do massive damage. At least as much as your physical, usually more.
No, poison does VERY little against 75% resists/75% reduction. Many duelers will have more than 75% res. You can still use Bramble to prebuff if you use enigma or nats. This negates the "poison damage being applied twice" argument, since it will only be applied once more than with nats/enigma.

In many situations, 15/-15 nats adds more poison damage than bramble. For example, if you are dueling an opponent who has 95% poison resist, but no stacked resists, the -15% resist will increase your poison damage by 300% as opposed to the 50% on bramble.

I built my latest ww asn to be able to wear enigma or bramble vs melee. Looking back, I should have built her for only enigma, since beating melee character is very easy anyway. I still wear the bramble sometimes to hit 90 fhr against wind druids though, I don't really need tele to beat them since they need to get close to hit anyway.
explain to me how beating melee characters (ie. bvb barbs) is easy for you (with enigma) ?
Well you aren't gonna beat ww barbs so don't worry about it.

Any other melee char is easy for me though (zeal, fury, conc, cs, smite, charge) you're hitting at 4 frames and wont get hit while you're whirling.
No, poison does VERY little against 75% resists/75% reduction. Many duelers will have more than 75% res. You can still use Bramble to prebuff if you use enigma or nats. This negates the "poison damage being applied twice" argument, since it will only be applied once more than with nats/enigma.

In many situations, 15/-15 nats adds more poison damage than bramble. For example, if you are dueling an opponent who has 95% poison resist, but no stacked resists, the -15% resist will increase your poison damage by 300% as opposed to the 50% on bramble.

I built my latest ww asn to be able to wear enigma or bramble vs melee. Looking back, I should have built her for only enigma, since beating melee character is very easy anyway. I still wear the bramble sometimes to hit 90 fhr against wind druids though, I don't really need tele to beat them since they need to get close to hit anyway.

You’re just flat out wrong on those points.

VERY few duelers sport both max psn res and psn length reduction. Further, they don’t know to wear PLR unless you make an issue about your leet poison skill.

That said, let’s assume you are right and there’s some dude out there with both.

So, our target has 75% psn res and 75% PLR. Let’s look at a few cases.


We do the monster pre-buff. That is, bramble, trangs, +3 shadow claws with 2x facets, +3 shadow helm with 2x facets, +3 shadow ammy, arachnid, 2x SOJs, Shadow dancers (for +2), anni, battle cry, and 10x shadow GCs with whatever mods. Also, level 20 base venom.

So, what’s our pre-buff poison damage with all this stuff?
Total venom level = 20 + 10 + 6 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 +1 = 49
Average base venom damage = 1400 over .4 sec
Venom damage with 45% (bramble – taking liberty with the higher end) + 25% (trangs) + 30% (facets) = 2800 over .4 sec
Venom damage after -100% poison length penalty in hell = 5600 over .8 sec.

That’s raw pre-buff. Now, assume we switch to our standard gear and keep on the bramble and trangs.
Re-application bug from poison damage for bramble and trangs = 9520 over .8 seconds
Subject to PvP penalty = 1587 over .8 seconds.

However, your target has 75% PLR, so we go back a couple steps:
-100% poison length penalty becomes -25% yielding 3500 over .8 seconds
Re-application of this amount yields 5950 over .8 seconds
Subject to PvP penalty = 992 over .8 sec.
Subject to 75% res = 248 over .8 seconds.

SO, our venom is inflicting 248 damage per application (assuming at least .8 sec between kicks actually connecting due to blocking, chance-to-hit, etc.). How does that compare to physical damage?
Let’s assume a BIG physical kick damage range of 2000 - 1200.
Average physical kick damage = 1600
After PvP penalty = 266
Assume, say, 40 DR = 160

So, 248 vs. 160. Venom wins. Even if you want to talk overlapping applications, your statement about venom doing VERY LITTLE is incorrect.


But, to be fair, let’s assume that you only pre-buff with the equipment you are wearing. This is the “standard†dueler, right?
So what equipment do we have? +3 shadow claws on switch with 2x facets each, +2 shako, +2 mara, +2 dancers, +1 anni, +10 shadow charms, +2 enigma. We’ll even assume no bramble. Venom base level = 20.
Total skill points = 45.
Base venom damage at level 45 = 1260
Venom with 25% trangs + 30% facets = 1953
Venom after -100 poison length penalty and 75% PLR on target = 2441 over .8 sec
Venom after re-application of external % (trangs only) = 3051
After PvP penalty = 508
After 75% res = 127

So psn damage = 127 in this case and our physical damage from before was 160. Poison, even after 75% res and 75% PLR on the target is 80% of our 2000 – 1200 kick physical damage!!!

So you see, poison is ALWAYS critical and usually more than the physical. VERY FEW duelers run around with as much physical damage as I have outlined. VERY MANY can get this second case venom damage. If they wear bramble, it’s even more.

As to your comments regarding nats vs. bramble, you’re also incorrect.
First, I have never encountered anyone who loaded on 95% psn res against my kicker. Ever. That’s not a valid case. If they use 95% res, ok, sure, your psn damage will be small. And against the one or two people roaming bnet with 95% psn res to throw at you you can't rely on venom, that much.
Second, if they go to the trouble of getting 95% psn res, they probably have a enough stacked to render the -15% res from the facets in nats to be usless.
Third, I’m just not in the mood to run the damage numbers on bramble vs. nats. Bramble is more. If you want to make the claim that nats is more, then show your numbers. Also, take into account the first two points. If you want to run extreme cases, also show standard cases. The 40% to 50% from bramble with the re-application bug will always trump 2 skill levels and 15% from facets. It just will.

Quick thumbnail calc...
venom level 40 = 1085
venom level 42 = 1155
Difference = 70

Are you claiming that the 70 damage increase from 2 skill points + 15% from facets to the base trumps 40 to 50% from bramble to the base? Don’t forget the re-application bug. Bramble is more.

All that said, I do agree that enigma is a great armor for a kicker. As long as it’s an anti-caster build.
So you see, poison is ALWAYS critical and usually more than the physical. VERY FEW duelers run around with as much physical damage as I have outlined. VERY MANY can get this second case venom damage. If they wear bramble, it’s even more.

not many people run around willing to use that barrage of prebuff gear either on a regular basis, even in you're 2nd case not alot of people are going to put forth the effort to buff that much unless it's a tourny match or likewise.

other than that i agree with you're points & numbers, well put :p
Elwood said:
not many people run around willing to use that barrage of prebuff gear either on a regular basis, even in you're 2nd case not alot of people are going to put forth the effort to buff that much unless it's a tourny match or likewise.

other than that i agree with you're points & numbers, well put :p

In the second case all they have to do is a weapon switch....assuming they don't use a CTA. In any event, I was running numbers vs. the 75 res, 75 PLR opponent. If you skip the switch and go vs. everyone else, poison damage is still often higher than physical damage.
I don't think it's a bug that poison gets a double application. Meh, that's just me. :D
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