WolfBarb doubts


New member
Dec 7, 2009
WolfBarb doubts


With 1.13 on the horizon I decided to make one final char on this ladder (for PvM and maybe Ubers). This char will be the "end all, be all" char and will be transferred to non-ladder after the reset. I will try to get perfect items and will use the items from my other chars to trade these.

I really like the WolfBarb so I decided to make one of these. I read Zero-unit's guide but dread the 107 following pages. :whistling:

Skills are pretty straightforward and stats also (I do want to go for max block so there will be points put in DEX).
It's mostly about the gear that I have doubts.

I want to use this:
Helm: Wolfhowl
Armor: Arkaine's valor
Belt: Verdungo's hearty cord
Boots: Sandstorm trek
Shield: Stormshield
Ring 1: Bul-Kathos wedding band
On switch 2 Heart of the Oak flails for pre-buffing.

But for the rest I don't know.

Ring 2:
I have read somewhere in the guide that wolfs cannot be frozen? Is this true? If not, then Ring 2 will be a Ravenfrost. Otherwise what ring should I use?

Higlord's wrath or Atma's scarab for the amplify damage for physical immunes?

Dracul's grasp, upped Bloodfist or maybe Steelrend?

Grief: nice damage and poison damage for physical immunes?
Death: nice damage, mana leech and crushing blow and deadly strike?
Doom: +2 skills (for feral rage), cold aura?

My main problem will be dealing with physical immunes. Maybe Grief for PvM and Death for Ubers?

My inventory will be filled with a torch, annihilus, 4 combat grand charms, 4 warcries grand charms. But what small charms? Mixing poison (in conjuction with Death for physical immunes) or cold damage (to make the -% enemy cold resistanceDoom viable) with 30 def/20 life?

Also, which FHR table should I look at? for the Barb or Druid?

A lot of questions but I hope you can answer them.

Merry X-mas!
Re: WolfBarb doubts

I would highly recommend you go with a two hander on your wolf. Feral Rage will give you amazing leech and you'll have an absurd amount of life (my wolfbarb was pushing 8k). I used an EBOTD Glorious Axe and got my CB from Duress, Gores (or Goblin Toe if you don't mind the loss of FRW), and some crafted gloves. As far as charms go, there's no reason to use Combat since your primary attack will be Feral Rage. Instead, go with Mastery GCs and Resist GCs, or AR GCs if you don't need the resists.

I never took my wolfbarb out to play in UT, but I did kill the mini ubers on a few occasions with no trouble. A Might merc with a Reaper's Toll is an excellent companion.
Re: WolfBarb doubts

ya i got a sweet rare fools cruel glorious axe of quickness and evisceration. i socketed with a rare ed/max/something something maybe rez...cant remember i should look that up. but he destroyes.

for the pi's you can get a famine 2handed axe, i suggest glorious or champion axes, they are the quickest for the dmg. since you get some ias from hi lords you can drop a 15% in yer helm and spare your gloves for dracs for survival or cb(be it steelrends or crafted hitpower)

the valor is cool and all but coh might do you better, it offers rez and some extra dmg to demons little some dr.
gladiators bane will provide a more defensive approach, if you need res um it, if you need dr ber it. but ss should be pleanty for pvm. if fhr is a problem sheal it, that gives 80 fhr, you can easily put a 7% fhr rare jewel with sweet mods in the ss bringing you over the 86% fhr breakpoint.

as for the bk the only thing your gonna benefit from majorly is the life, and im not even sure that gets bo'ed, you can find a nice ar ring with + max and elemental dmg's and rez even.
Re: WolfBarb doubts

since you are in werewolf form you look at druid werewolf fhr table. so with 42 % you will get 4 frame and with 86 % 3 frame. this are the values that most cant achive. werewolf have best fhr rates in the game.

always have cannot be frozen cause cold will slow your movement, and since you dont have teleport thats important. easiest to get it is with raven

since you are pvm i recomend draculs so you can leech on all monsters. for physical imunes i recomend merc with reapers (act 2) or lawbringer (act 5)

for weapons the most important is damage over time. thats why grief is the best option. insane amount of damage + you can wear shield. most two handers recomended are preatty slow. best one is the ultimate 2 hander - eth 3 sox tomb reaver

mastery gc will give you less damage boost then charms with max /ar/life.
i recomend scs max/ar/life, ar/life, max/ar/frw, @/frw, ar/frw. fhr charms to get breakpoint
Re: WolfBarb doubts

i have a 3os tombie 280%, lo lo lo for my merc, he merks.
i still like the shealed g-bane. 50fhr, cbf, up to 20 mdr and 20 #dr, nice def. ofc you can sheal a valor and get same fhr. i just like to have options w my rings.
greif is cool, but way way way way way way wya wya wya wya wya wywwywywywyywayyyyy overused, really? greif is awesome, plz dont fall in to the realm of repeated cookie cutting.
if you do decide to use a shield then sheal an ss, use something cool, like doom, i had a dnd char, nam-gurd, he had a cold aura, lol . i am totaly making on US east NON ladder, so if you wanna lvl some wolvenbarbies hit me up. beast offers you lots of goodies also, ias ar dmg all gained thrugh fanatas, then it has on weapon ias nice dmg, str boost(dmg is dmg), crushingblow/open wounds, pmh, and lycanthrpy... y not be a universal shifter lol.
Re: WolfBarb doubts

for weapons the most important is damage over time. thats why grief is the best option. insane amount of damage + you can wear shield. most two handers recomended are preatty slow.
A quick check on the weapon speed calculator shows that with Feral Rage, an EBOTD Glorious Axe is the same speed as a 40%IAS Grief PB.

Re: WolfBarb doubts

Thanks all for the reactions. And ofcourse, silly me :crazyeyes:, I meant Masteries charms in the opening post...

But thanks vknez for the really useful tips. I will wear a Ravenfrost for sure now and also the Dracul's. I will also look for the small charms you suggested.

But I'm also a bit like Kordova. Don't like the things people everybody uses. That's why I added the Doom runeword.
Call me crazy but I rather not use a merc. Game must hold some challenge still... :scratchchin: (I once got flamed for saying to really have some skill in PvP you should not wear Enigma :whistling: )

I do have a couple of poison small charms so that must be nice to use with the Grief runeword, although cookie cutter.
Or Doom with a couple of cold damage small charms...
Or just run away from the physical immunes...
Choices.... :scratchchin:

Can anybody acknowledge the fact that the life from the bk ring and Arkaine's Valor are not taken into account when BO is used?
Re: WolfBarb doubts

Can anybody acknowledge the fact that the life from the bk ring and Arkaine's Valor are not taken into account when BO is used?

True those are not effected by BO. You'd be better off with a nice rare ring. BK is poop.

A quick check on the weapon speed calculator shows that with Feral Rage, an EBOTD Glorious Axe is the same speed as a 40%IAS Grief PB.

But lower damage after other possible multipliers no?

Re: WolfBarb doubts

no acctually topend dmg is given to the EBOTD, the greif just has better average dmg.
what makes botd better imo is that you always get 60ias, rolling a low dmg 30ias greifglorious will hurt you.
Re: WolfBarb doubts

I do have a couple of poison small charms so that must be nice to use with the Grief runeword, although cookie cutter.

Nope. Grief has ctc Venom, which caps all poison charm duration to 0.4 second and generally makes all other non-skill poison damage sources worthless.

what makes botd better imo is that you always get 60ias, rolling a low dmg 30ias greifglorious will hurt you.

Why would you roll Grief in a Glorious Axe...?

Re: WolfBarb doubts

A quick check on the weapon speed calculator shows that with Feral Rage, an EBOTD Glorious Axe is the same speed as a 40%IAS Grief PB.

nope. glorius ebotd is 9 fpa
grief 31+ ias is 7 fpa

all known weapon speed calculators calculate speed of feral wrong
speed of feral and normal attack is the same

Re: WolfBarb doubts

afaik greif dmg for glorius axe with 400 to dmg is 460-524( 492 average dmg)
415% glorious ebotd dmg is 463-957(710 average dmg)
well that cant be right, from what i was told greif > btod in average dmg but from that idk.

if thats so greif kinda sucks but im not sure if that is how greif is calculated. cuz if so screw greif.
Re: WolfBarb doubts

well, if your compairing greifba to gloriousbotd, greif will fall short. i was just sticking to 2handers. but i just mixed up the axes, i misspoke, i meant champ axe, wich is-10 base ias which is faster than greifba, so if you decuse to make a greif in a 2hander it should be a champion axe.

and yes tottally sux for thanders
Re: WolfBarb doubts

You're looking at it the wrong way...

For a Grief to beat an eBotD 2-hander, you gotta use 1h Grief + ED shield (such as Phoenix).

There is no reason at all to use Grief as a 2h wep :p
Re: WolfBarb doubts

right, just more effort. redemption is for sissys also

pfft who cares about redemption, the point is damage. (although any ctc can be annoying)

Besides, since a wolf barb doesn't fully require any of the attack skills, it would be easy to choose a second Mastery and go with an ultimate 2 hander on swap.
Hoto's are more cookie cutter across the board for most barb builds and a bit of a waste mostly. Unprebuffed BO and life from wolf form is plenty.

Re: WolfBarb doubts

agree'd a second mastery would be ez and it would keep you versitile.
the problem i have with phoeinx is that its slow, very slow, the block rate is like watching a d-flight sin kill a group of fallen. not to mention the ctc, it isnt that long but it reduces killing speed still yet.
sheal'ed ss keeps you blocking and back to attacking faster.

honestlly for pvm i like the ss/g-angel combo the armor offers nothing more than max rez and blockrate really but its cheap and useable.
Estimated market value