Wierd me


New member
Oct 11, 2004
Wierd me

The wierdest thing happened to me yesterday. I was killing the summoner with my barb and a green body armor dropped on me. And I was actually happy with it :| I... was... happy... with... Isenharts :amazed: How can this happen to me, after all those Meph runs in which I cursed him for dropping the green thing. It's really a nice armor when your really low (20-). But still, it amazed me that I was so happy about it.

That's a good one. To be honest I have never known omeone who was happy getting that armor. And here you are. The first person I know who was happy to find it.

Well good luck with the armor and maybe you will find a lot more of those.

If you have second thoughts about Isenhart's armor, I can sell you one for 2 Ists + a good annihilus... :uhhuh:
Well, I think I'll stick to my 4 socket Balrog from now on ;) (but if you have the runes for stone on Europe ladder sc to give away, you are more than welcome)
Weird you, indeed!
But don't you need more Isenhart's-pieces to get something useful out of that piece of cra... *cough* armor?
I guess this is what some people would call "doing something creative with ones misery" :D
I always have a necro who can make them into Iron golems. It's fun to see Baal kill them. Occaisionally I was happy when I saw one when I was levelling my necro, since it geve me the fun of making a golem out of it. Unless you were using metalgrid, I fear for your sanity.
*weeps into a handkerchief*
Ravisher said:
I always have a necro who can make them into Iron golems. It's fun to see Baal kill them. Occaisionally I was happy when I saw one when I was levelling my necro, since it geve me the fun of making a golem out of it. Unless you were using metalgrid, I fear for your sanity.
*weeps into a handkerchief*

I actually *grinned* from this :)

"I will get you, you evil green thing. I will give life to you and than let Baal take it away from you MUHAHAHAHA"
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