who has the fastest attack speed in d2?


New member
Dec 7, 2009
who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

im just curious as to which char has the fastest attack speed in d2. my guesses would be frenzy barb, dualweilding ww barb, zeal pally, strafe zon, kicksin...in no particular order. but given ias (on weaps and items), base attack speed on weaps, fanat aura, etc which char can actually attack the most times/sec? anyone know for certain? im thinking about starting to play d2 again and would like to make something that attacks mad fast


- roc
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

Frenzy Barb most likely. Haven't seen any builds faster at least.
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

I don't have much information on Frenziers, but a Wolf Druid can hit 4FPA relatively easy.
Hell, my BearSorc can smack at a speed of 4FPA.

I'm not sure about 3FPA though, I remember someone telling me that it's not possible, but that might only be for the Bearsin I was going to make.
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

i believe it goes:

1: Bear'sin (3-frames)
2: ww (4 frames)
3: Strafe (2 frame followup shots, 7 frame initial)
4: dragon talon (3-frame follow ups, 7 frame initial_)
5: Fury + Zeal

not 100% sure where Frenzy fits in the list. but i'm pretty confident on the first 4 on the list.
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

hmmm, good to know.

the reason im interested is because i want to find a char that can maximize the prebuff benefits of enchant. so a char that attacks as quickly as possible (preferably to multiple targets) but does not necessarily pack a huge physical punch. sort of like being a druid and using fireclaws at the max fpa i guess?

also, does anyone know how the WW dmg of a dualwielding barb is calculated? in other words, if a barb uses two swords, does WW essentially stack the dmgs and attack at 4 fpa or does each sword attack independently (ie each sword attacks at 4fpa, but the target experiences being attacked at 2 fpa...if you follow me). what i mean to ask is does the enchant dmg get added twice if you use two weapons. a little confusing i know, but any insight is appreciated!
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

Is WW (dual wielding) technically not the fastest? (on either the barb or the assassin with chaos)
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

a dual wielding ww-user will get 2 hit checks every 4 frames (assuming they hit the fastest ww breakpoint).

a bear'sin will get one hitcheck every 3 frames, so while it's only one weapon, the hitchecks are made one frame sooner.
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?


2 frames hit check (check my ultimate pvp stun thingy to see)

Kind Regards Krim

Edit: http://www.purediablo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=524432

Also Claw Vipers have 1 frames between attacks, that's fast yes? Then check out how often poison calculates (don't confuse with claw vipers poison clouds, they deal physical damage).
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Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

I had my paladin werebear do 2 fps in a single player game XD it looked ridiculous but I had fun :)
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

i believe it goes:

1: Bear'sin (3-frames)
2: ww (4 frames)
3: Strafe (2 frame followup shots, 7 frame initial)
4: dragon talon (3-frame follow ups, 7 frame initial_)
5: Fury + Zeal

not 100% sure where Frenzy fits in the list. but i'm pretty confident on the first 4 on the list.
A Werewolf Barbarian also has a maximum 3 frame attack rate with Feral Rage, Double Throw has a maximum of 3.5 frames (7/2), while Double Swing and Frenzy both have a maximum of 5 frames (10/2). Jab averages a maximum of 3.67 frames (11/3) with a javelin.

As SnickerSnack pointed out, Strafe's follow-up arrows may display as though they're fired a maximum of every 2 frames with a bow, but they're actually fired a maximum of every 3 frames. The same bug affects crossbows, so their follow-up arrows never actually fire faster than once every 4 frames.

also, does anyone know how the WW dmg of a dualwielding barb is calculated? in other words, if a barb uses two swords, does WW essentially stack the dmgs and attack at 4 fpa or does each sword attack independently (ie each sword attacks at 4fpa, but the target experiences being attacked at 2 fpa...if you follow me). what i mean to ask is does the enchant dmg get added twice if you use two weapons. a little confusing i know, but any insight is appreciated!
Each weapon attacks and applies damage separately, at a maximum rate of once every 4 frames: two attacks every 4 frames averages out to one every 2 frames (4/2). Enchant (and Venom) damage are applied by both weapons.


2 frames hit check (check my ultimate pvp stun thingy to see)
The volcano itself has a 10 frame Next Delay while the fires that spawn when the debris lands have a 5 frame Next Delay, so unfortunately their maximum attack frequencies are 11 and 6 frames respectively.

Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

Ah, so WW still only "hits" every fourth frame, even though it does so with two weapons at once, right. (i love the 3.67 fpa Jabazon btw)
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

Inferno is 2 FPA, and it's supposed to be 1 FPA as well, making it the fastest attack in the game. However its pitiful in damage.
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

I don't believe that Inferno is meant to apply its damage every frame, or rather it's just as likely (if not more so) that there's an error with the displayed damage, just as there is with many skills which display fire damage per second. We've just assumed it's meant to apply damage every frame because that is what the displayed damage tells us.

Both applied damage and mana cost suggest that Inferno's missiles are actually fired every other frame, and since I know that Firestorm generates fires every other frame it's possible that this is the maximum rate at which missiles can be spawned... so the assumption that Inferno's damage is applied every frame could be wrong.

Both poison damage and fire damage per second are normally applied every single frame. Displayed fire damage per second is normally calculated on the assumption that three missiles apply damage 25 frames per second, although actual damage can be higher or lower, depending on the skill.
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

Hi Onderduiker

Thanks for telling me about volcano. You did though also ruin my idea of having contributed something useful to this place. You can make it up to me, by telling me attacks (skills) that is either in the assassin utility or can be got through charges, which hits every 1-2 frames. Thanks in advance.:girly:

Kind Regards Krim
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

I haven't really looked into this before, but unfortunately the only skill that springs to mind is Molten Boulder: the boulder applies its fire and physical damage every frame to targets with which it's colliding... but it also applies 50% Knockback, the skill has a 2 second delay and the boulder moves, slowly. If you want to experiment, Stone 'ShaelUmPulLum' armour has Level 16 Molten Boulder (80 Charges).
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

Awwww, I did test molten boulder now. Made the test on a druid in wolf form at a 2 frames hit recovery rate. It is to hard for me to utilize, anyway, thanks for the suggestion.
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

I think Amazon should get a mention as having fastest standard attack (as in also not in wereform) .
Re: who has the fastest attack speed in d2?

Well if you're talking about the fastest attacks over time, and not just in one skill cycle/on one target, you have to take into account that melee chars have to acquire a target and close into range.

So, though frenzy barbs might hit at 3 FPA, Strafezons will auto-target everything within a screen and a half. So, unless you can acquire new targest and close to melee range in about 9 frames, Strafe will land you more attacks per time against packs (for bosses, obviously, target acquisition and movement arent an issue).
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