Where should I socket Enigma armor?


New member
Nov 27, 2003
Where should I socket Enigma armor?

I have a superior archon plate and I need 3 sockets for enimga armor.... should I socket it in normal or nightmare?
actually, larzuk can give you fewer than maximum sockets, depending on what lvl monsters dropped your item. i dont have an example off the top of my head here, but say the lowest possible monster than can drop an archon plate, it will likely socket for 3 instead of 4.
It's superior Archon plate. To have it get 3 socketss it needs ilvl 35 or lower (I seem to recall) since it's an elite armour and superior it's from a monster or a vendor, it'll get 4 sockets no matter where you have larzuk punch holes in it.
If it was cracked or low quality or something, you could use the cube recipe to make it normal (giving it an ilevel of well I don't know, weapons get 1, don't know what armour gets, probably low)and then have larzuk punch holes in it. That would get you a lower number of holes. ( I think I may just try that on some sacred armour)
No monster that is able to drop an archon plate is below the level on which larzuk adds max sockets.
If you find a damaged or cracked Archon Plate (or any armor), you can use the Cube recipe of 1 Chipped Gem + El Rune to upgrade it to a Normal Quality armor. The armor will then be assigned an item level of 1. As a result, Larzuk will socket the thing for 3 sockets.

You're out of luck with that Superior Archon, though. :(
thats tough....

you better go find a 3 socketed archon plate then! :yep:
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