Where is TRM Wednesdaily


May 22, 2004
Where is TRM Wednesdaily

RL : hard at work, can't you tell ? ^^ I even have to work tomorrow, hate this job. But hey, after that i have a few free days. I hope...

D2 : My project for a overpowered melee char continues. ATM scratching together some Pgems for Fabian for yet another 1.07 RW base. Boy this will be awesome. Collected 7 NM hellforges yesterday, go me fal and um on the upper side and 3x sol on the lower side. Probably going to rush for hell act 4 tonight.

ovg : trackmania. Still uploading/deleting track on my server on a daily basis. there are around 1000 tracks on it, it is a constant struggle to keep the overview.
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

@Grisu: Still no cavities for me, well into my thirties now, so hopefully I'm good. And to think I used to get so angry at my mom for making me brush and floss.

RL: Going to work early. My plan is that they then let me out early.:whistling: We'll see how that works out.

D2: Sure, why not.
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

RL: been off work since Monday... it feels good! Some final shopping (food and drink) today, then just chilling until the train of parties, drinks and dinners starts tomorrow.

D2: running The Pit with my novamancer in 1.13.
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

RL: More nothing. Maybe I'll hunt for jobs a little.

D2: Quested my Rune barb to Act 5. Might Pat him tonight.
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

RL: At the airport. :). They've really fixed the place up. Looks awesome. Hopefully I arrive at the not-Canada destination alive. :crazyeyes:

D2: Eh, probably. Got a PvMer to play, surprisingly.
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

@Thyiad: Get better soon!

@CorruptedMollusk: I'm still not used to using floss...but hey! No cavities for me so far either :jig:

RL: Visited my Mum again, wrapped the Christmas presents. 5 cards to write left.

D2: Not yet, but maybe I'll clean the Claw Viper Temple with my Obsession Necro later.
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

RL: What RL?

D2: I'm considering making a Hammer/War Spike dual wielding Barbarian called VladLenin.
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

@Tubba: Which weapons, specifically? I doubt it's the case, but Cranebeak does need some love. Also, 10/10 Mastery split?

RL: Shouldn't this be a Fridaily? :\ I slept at 3am yesterday because I just *had* to finish a movie, and now my head is killing me. Furthermore, I had a horrifying dream last night that I took a course on Pokemon at my university, and I was writing the exam. I'm not sure why I remember the dream, but it had the stupidest questions ranging from "Name the auras in Warcraft 3" and "Explain why Leo is considered the strongest in the Zodiac" and "Name two good restaurants located on the west side of Toronto".

D2: Well, I do have the itch to play a new character all of a sudden. We'll see.

OVG: Eternal Sonata most likely. I als have the urge to do the New Game+ for Suikoden IV so I can use Jeane as my lead. :3
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

little more about d2 :

Got the 1.07 eth balrog blade from Fabian. Turned out to be this :

Balrog Blade
One Hand Damage: 100 - 509
Two Hand Damage: 373 - 805
Durability: 26 of 26
Required Level: 53
Required Strength: 175
Required Dexterity: 77
Fingerprint: 0xb86471f
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion
30% Chance to cast level 20 Bone Spirit on striking
+50% Increased Attack Speed
355% Enhanced Damage
+75% Damage to Demons
+100 to Attack Rating against Demons
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 to Energy
+13 Magic Absorb
Level 17 Iron Golem (14/14 Charges)
Level 16 Heart of Wolverine (20/20 Charges) Ethereal
4 Sockets (4 used)

Damage roll is above average, but not exceptional. Still, i am pretty pleased with it :D amazing how cheap this runeword is ( well, yes, Mal is kinda expensive, but it is still such a good sword for runes than can drop directly from Hellforge... )

edit : Just realised that the 50% from bringing the sword forward 1.07 -> 1.12 is allready displayed in the weapon stat. So these 355% ED are 305% ED. Giving that the range is +210-340% Enhanced Damage (varies), 355% realy surprised me when i saw the readout. It displays as 305% ingame though. These different results from readouts and ingame and between versions is realy confusing me ^^
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

@Tubba: Which weapons, specifically? I doubt it's the case, but Cranebeak does need some love. Also, 10/10 Mastery split?
I was thinking Cranebeak, yeah. It's a really nice weapon. Sadly, my only one is 240/46.

As for the hammer... Well, I guess I'll have to find a Stone Crusher.

I'll probably make it a Frenzier or Double Swinger (so that I can utilize Stone Crusher's speed/power ratio), meaning a 1-point Mastery is fine.

Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

RL: Probably not much. Maybe hit the Home Depot to get some hardware for the closet shelving that somebody (not me!) lost.

D2: Yeah, though I can say it's pretty dull playing my abbot/cleric build solo. Maybe it'll pick up when I can equip Harmony on the merc. At least I don't need to worry (much) about dying.
NagisaFurukawa said:
RL: At the airport. :). They've really fixed the place up. Looks awesome.
Yeah, way to make me feel left out. I've never been on a plane, myself. :(
NagisaFurukawa said:
Hopefully I arrive at the not-Canada destination alive. :crazyeyes:
Not Canada? Does that mean you're Canadian?

I'd always wondered if the 'CA' was an abbreviation for Canada, or for California. If it's the former, I say we Canadians storm the forums and take over! :)
NagisaFurukawa said:
D2: Eh, probably. Got a PvMer to play, surprisingly.
Why's that surprising? Or do you mean you got a PvM player to play PvP?
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

A 355 ED Oath would be a 15% superior, and a perfect 340 ED roll. It recently started to bug me a little that Oath is so damn good. I mean, what's the point in using anything else? Unless you're filthy rich, and have 2 eth zerker 1.07 griefs.

D2: I did 2 hours of cow runs today. Best finds: That paladin shield(I can't even remmeber it's name ATM :D) and Seraph's hymn. Highest rune: Dol.
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

A 355 ED Oath would be a 15% superior, and a perfect 340 ED roll.

Or like in my case a 1.07 haxx. But quite impressive that my roll was 35% off perfect and i sill have as much damage as you would have in a perfect (!) roll in a perfect superior item on Bnet. I like it :D

Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

RL: Happy Holidays...

D2: Made a trade that's about it.

OVG: Chrono Trigger, I'm almost sad I waited this long to play it.

OT: I watched the Phantom Menace review mentioned by Pijius (I think), and it is the single greatest youtube thing I've ever watched. No really, it's better than most movies and should win awards. It's definitely not work or family safe so no link, but seriously if you have even passing interest in the Star Wars movies, go, watch, now...
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

Not Canada? Does that mean you're Canadian? I'd always wondered if the 'CA' was an abbreviation for Canada, or for California. If it's the former, I say we Canadians storm the forums and take over! :)

Why's that surprising? Or do you mean you got a PvM player to play PvP?

Nagi is unfortunately, not a resident of the wonderful place we know as Canadaland. If anything, he's probably poking fun at me because I told him not to come to Canada. :b I'm totally up for Canadians storming and taking over the forums, but between you, me, and the 4 others, there's no way we can overcome the enormous population of Europeans and Americans.

It's surprising because Nagi's last 10 or so characters have been PvPers (which have terrorized my Baal games to no end).

I'm just answering on behalf of Nagi in case his plane crashes on a remote island and he's forced to eat his own PvP characters to survive and whatnot. :whistling:

Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

A little late for the daily, as I'm sure the real Thursdaily will be popping up shortly, but better late than never, I say.

RL: Not much. Did some Wii-fit (I'm gonna force myself to do 1-hour a day, including stretch time), then my sister and her husband came over to exchange gifts. Hopefully we'll get together for dinner Friday, but I think they're going to his family's house.

I'm baking a cherry pie right now (mmmm delicious), then I'll probably go watch The Hangover. Good times.

D2: Continued on with my HC Meteorb. She just finished up Shenk in Hell at level 78, right after up'ing her Viscy and gaining a significant amount of damage (was using Whistan's before) thanks to a Ko trade from Thomh. I'll probably park her there tonight and level/continue tomorrow.
Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

Critical Update in the life of the Mollusk.

My holiday has arrived. Turns out its too short, but for the next 4 days, no one will call me about work, I won't have to go to work, and I can just ignore all work related matters. This is good.

Thanks, and Happy Holidays.

Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

I'm just answering on behalf of Nagi in case his plane crashes on a remote island and he's forced to eat his own PvP characters to survive and whatnot. :whistling:

If he does suffer a plane crash on a remote island I hope he uses the time to write some uber anime or something so he can sell the idea when he gets back, becomes filthy rich and buy my items for real money. Tyrael's for 50k, eh?

RL: Did some of that, yeah.

D2: Am about to do some of that.

Re: Where is TRM Wednesdaily

Half hour left of Wednesday in the EST, so I'll add it here, yeah ?

RL: Last shift before a 4 day excursion away from work, followed by 3 days back and another 3 off. Doing the family bit Thursday evening, and have a few people trying to book me for the weekend, but we'll see how that goes.


D2: Paladin made it to Act 5 NM today, and opened up the Pindle portal. He's too difficult for me to beat on /p8 right now though, so I went and did a few Mephisto clears. Landed myself a Crushflange, so maybe that will help out for the toughies down the road.

OVG: Played some Call of Duty, a combination of sniper only, knife only, and good old non-hardcore FFA deathmatch. Also managed a handful of races on Need For Speed Underground 2.

Doubt I'll be around for the next couple days though, so if this happens to be my last daily for the week, have a merry Christmas everyone !

Estimated market value