Where can I get lvl99 chars to test out builds?

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New member
Nov 30, 2004
Where can I get lvl99 chars to test out builds?

I want to try out new builds, but don't want to download any editor or whatnot. Is there anywhere I can download 1.10 lvl99 chars. If all else fails I guess I could download an editor, but I also need a link to that. Thanks for the help.
Sorry, but due to forum rules we are prohibited from providing such information. Your best bet is a good old Google search.

If you've got specific build questions, try asking us, just about every conceivable build has been tried.

Good luck on your search :howdy:
kaysaars fielded this one pretty well. cheats and hacks and what not are prohibited in these forums. but most members would be happy to give you any viability and playing tips you might be after. just have to ask nicely :thumbsup:
besides its better because when you d/l a lvl 99 and throw on a horde of gear you dont have the 'feel' for a character so it seems weaker.

NSX also makes a good point....i think :scratch:
*pokes NSX and varnishes from the thread*
Kaysaar said:
Varnishes from the thread?

*pokes corax and vanishes from the thread*
I suggest this thread needs no further shine put on it, and that we should let it vanish on its own.
Kaysaar said:
Varnishes from the thread?

*pokes corax and vanishes from the thread*

yup. i mispelled it in the OTF one day and its stuck ever since
*harnesses kaysaar to his sled and varnishes*

cauthons right. question has been answered. time to die thread*stab*
Thanks for answering his questions, folks. And I especially appreciate the person who reported this thread. That is the right thing to do in a case like this.
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