What to socket on a Eccbq?


New member
Sep 27, 2004
What to socket on a Eccbq?

Hi guys...I just got a hold of myself a eccbq with two sockets in it and I have no idea what to socket in it. Please advice
Some choices here...I assume ur a whirler barb, if so either Zod/ 40/15 max (or close) or Zod/Lo comes to mind. Sure as hell beats BoTD in style- a transparent huge yellow sword ~~.
hey cool thanks....i think im gona zod Lo it.

Is it really proven that its better than ebotd cb?
No, ebotd is better but this has way more style points. What realm is it on, you sure you dont want to trade it?
Zangeif said:
No, ebotd is better but this has way more style points. What realm is it on, you sure you dont want to trade it?

Im on uswest nl but im not trading it right now. I wana try to enjoy it first. =)

What would u socket it for ur ww barb?
Estimated market value