What to socket Ethereal Carapace?


New member
Jan 27, 2004
What to socket Ethereal Carapace?

I just got a ethereal Steel Carapace 199ED...
( unique shadow plate self repair )

My question is what best to socket it with? ( for WW barb bvb )

- 40ED/ -15 req : my first choice here ! ( no explanation here )
- Cham rune ( can't be frozen but seems the WW bvb barb will hit more with WW when frozen )
- PUL for more defense

Zigot_HD said:
- 40ED/ -15 req : my first choice here ! ( no explanation here )
- Cham rune ( can't be frozen but seems the WW bvb barb will hit more with WW when frozen )
- PUL for more defense

I would put the 40ed/-15req if you want to conserve some points on strength. If that doesn't matter much to you, then Pul it. Cham can go in your Stormshield.
I would second king's suggestion.Pul wont do much to reduce your cth,you would appreciate those stat points you save with the jewel.

being frozen=>.more hits is generic.In BVB it evens out,since you'll be in his range as long as he is in yours.You wont get the upperhand hitwise when being frozen.CBF is still desirable in BVB,to negate risk of slowmo misdirected whirls,which would make it easier for him to evade & counter you at the spot where you come to a halt.In pvp,the sooner you regain control of your ww barb,the better-being frozen hinders that & makes you an easier & more predictable target.Cham storm.

Thx guys for confirming my first choice! :thumbsup: ( 220 TSR req is knda steep, -15% is not much but better than nothing )

Carapace starts with 230 str req. Eth kicks it back .05%; 218.5 str. -15% req. also kicks it back to {218.5 - 32.775 } 185.725, which rounds up to 186.

Trust me, i've run threw a few of these. :lol:
you're both wrong (but not that much)

eth = -10 req (str/dex)
but when you socket eth item with -req it doesnt use the eth req for calculations but uses the normal req

examples :
normal carapace = 230 str req (*0.15 = 34.5 -> int value = 34)
eth carapace = 220 str req
eth carapace with -15% req = 220-34 = 186 str req

normal berserker axe
-> 59 dex req (*0.20 = 11.8 -> int value = 11)
-> 138 str req (*0.20 = 27.6 -> int value = 27)

eth berserker axe = 49dex req/128str req

botd eth berserker axe
-> 49 - 11 = 38 dex req
-> 128 - 27 = 101 str req

i believe that a lot of ppl have an eth botd ba somewhere or friends with 1 to check that this is the actual req on it

now to use MrGoth's way of calculating it :
str : 138 - 5% = 131.1 - 20% = 104.88 & round up result to 105 str req
dex : 59 - 5% = 56.05 - 20% = 44.84 & round up result to 45 dex req

as u can see, that doesnt match the actual req on eth botd ba
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