What do you miss from classic?


New member
Jun 26, 2003
What do you miss from classic?

It's not long since I restarted playing, this time around 1.10. In this short time I've noticed two things that really annoyed me:

1. The first temple you walk into in Kurast, it's always the correct one (Ruined Temple). Always.
2. Sszark is just a footstep away from the Spider Cavern's entrance.

It's not that it's bad by itself, but I cannot help but feel that its n00bifying the game (not that it was ever complicated). However, these are just two more on the list:

3. No more Flamespike in the Inner Cloister.
4. No more need to deduct Tal Rasha's correct tomb.

While at it, they will surely implement these two in the future:

5. The correct Tals tomb is always the one in the north-west corner.
6. You get the golden bird from Cain.

So, what do you miss from classic, or what "new" things upset you?
I miss flamespike too.

But if I recall, in original classic, you didn't have to deduce Tal Rasha's tomb. At least I don't remember having to.

I also miss not having level requirements on uniques :spy:
Kaysaar said:
But if I recall, in original classic, you didn't have to deduce Tal Rasha's tomb. At least I don't remember having to.
IIRC in 1.00 you had to, they changed it in a patch before lod. Good ones about the freshness and uniques lvl reqs! :thumbsup:
I miss the old fact that the best bows were rare gothic bows. It was fun to try and hunt for an uber one. Now WF beats all no matter what. Also, it was kinda cool because your uber gothic bow was indeed unique. There's nothing unique about WF (even though I would LOVE to have one!).
Most things are much better now than they were in Classic (1.03), I think.

Sometimes I miss the following, though:

* Amber/Sapphire/Ruby suffixes went up to 49% resistance

* No immunities. All monster resists were capped at 75%. Always.

* Flamespike the Crawler :creep:

* NO spell timers, but much weaker spells. Littering the floor with Hydras, or having 10 Fire Walls or 15 Blizzards hitting Diablo was great!. Builds that equipped as much Fast Cast gear as possible and spammed Nova or Frozen Orb were effective. I enjoyed the underdog status the Sorceress had in Classic. You really had to know what you were doing if you wanted her to be a strong character.

As for the Black Book: as far as I can remember, I have always found it in Ruined Temple, in any version. I would very much like it if there was equal probability to place it in any of the temples. That would reward full clearers like me.

I don´t think Sszark´s position has changed. Either he is in the down-right corner or further to the left (still along the lower edge). The down-right corner is sometimes an isolated part of the cavern, with or without Sszark in it. The position of the entrance also varies. I think there is reasonably good variation.

I still deduce which one is the correct tomb. I only need to look at the symbols for a few seconds to know which one is missing and I also know where it is located. However, I don´t really need that either, as I find it anyway when I full clear.
Alas, poor Flamespike! I knew him well.

One other thing I miss: the fallen/flayer/etc. shaman boss packs. Nothing like a bunch of shamans resurrecting each other to make you tear your hair out :D
jiansonz said:
I still deduce which one is the correct tomb. I only need to look at the symbols for a few seconds to know which one is missing and I also know where it is located. However, I don´t really need that either, as I find it anyway when I full clear.

I just took my first character in almost a year through the Arcane Sanctuary,and I can still figure that out without having to look... I think I've played too much :bonk:
skunkbelly said:
One other thing I miss: the fallen/flayer/etc. shaman boss packs. Nothing like a bunch of shamans resurrecting each other to make you tear your hair out :D

You don´t need Classic for that. You have Shaman packs, Unraveler packs etc. in 1.09 as well. And last but not least, the fearsome Oblivion Knight packs!
Blood Golem + Iron Maiden. Fun stuff (or so I've been told). Sometimes I worry that I patched to soon. But it doesn't really matter. I don't think...

No Casting Delays is pretty cool.
Bonefarming. Only joking.

I used to hate Flamespike. However, now the Inner Cloister looks so empty.

I also liked whirlwind without attack speed. Get the biggest, longest hurty weapon and whirl 'til you hurl.

Spam sorcs were kind of special too.

Then there were the lagging lightshows for the (rare) javazons & spearzons.

Does anyone remember RoF runs?
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