What Barb in 1.07?

johan eriksson

New member
Jul 2, 2003
What Barb in 1.07?

Hi All..

As i now have matted my sorc in 1.07 i thought id try the more difficult Barb.
Problem is as weapons are underpowered in general i dont really know what mastery to get. I thought Whirlwind or maybe frenzy what do you think?.
Anyhow any tips for the barb in 1.07 is appreciated..

Thx in advance.
It depends a bit on what weapons you can get. I would try shopping for a while at Larzuk with your sorc to see what you can find. I would go for a WW barb with a big hurty stick.
Hi Tweey ..

Yeah thats what i thought aswell..Havent really found any good weapons yet .Have racked a pair of set bramble mitts though so i am ready for some demon hurting!! (in 1.07 they do 450% demon damage + the 50 fireabsorb :). I am level 66 with my sorc is that a sufficient level to find cruels at larzuk?
johan eriksson said:
demon hurting!! (in 1.07 they do 450% demon damage + the 50 fireabsorb :). I am level 66 with my sorc is that a sufficient level to find cruels at larzuk?
heh I think you're wrong about 450% enhanced dmg to demon, I have also a pair of them look :

Laying of Hands
Bramble Mitts
Defense: 86
Durability: 6 of 12
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 63
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 90
Fingerprint: 0x49c56cf0
+25 Defense
20% Increased Attack Speed
350% Damage to Demons
50% Fire Absorb
10% Chance to cast Level 3 Holy Bolt on striking

about shopping a cruel wpn from Lazurk, I think (not 100%) it doesn't matter what's your clvl because Lazurk sells always items with a certain mlvl (don't remember it exactly) so he can sell them, although I havn't seen him having any cruel wpn till now :s
Hi usamahanas.

No i just started up my mule and it says 450% damage to demons :).
Maybe it is bugged somehow?. I actually started 1.09 with a mule with these but then it was back to 350 :(..BTW that was just a check i deleted that mule afterwards so you all know..No cheating here :)
its a display bug... well, actually more like a display inconsistancy the difference is between +350% and 450% - both mean the same thing, however are displayed differently. Note that before 1.09, maces displayed '150% damage to undead', whereas after, they display '+50% damage to undead' (or was that 1.10). Blizzard changed the old description to better match how regular enhanced damage is displayed (up to +300% Enhanced Damage on cruels).

As for your barb, go with a nice lance.
Estimated market value