S Summerfun New member Mar 4, 2005 1,559 0 0 Dec 14, 2006 #1 What about those new jewels? On Europe there is some new dupped jewels called Storm Gyre 30%ED Adds 7-18 dmg. Would it be a good idea to make a armor with 4 of those for a druid?
What about those new jewels? On Europe there is some new dupped jewels called Storm Gyre 30%ED Adds 7-18 dmg. Would it be a good idea to make a armor with 4 of those for a druid?
P PFS New member May 19, 2006 1,657 0 0 Dec 14, 2006 #2 Not to be a killjoy.... but I don't think the mods will be too keen on this topic. But anyway - Are ED/+Max+Min jewels bugged the same way as ED/+Max for non weapon use?
Not to be a killjoy.... but I don't think the mods will be too keen on this topic. But anyway - Are ED/+Max+Min jewels bugged the same way as ED/+Max for non weapon use?
S Summerfun New member Mar 4, 2005 1,559 0 0 Dec 14, 2006 #3 Dont think there is a problem when you are just talking about them. Aslong as you are not trading
D dodobird New member Oct 18, 2006 130 0 0 Dec 14, 2006 #4 30%ED Adds 7-18 dmg. Click to expand... You guys have some fancy stuff on EU, east ladder just got to 40/15's being semi-common.
30%ED Adds 7-18 dmg. Click to expand... You guys have some fancy stuff on EU, east ladder just got to 40/15's being semi-common.
T ToThePoint New member Jun 22, 2003 1,313 0 0 www.hardyrateme.com Dec 14, 2006 #5 those are not new dupes, they are ancient and no its not a good idea - never heard of the ed/max bug? its even worse with ed/max/min.
those are not new dupes, they are ancient and no its not a good idea - never heard of the ed/max bug? its even worse with ed/max/min.
S Summerfun New member Mar 4, 2005 1,559 0 0 Dec 14, 2006 #6 Ofc i have heard of that bug. thats why i asked if it were the same. but thx anyway. guess they are worthless then
Ofc i have heard of that bug. thats why i asked if it were the same. but thx anyway. guess they are worthless then
T ToThePoint New member Jun 22, 2003 1,313 0 0 www.hardyrateme.com Dec 14, 2006 #7 no they are not worthless, remember there are places that dont use runeword weapons - they are better than 40/15 ed/max in bows which is why they retain high value even though lame. (ed/max/min bug =ed works on neither min nor max^^)
no they are not worthless, remember there are places that dont use runeword weapons - they are better than 40/15 ed/max in bows which is why they retain high value even though lame. (ed/max/min bug =ed works on neither min nor max^^)
K Karp Banned Dec 11, 2006 108 0 0 Dec 17, 2006 #11 Yes, the only place these jewels are usuable is in a weapon, on armor the ed just doesn't even exist.
Yes, the only place these jewels are usuable is in a weapon, on armor the ed just doesn't even exist.