Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.


New member
Jun 23, 2003
Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

I always had max framerate when playing d2, even when a summonmancer was running baals with me it was still solid with no problems at all.

For some reason, the past couple weeks all of a sudden my frame rate chugs, even if im playing in a game by myself. During baal runs my FPS is anywhere between 1-15. I cant even run around in town by myself anymore without my FPS taking a huge hit.

I dont have any viruses/spyware on my computer, i even defragged my HD to see if that would fix it and it didnt do anything. I did a system restore back to when it was running perfect and that didnt fix it either. I dont have any graphical glitches or any other problems at all, just horrible FPS now.

my pc is good enough to easily run d2: 1.8ghz c2d, 2gb ram, geforce 8700.
any ideas what the problem could be?
Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

Are you playing 1.13 (beta)? When I played on the beta server I also thought I had more lag than usual.
Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

Are you playing 1.13 (beta)? When I played on the beta server I also thought I had more lag than usual.
The servers are in US so us Europeans get the lag end of the stick. As for general lag, some say it's the dupers exploiting the method that is going to be patched once the patch goes live, to ramp up their stock for the coming times... Until they find a new method (or switch to one that wasn't patched), that is. :coffee:

Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

Do you have the windows Aero style thingy activated ? It causes massive problems on Vista (game needs 5 minutes to start and then doesn't work), maybe it's a problem in Windows 7 as well.
Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

I don't think those "wrappers" and "gliders" or whatever is the problem. He said he had no problem before.

The duping thing of course, is an unconfirmed rumor (but it could very well be true, as that's basically how duping is done)

I think contributing to the problem is the release of patch 3.3? of WOW... No doubt Blizzard must have divert some resources from D2 to support WOW (I already seen massive complaints at least in Asia about not being able to log on to WOW...)

Just my 2-cents...
Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

I don't think those "wrappers" and "gliders" or whatever is the problem. He said he had no problem before.

The duping thing of course, is an unconfirmed rumor (but it could very well be true, as that's basically how duping is done)

I think contributing to the problem is the release of patch 3.3? of WOW... No doubt Blizzard must have divert some resources from D2 to support WOW (I already seen massive complaints at least in Asia about not being able to log on to WOW...)

Just my 2-cents...

How would Blizzard's resources affect framerate?

Framerate = on the user's end. The only things that affect it are the user's computer. Server lag or internet problems have nothing to do with FPS.

Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

How would Blizzard's resources affect framerate?

Framerate = on the user's end. The only things that affect it are the user's computer. Server lag or internet problems have nothing to do with FPS.

maybe I am getting my internet lingo mixed up... doesn't laggy means, crappy connection that made the game.. well... laggy?


Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

Has Blizzard ever officially confirmed that using a glide wrapper will not get you banned? I remember seeing a post at about this, and the official blue response as uncommitted. I also know that the responses I got when inquiring about using Linux(Wine) and D2 was also less that reassuring. Now it may be that to date nobody has had problems, in that case Blizzard should state that glide wrappers are fine.

Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

There's no official statement afaik, but I've never heard of anyone getting banned for it.

As for FPS/laggy ... FPS should be dependent on the users machine, while the ping is what to look for to see how good your connection is. If his ping is high then the connection should be the problem, but for FPS problems I've found the glide wrapper to fix it in most cases.
Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

There are 2 different types of lag: internet lag and pc lag.

I am experiencing severe pc lag, which is massive framerate hits. My actual ping/internet connection is fine.

But the thing is, my pc is many times over powerful enough to run d2 maxed setting and full fps, which I did for a very long time up until recently. I havent messed with my vista settings or anything like that. Im not running any background programs or anything.

There are no graphical glitches ingame, or outside of the game which leads me to believe the GPU is fine. I can still multitask other programs quickly, just like before which means my cpu/ram is still fine. The only problem im getting is massive frame rate lag now. Makes no sense.
Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

IIRC, the programmer of the glide wrapper asked Blizzard about it and they said that they have no problems with it, but they cannot guarantee that their cheat detectors might trigger when using it. I'm using it all the time. If my accounts should ever be locked for it, well, goodbye bnet and hello single player...
Re: Weird d2 lag since 2 weeks ago.

Do other graphically intensive games or applications work smoothly? The GPU could be overheating (due to a failed fan or blocked airflow) and throttling itself to prevent damage.
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