weapon for kicker


New member
Oct 6, 2004
weapon for kicker

ok i want to know ppl's opinions on the best kicker weapon, i've gone through many. right now i'm using doom ettin and seems to be working ok but i want to know all the best options.
lordpride said:
ok i want to know ppl's opinions on the best kicker weapon, i've gone through many. right now i'm using doom ettin and seems to be working ok but i want to know all the best options.

Lacerator for amp is very nice. Also has ias, OW.
Chaos for the magic damage works well. Also has ias, OW, etc.
I THINK that a death's web works with venom but you need perhaps to check on that.
Fleshripper if you're on a budget.
Azurewrath works well. Fast weapon, ias, magic and cold damage. Looks sexy.
Does anyone bother charging up anymore before kicking? I know Tiger strike offers amazing damage and ar...could use a fury or chaos claw for it or something like that..or is it just a waste of the 20-40 skillpoint's it'd need.
Davie. said:
Does anyone bother charging up anymore before kicking? I know Tiger strike offers amazing damage and ar...could use a fury or chaos claw for it or something like that..or is it just a waste of the 20-40 skillpoint's it'd need.

It's a waste unless you enjoy doing it for whatever reason for PvM.
Today I saw a kicker using an eBotD war spike, and we were dueling, although she didn't win (I won like 60% of the time) She sure did give me a run.
Today I saw a kicker using an eBotD war spike, and we were dueling, although she didn't win (I won like 60% of the time) She sure did give me a run.

The only thing she gained over other decent kicker weapons was kick range, and that at the expense of all blocking. It's not a viable option.
Speederländer said:
The only thing she gained over other decent kicker weapons was kick range, and that at the expense of all blocking. It's not a viable option.

Heh, you prob confused it with a war pike. This assa was using ebotd war spike so she could block with her shield.
Anyway, I dont see why any kicker would use botd. Only useful mods on them are LL, ias and 30 to all attributes. Not worth it imo since there are so many better kicker weapons out there...
Well i had a PvP kicksin melee only named Toxicity
Her weapon and shield was~
Weapon-Beast zerk for Fanat and other mods
Shield-1.08 40-15'd SS
Boots-+2 Shadow Dancers

I obtained max block, max'd venom, max'd dragon tail,max'd dragon flight,
max'd venom, max'd cloak of shadows

But i was pure PvP Melee

If u are going Pure Melee, Try these weapons
Beast zerk || Doom zerk || Pefect Deaths Web for -Psn res ||

If u are going up against all ( more of casters ) then 2X claws would do
Try furys, jade talons, if u can.
FrozenSolid said:
Heh, you prob confused it with a war pike. This assa was using ebotd war spike so she could block with her shield.
Anyway, I dont see why any kicker would use botd. Only useful mods on them are LL, ias and 30 to all attributes. Not worth it imo since there are so many better kicker weapons out there...

Yes, I did confuse the two. In any event, BotD isn't a useful kicker weapon at all.
SquaL said:
Well i had a PvP kicksin melee only named Toxicity
Her weapon and shield was~
Weapon-Beast zerk for Fanat and other mods
Shield-1.08 40-15'd SS
Boots-+2 Shadow Dancers

I obtained max block, max'd venom, max'd dragon tail,max'd dragon flight,
max'd venom, max'd cloak of shadows

But i was pure PvP Melee

If u are going Pure Melee, Try these weapons
Beast zerk || Doom zerk || Pefect Deaths Web for -Psn res ||

If u are going up against all ( more of casters ) then 2X claws would do
Try furys, jade talons, if u can.

Cloak is something of a waste as it helps very little against high defense chars, and you should be hitting low def chars w/o it. It's a 1 pt. wonder for sure.

Fanaticism from beast is also of very limited usefulness for kickers. You get a speed boost but hitting the last BP isn't that hard with the right planning.
Beast also has the best ed ur gonna be getting from a weapon for your kicks if you arent going the open wounds/defensive route. Im not quite sure how much ed a lvl 9 fanat provides though. Anyone know how much damage a shako, 160/60, ed ias storm, beast zerker, steelrends, shadow dancers wearing kicksin has with and without venom would produce?
Davie. said:
Beast also has the best ed ur gonna be getting from a weapon for your kicks if you arent going the open wounds/defensive route. Im not quite sure how much ed a lvl 9 fanat provides though. Anyone know how much damage a shako, 160/60, ed ias storm, beast zerker, steelrends, shadow dancers wearing kicksin has with and without venom would produce?

ED from your weapon doesn't go to your kicks.

Lvl 9 fanaticism adds very little for kickers actually due to the way it's calculated in.

Physical damage pales in comparison to properly buffed venom damage in any event, even against someone with 75% psn res. It's not necessarily beneficial to pump physical damage at the expensive of items. You will almost always get more added damage out of trangs gloves over steelrends.
Davie. said:
what about someone with 75 psn resist and....deaths hand glove -_-.

Yes, venom is better. If you have a 2000 physical damage kick and a high level venom properly pre-buffed, venom will crush it. Assuming you are dueling in hell where most public dueling games are located. Even in nm though, it may beat it. I would have to run those numbers.

Assuming a full venom pre-buff of the following equipment (in hell):

2x +3 Shadow claws with 2 facets each <---CHEAP ITEMS
+3 shadow helm with 2 facets <---CHEAP ITEM
+3 shadow ammy <----CHEAP ITEM
arachnid for +1 <---CHEAP
2 SOJs for +2 <---CHEAP
Shadow dancers for +2 <----Still fairly inexpensive
Bramble: 45% <---More expensive but doesn't break the bank
Trangs: 25% <---CHEAP
anni for +1 <---Most decent duelers wear an anni anyway
10 shadow skill gcs for +10 <---Low life shadow charms are very inexpensive
Battle Cry from CTA for +1 <---A 2 BO CTA will go for less than the rune cost
Venom skill points (raw) = 20

Total venom skill level = 49

At level 49, venom base damage is 1390 to 1410, or an average of 1400 venom damage over .4 seconds with a skill duration of 5 minutes 12 seconds

1400 venom subject to:
bramble: 45%
trangs: 25%
facets: 30%

Yields: 100% bonus, or 2800 venom damage over .4 seconds

Now, the actual venom damage in hell is subject to the -100% PLR penalty, resulting in: 5600 venom damage over .8 seconds

So, now we have 5600 damage per hit occuring over .8 seconds.

Next, the bramble and trangs stay on after equipment change-out. This means we get double application on their poison mods yielding:
5600 x 1.70 = 9520 damage over .8 seconds

9520 subject to the 1/6 pvp penalty yields: 1586.6 actual PvP damage per application.

So, the PvP damage values run (per application):
0% target psn res: 1586
25% target psn res: 1190
50% target psn res: 793
75% target psn res: 396

On the flip side, if I have 2000 physical kick damage (a very high number), this yields 333 PvP damage at zero target DR. With target wearing 50% DR, physical damage per kick is 167.

Note the difference.

Next, assume our target has 75% res (85% stacked) and we are in dueling in hell. Further, assume we are using a 50% death's web which reduces target psn res by 50%.

This means we have 85% - 50% = 35% psn res.

Thus, the damage per application in this case will be: 1031 per .8 seconds

That's real PvP damage done to a target with 75% res, an extra 10% stacked res, in hell.

So, if we have a target with 75(85) psn res and 50 DR, the damage breakdown for the above situation is:
PvP poison damage: 1031
PvP physical damage: 167

Big, big difference. And that's with 2000 physical damage kick. No slouch by any stretch. And even less of a slouch considering that the target can have 85% res for this case. Even if the target had 100% total psn res in hell, our numbers become:
PvP poison damage: 515
PvP physical damage: 167

Consider the situation where the target is wearing 75% psn res, has 100 psn res above 75. This means that the death's web gives no help in bringing down target res. So, let's dump the web and equip a lacerator for amp.
PvP poison damage: 396
PvP physical damage: 334 (with amp active and 50% target DR)

Note that even with no death's web, 2000 physical kick damage, and amp, venom still is more damage.

Finally, consider the target wearing death's gloves. This gives them 75% psn length reduction. Note however that they have to give up whatever gloves they were wearing for these gloves.

Assume the target now has 75% psn res in hell, 50 DR, and 75% psn length reduction from death's gloves and you are NOT using death's web.

PvP poison damage: 248
PvP physical damage: 167 (assuming you aren't using lacerator and have 2K listed pysical)

So, yes. Venom beats physical damage more often than not. If you drop DR to a low value, then of course physical approaches poison in several cases. But note that poison is ALWAYS a major contender, even when the target is equiped with PLR, high psn res, etc.
Speederländer said:
Yes, venom is better. If you have a 2000 physical damage kick and a high level venom properly pre-buffed, venom will crush it. Assuming you are dueling in hell where most public dueling games are located. Even in nm though, it may beat it. I would have to run those numbers.

Assuming a full venom pre-buff of the following equipment (in hell):

2x +3 Shadow claws with 2 facets each <---CHEAP ITEMS
+3 shadow helm with 2 facets <---CHEAP ITEM
+3 shadow ammy <----CHEAP ITEM
arachnid for +1 <---CHEAP
2 SOJs for +2 <---CHEAP
Shadow dancers for +2 <----Still fairly inexpensive
Bramble: 45% <---More expensive but doesn't break the bank
Trangs: 25% <---CHEAP
anni for +1 <---Most decent duelers wear an anni anyway
10 shadow skill gcs for +10 <---Low life shadow charms are very inexpensive
Battle Cry from CTA for +1 <---A 2 BO CTA will go for less than the rune cost
Venom skill points (raw) = 20

Total venom skill level = 49

At level 49, venom base damage is 1390 to 1410, or an average of 1400 venom damage over .4 seconds with a skill duration of 5 minutes 12 seconds

1400 venom subject to:
bramble: 45%
trangs: 25%
facets: 30%

Yields: 100% bonus, or 2800 venom damage over .4 seconds

Now, the actual venom damage in hell is subject to the -100% PLR penalty, resulting in: 5600 venom damage over .8 seconds

So, now we have 5600 damage per hit occuring over .8 seconds.

Next, the bramble and trangs stay on after equipment change-out. This means we get double application on their poison mods yielding:
5600 x 1.70 = 9520 damage over .8 seconds

9520 subject to the 1/6 pvp penalty yields: 1586.6 actual PvP damage per application.

So, the PvP damage values run (per application):
0% target psn res: 1586
25% target psn res: 1190
50% target psn res: 793
75% target psn res: 396

On the flip side, if I have 2000 physical kick damage (a very high number), this yields 333 PvP damage at zero target DR. With target wearing 50% DR, physical damage per kick is 167.

Note the difference.

Next, assume our target has 75% res (85% stacked) and we are in dueling in hell. Further, assume we are using a 50% death's web which reduces target psn res by 50%.

This means we have 85% - 50% = 35% psn res.

Thus, the damage per application in this case will be: 1031 per .8 seconds

That's real PvP damage done to a target with 75% res, an extra 10% stacked res, in hell.

So, if we have a target with 75(85) psn res and 50 DR, the damage breakdown for the above situation is:
PvP poison damage: 1031
PvP physical damage: 167

Big, big difference. And that's with 2000 physical damage kick. No slouch by any stretch. And even less of a slouch considering that the target can have 85% res for this case. Even if the target had 100% total psn res in hell, our numbers become:
PvP poison damage: 515
PvP physical damage: 167

Consider the situation where the target is wearing 75% psn res, has 100 psn res above 75. This means that the death's web gives no help in bringing down target res. So, let's dump the web and equip a lacerator for amp.
PvP poison damage: 396
PvP physical damage: 334 (with amp active and 50% target DR)

Note that even with no death's web, 2000 physical kick damage, and amp, venom still is more damage.

Finally, consider the target wearing death's gloves. This gives them 75% psn length reduction. Note however that they have to give up whatever gloves they were wearing for these gloves.

Assume the target now has 75% psn res in hell, 50 DR, and 75% psn length reduction from death's gloves and you are NOT using death's web.

PvP poison damage: 248
PvP physical damage: 167 (assuming you aren't using lacerator and have 2K listed pysical)

So, yes. Venom beats physical damage more often than not. If you drop DR to a low value, then of course physical approaches poison in several cases. But note that poison is ALWAYS a major contender, even when the target is equiped with PLR, high psn res, etc.

lol. lol. then again i dont waste my time that much~
@ Speederlander

Good job running the numbers, but you have to remember: it is a hell of a lot easier to get 2000 physical damage than it is to get a level 49 Venom with all those extra pieces of gear (Bramble, DWeb, etc).

My kicker's DFlight hits for well over 3000 physical, and my DTalon hits for at least 1500 for 7 kicks. In my opinion, Venom is best used as gravy, and not a main source of damage. Without Open Wounds and some good physical damage, Venom is just an ankle-biter.
skygoneblue said:
@ Speederlander

Good job running the numbers, but you have to remember: it is a hell of a lot easier to get 2000 physical damage than it is to get a level 49 Venom with all those extra pieces of gear (Bramble, DWeb, etc).

You don't need death's web to get level 49 venom, I just threw it in. Venom still crushes 2000 physical damage without web. That's one of the points I made.

The only halfway expensive piece of gear is the bramble. Most of the dedicated duelers can at least get a hold of the major runeword items like bramble, enigma, chaos, etc. Even without bramble, however, the poison damage usually beats the physical.

My kicker's DFlight hits for well over 3000 physical, and my DTalon hits for at least 1500 for 7 kicks. In my opinion, Venom is best used as gravy, and not a main source of damage. Without Open Wounds and some good physical damage, Venom is just an ankle-biter.

Did you even examine those numbers?

Let's compare for a budget case:
1500 physical DTalon vs. 40% DR (for example) = 150 actual PvP damage per kick.

Now consider venom. Let's go NO pre-buff other than what the person is wearing, i.e. some shadow claws on switch. Basically, the exact opposite of what I say is important in the above post.
Let's say our kicker is wearing:
shako +2
mara +2
pair of shadow claws on switch +6 with a facet each for 10%
35% bramble (We'll take a total crap poison mod, which will probably go for less than rune value)
Trangs gloves for 25%
Shadow dancers +2
anni +1
10 shadow charms with no mods. (These go for P. Gems or Lems/Kos)

Total venom level with maxed venom = 43
Base venom damage at level 43 = 1190 average damage over .4 sec

Subject to 70% damage boost from bramble, trangs and 2 facets = 2023 over .4 sec

Now figure in the -100 PLR penalty in hell and we have 4046 over .8 seconds.

Now figure the double application of the bramble and the trangs = 6473 over .8 seconds

PvP damage after penalty = 1079
Against 75% res = 270 per application over .8 seconds.

Let's compare:
PvP Physical damage of 1500 physical damage talon = 150 (vs. 40 DR)
PvP Poison damage = 270 (vs. 75% poison res)

What if the target wears 85% poison res?
Poison damage = 162 (vs. 85% poison res)

It STILL beats the physical component!!

That's right, poison from venom does 1.8 times your physical damage (assuming 40% DR and 75% psn res) with basically no effort.

This has already been hashed out on this forum several times. Venom is not even in the ballpark of an "ankle-biter" as you call it. It's certainly the main source of damage in most (though not all) cases. In any event, not many people think to increase max poison res or put on PLR vs. kickers. Unless you tell them the story I just told you.

You're giving incorrect advice when you relegate venom below the other damage components available to MA sins. It's number one in all but a few cases.

As a final point, a 3000 damage DFlight is not of that great a significance. Vs. 75% block only 1 out of 4 hit. When you calculate chance to hit, that drops to 1 out of 6 to one out of 8 or worse. When you figure in DFlight's bugs in 1.10 with all the misfirings and easy interruptibility, it's even less impressive. DF is nothing more than a means from getting to your target and perhaps hitting them if you are lucky, you can't count on it.
Well, ok, but the other thing that you aren't mentioning is Dragon Talon hitting more than once. Yes, a full dose of Venom can outshine one kick from Dragon Talon. Ok...how about 5-6 kicks from Dragon Talon?

If I am doing my math right, each Dragon Talon kick will be 3 frames long. The .4 second timer on Venom makes it 10 frames long. That is at least 3 Dragon Talon kicks in that amount of time. So, with ANY of the math that you did above, Dragon Talon does greater damage over time than Venom.

I didn't mean to come off as abrasive or condescending in my post in any way, and I apologize if I did. I just merely wanted to say that Venom, while it is great, it isn't everything.
Estimated market value