Davie. said:
what about someone with 75 psn resist and....deaths hand glove -_-.
Yes, venom is better. If you have a 2000 physical damage kick and a high level venom properly pre-buffed, venom will crush it. Assuming you are dueling in hell where most public dueling games are located. Even in nm though, it may beat it. I would have to run those numbers.
Assuming a full venom pre-buff of the following equipment (in hell):
2x +3 Shadow claws with 2 facets each <---CHEAP ITEMS
+3 shadow helm with 2 facets <---CHEAP ITEM
+3 shadow ammy <----CHEAP ITEM
arachnid for +1 <---CHEAP
2 SOJs for +2 <---CHEAP
Shadow dancers for +2 <----Still fairly inexpensive
Bramble: 45% <---More expensive but doesn't break the bank
Trangs: 25% <---CHEAP
anni for +1 <---Most decent duelers wear an anni anyway
10 shadow skill gcs for +10 <---Low life shadow charms are very inexpensive
Battle Cry from CTA for +1 <---A 2 BO CTA will go for less than the rune cost
Venom skill points (raw) = 20
Total venom skill level = 49
At level 49, venom base damage is 1390 to 1410, or an average of 1400 venom damage over .4 seconds with a skill duration of 5 minutes 12 seconds
1400 venom subject to:
bramble: 45%
trangs: 25%
facets: 30%
Yields: 100% bonus, or 2800 venom damage over .4 seconds
Now, the actual venom damage in hell is subject to the -100% PLR penalty, resulting in: 5600 venom damage over .8 seconds
So, now we have 5600 damage per hit occuring over .8 seconds.
Next, the bramble and trangs stay on after equipment change-out. This means we get double application on their poison mods yielding:
5600 x 1.70 = 9520 damage over .8 seconds
9520 subject to the 1/6 pvp penalty yields: 1586.6 actual PvP damage per application.
So, the PvP damage values run (per application):
0% target psn res: 1586
25% target psn res: 1190
50% target psn res: 793
75% target psn res: 396
On the flip side, if I have 2000 physical kick damage (a very high number), this yields 333 PvP damage at zero target DR. With target wearing 50% DR, physical damage per kick is 167.
Note the difference.
Next, assume our target has 75% res (85% stacked) and we are in dueling in hell. Further, assume we are using a 50% death's web which reduces target psn res by 50%.
This means we have 85% - 50% = 35% psn res.
Thus, the damage per application in this case will be: 1031 per .8 seconds
That's real PvP damage done to a target with 75% res, an extra 10% stacked res, in hell.
So, if we have a target with 75(85) psn res and 50 DR, the damage breakdown for the above situation is:
PvP poison damage: 1031
PvP physical damage: 167
Big, big difference. And that's with 2000 physical damage kick. No slouch by any stretch. And even less of a slouch considering that the target can have 85% res for this case. Even if the target had 100% total psn res in hell, our numbers become:
PvP poison damage: 515
PvP physical damage: 167
Consider the situation where the target is wearing 75% psn res, has 100 psn res above 75. This means that the death's web gives no help in bringing down target res. So, let's dump the web and equip a lacerator for amp.
PvP poison damage: 396
PvP physical damage: 334 (with amp active and 50% target DR)
Note that even with no death's web, 2000 physical kick damage, and amp, venom still is more damage.
Finally, consider the target wearing death's gloves. This gives them 75% psn length reduction. Note however that they have to give up whatever gloves they were wearing for these gloves.
Assume the target now has 75% psn res in hell, 50 DR, and 75% psn length reduction from death's gloves and you are NOT using death's web.
PvP poison damage: 248
PvP physical damage: 167 (assuming you aren't using lacerator and have 2K listed pysical)
So, yes. Venom beats physical damage more often than not. If you drop DR to a low value, then of course physical approaches poison in several cases. But note that poison is ALWAYS a major contender, even when the target is equiped with PLR, high psn res, etc.