Vindicator/Templar Guide (Update)

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Pravda said:
it's sh's old account with everything expired except a weak trapper -_- no one ever plays on that account though. Also, I meant I hardly see any v/ts. i don't really wanna see any demonstration. it's so hard to tell what's going on if you're not the one playing anyway. it's gear i wanted to see.

The gear is pretty similar to what you suggested in your guide. Weapons differ quite a bit though. Rose-Branded Flails/Cryptic Swords of Quickness socketed with Ber or Um runes are rather popular. A few of the wealthier people manage to get Rosebranded War Scepters of Quickness with Holy Shield and Fanaticism mods.
-homeslice- said:
I was also wondering what u think of the imfamous rosebranded war scept of quick.

I wouldn't use a scepter because they have no charge damage.
Pravda said:
I wouldn't use a scepter because they have no charge damage.

Thats what I used to be against, however lately I've been using more Smite and FoH aswell as passive charging for it to matter, my V/T has a pretty versatile setup I think, currently I'm using:

Vs. Casters

Helmet: Shako - Lit facet
Armour: Enigma Wyrmhide
Shield: Upgraded Zakarum -Um
Belt: Arachnids/Crafted blood belt
Boots: Rare boots, STR/DEX/LIT/COLD resistance
Ring1: SoJ/Bk
Ring2: required abs
Amulet: Rare Paladin amulet, 2 pala skills FIRE/LIT res and FCR
Gloves: Bloodfists

Vs. Melee

Helmet: CoA - BerBer
Armour: Enigma Wyrmhide
Shield: Upgraded Zakarum - Ber
Belt: Verdungos/Crafted blood belt
Boots: Aforementioned rare boots or gores
Ring1: Bk
Ring2: SoJ
Amulet: 3 combat skills 9x life/Rare paladin amulet as mentioned


Whilst in pubbies I often end up succumbing to temptation and teleporting, to make sure I lose no damage and effectiveness I make the following gear changes:

Helmet: 2 Paladin skills 20 Fr/W 20 FCR minor cold res and stats
Belt: Arach
Gloves: Trang ouls/Mage Fist
Amulet: crafted Paladin amulet, 2 pala skills, 17 FCR, mana regen and resists

Weapons wise I'm rather spoilt for choice:

2 socketed caddy with 3 combat 3 foh 2 bh - currently with 2x facets, considering unsocketing in favour of shaels

Silence PB/BA

Cresent Moon cryptic sword - my all time favoroute - O/W, IAS and -35 lit res is brilliant IMP

I occasionally use Kingslayer for O/W and C/B if I know I'm going to be smiting alot, for charging I tend to use Kingslayer or Eternity BA with conviction on oO

EDIT: Oh, I'm on Europe, and for inventory I use:

5x Paladin combats with FHR
5x Paladin combats with life
1x Annihilus
9x 3 max/xx AR/3FR/W charms

EDIT #2: At one point I did also use a preists flail of quickness over everything else but as I've played more and more with my paladin over the months and months I started to make various changes, and that is more or less as it stands currently, I better go perm him or something, haven't been on for a month :yawn:
Pravda said:
okay so what are you trying to say?

I think you mentioned something about you wanting to see alternative gear choices, could have been another thread though...
Anger-DRS said:
I think you mentioned something about you wanting to see alternative gear choices, could have been another thread though...

Maybe if you quoted the right statement he wouldn't be confused. :D
No offense to a well written guide but, almost 2/3rds of your guide is rehashing gear stats that most know or are easily referenced. Perhaps when you post a final copy you just put a link to gear stats (aka arreat summit). Some of your gear things are a paragraph each and makes an otherwise good guide not one to read. I'ld think you only point out the high points of what you want in gear, make a list, and then rate them on a scale of 1-10 and let people look up why. Personally speaking and a bunch of my friends agree if we see a post that is majority gear then it is treated as gear bla bla bla, gear bla bla, maybe something interesting. If you must post gear then put it at the end so that skills and playing style are at the forefront.

just my $2 ($.02 after inflation) :drink: :buddies:
Since a v/t should change gear a lot, it is kind of hard to cut down on the gear part. I know I mentioned certain stats, etc, but I don't think I overdid it. Definitely not 2/3rds of the guide. I also think it's better to say why I think a certain thing is good instead of playing "guess why" games with the reader.

I will post a final version of this guide, but I don't know when. I talked to strength_honor and he might co-write. If that's the case, then I don't know if I will post the final version on this forum considering he's banned.
Pravda said:

MELEE DRUIDS: Easy duels. I’ve heard some people claim that fury druids that can take out smiters, but I never met one that come even close. Just treat them the same way you treat melee barbarians. Just be aware that they attack a lot faster and have more attack rating. Rabies druids are an exception. Whatever you do, try not to get hit in the beginning of a duel with a rabies druid since one hit could potentially kill you. I personally think pure rabies druids are kind of cheap, so don’t feel guilty by using Death’s Hand and cleansing. I haven’t really come across any good rabies druids anyway. The ones I’ve met try to hit me once and then run away hoping that I die. It doesn’t seem to be much skill involved in that.

Time for a new guide update? :innocent:
inkanddagger said:
Time for a new guide update? :innocent:

I don't really think so. Since this is a V/T guide and the foh helps to take care of fury druids. Maybe he could change it from very easy to semi-easy though.

Overall you put up a good fight. But once we know not to go toe to toe with smite it kind of changes the duel. Other tactics come into play then.

Also there are other thing that a V/T could change to offset your fury. High defence gear would probally help here. Big CB would be nice too with your high life. OW never hurts either.
Pravda said:
I will post a final version of this guide, but I don't know when. I talked to strength_honor and he might co-write. If that's the case, then I don't know if I will post the final version on this forum considering he's banned.

If you guys co-write this and don't want to post here at least send it to me so I can read it.

ask pravda about his experiences tonight.

defence isnt too much of an issue. i poke holes in defiant builds.

but you are right that hammers or foh will help a bunch.
No melee have a chance against hammers. I can duel you with my vanquisher if you want.
HandofElysium said:
Actually you should duel luis19 in the pvp forum. He has asked for challanges stating he was never beaten by a hammerdin in a series.

*dirtydozen131 is his acct.

I would challange but him but my hammerdin damage stinks cause he is really a Liberator.

Oh well, he's not on right now. I would also have to xfer some dr gear to my hammerdin. Anyway, after having read that thread. Mana pots are gm and med bm?
Pravda said:
Oh well, he's not on right now. I would also have to xfer some dr gear to my hammerdin. Anyway, after having read that thread. Mana pots are gm and med bm?

LOL yeah that kills me dude!!!! Thats why...Hammerdin/Prayer all the way. I will be judged later. :p
My hammerdin got 6-7 extra skill points. I could put them in prayer.. :creep:

I won't do that though.

I should refer him to elusive. He's a better desyncher than me :S
Pravda said:
My hammerdin got 6-7 extra skill points. I could put them in prayer.. :creep:

I won't do that though.

I should refer him to elusive. He's a better desyncher than me :S

boo....your no fun
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