Pravda said:
I wouldn't use a scepter because they have no charge damage.
Thats what I used to be against, however lately I've been using more Smite and FoH aswell as passive charging for it to matter, my V/T has a pretty versatile setup I think, currently I'm using:
Vs. Casters
Helmet: Shako - Lit facet
Armour: Enigma Wyrmhide
Shield: Upgraded Zakarum -Um
Belt: Arachnids/Crafted blood belt
Boots: Rare boots, STR/DEX/LIT/COLD resistance
Ring1: SoJ/Bk
Ring2: required abs
Amulet: Rare Paladin amulet, 2 pala skills FIRE/LIT res and FCR
Gloves: Bloodfists
Vs. Melee
Helmet: CoA - BerBer
Armour: Enigma Wyrmhide
Shield: Upgraded Zakarum - Ber
Belt: Verdungos/Crafted blood belt
Boots: Aforementioned rare boots or gores
Ring1: Bk
Ring2: SoJ
Amulet: 3 combat skills 9x life/Rare paladin amulet as mentioned
Whilst in pubbies I often end up succumbing to temptation and teleporting, to make sure I lose no damage and effectiveness I make the following gear changes:
Helmet: 2 Paladin skills 20 Fr/W 20 FCR minor cold res and stats
Belt: Arach
Gloves: Trang ouls/Mage Fist
Amulet: crafted Paladin amulet, 2 pala skills, 17 FCR, mana regen and resists
Weapons wise I'm rather spoilt for choice:
2 socketed caddy with 3 combat 3 foh 2 bh - currently with 2x facets, considering unsocketing in favour of shaels
Silence PB/BA
Cresent Moon cryptic sword - my all time favoroute - O/W, IAS and -35 lit res is brilliant IMP
I occasionally use Kingslayer for O/W and C/B if I know I'm going to be smiting alot, for charging I tend to use Kingslayer or Eternity BA with conviction on oO
EDIT: Oh, I'm on Europe, and for inventory I use:
5x Paladin combats with FHR
5x Paladin combats with life
1x Annihilus
9x 3 max/xx AR/3FR/W charms
EDIT #2: At one point I did also use a preists flail of quickness over everything else but as I've played more and more with my paladin over the months and months I started to make various changes, and that is more or less as it stands currently, I better go perm him or something, haven't been on for a month :yawn: