Garbad_the_Weak said:No, this is with a regular hoto/beast setup. I will get a screen, but my rough stats are:
6.4k foh, 2.5k smite (using beast, gores, 35 ow 35 cb r3), ~2500 life at level 85, could have better gear. Using shako.
I built my vt as a team support, hence the beast. I eventually plan to pack a 3 25/25 sceptor and whatnot, but have too lazy to mule one over. Still, I have been fairly effective Vt v vt. My smite is fairly soft, but if I get a couple of solid fohs before I toe to toe, I can compete with the best.
Mind listing gear? It seems impossible to get 6.4k FoH without Griffons or facets. Check this out:
+2 ammy
2x+1 rings
10 Combats
gives 5436-5556 FoH damage. What are you using that could possibly give 900 more damage? Also, do you have 50%DR with that setup?
Garbad_the_Weak said:Thats not correct. The average windy's dogs have 60-80 life base, or roughly 250 life tops with bo and oak. My holy shock is like 1-1750 and has about 24 yards (iirc). It clears them out fairly fast and wastes mana. Its worth a hotkey imo. Its also handy to prevent reshifting.
I tried that yesterday with romvs. I was just standing there with his pets and it took a long time before they died. I don't remember how many hits they took, but it was many. I didn't max holy shock, but I think mine does 1-1.3k damage which shouldn't be a big difference.
About the mana burning. It was a friend's sorc and he basically said that it barely took any mana at all and that it was replenished instantly. I know that according to the formula it should take something around 0-225 mana per hit with max telekinesis (if you have 1-1750dam). Anyway, I'll test it again later.