Vindicator/Templar Guide (Update)

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Garbad_the_Weak said:
No, this is with a regular hoto/beast setup. I will get a screen, but my rough stats are:

6.4k foh, 2.5k smite (using beast, gores, 35 ow 35 cb r3), ~2500 life at level 85, could have better gear. Using shako.

I built my vt as a team support, hence the beast. I eventually plan to pack a 3 25/25 sceptor and whatnot, but have too lazy to mule one over. Still, I have been fairly effective Vt v vt. My smite is fairly soft, but if I get a couple of solid fohs before I toe to toe, I can compete with the best.

Mind listing gear? It seems impossible to get 6.4k FoH without Griffons or facets. Check this out:

+2 ammy
2x+1 rings
10 Combats

gives 5436-5556 FoH damage. What are you using that could possibly give 900 more damage? Also, do you have 50%DR with that setup?

Garbad_the_Weak said:
Thats not correct. The average windy's dogs have 60-80 life base, or roughly 250 life tops with bo and oak. My holy shock is like 1-1750 and has about 24 yards (iirc). It clears them out fairly fast and wastes mana. Its worth a hotkey imo. Its also handy to prevent reshifting.

I tried that yesterday with romvs. I was just standing there with his pets and it took a long time before they died. I don't remember how many hits they took, but it was many. I didn't max holy shock, but I think mine does 1-1.3k damage which shouldn't be a big difference.

About the mana burning. It was a friend's sorc and he basically said that it barely took any mana at all and that it was replenished instantly. I know that according to the formula it should take something around 0-225 mana per hit with max telekinesis (if you have 1-1750dam). Anyway, I'll test it again later.
Nice guide Pravda :clap:.

Anyways, since I don't see you often anymore.. u got an extra widow maker? lol. I wanna use one on my asn :drool:.
Pravda said:
I don't know if you have a point in holy freeze, but that helps a lot. I wouldn't use razor edge against a V/T since I would like to have a good charge. You would end up in lots of charge locks because you would miss a lot more than with a zerker.

This is true. The Range 1 of a Tomahawk can reduce the effectiveness of your charge. The Open Wounds on it can make up for that lack though. I have also found Fury weapons to be effective, although the -33% Target Def seems to hit considerably more than the -25% on the Fury. I am also curious as to how a Fleshripper would fare with its -50% Target Def, but I have yet to try this. The build you describe seems to be more of a Smealot, but I have no doubt that it would be a rather effective build against a V/T.
Pravda said:
Mind listing gear?

smite hand

Beast Caddy
Upped Hoz ber

foh hand

22/24 crystal (old ladder gear, I was mistaken)
hoz 3/5 facet

ber shako
engima breast
waterwalks gores (vt v vt only)
raven/bk or dual bk (vt v vt)

10 combats with life
9 scs with lit + life

Various switch gear, including silence, sandstorms, etc, etc, etc.

I think its a viable alternative to the traditional V/t. You trade smite damage for foh and team effectiveness. Worth a mention IMO. With a 3 25/25, you could boost foh to just overr 7k. 7k foh, 2.6k, 35/35 smite is comparable IMO to the traditional v/t, averaging 3k smite, 4k foh, and say 25/60 or so.

Pravda said:
I tried that yesterday with romvs. I was just standing there with his pets and it took a long time before they died. I don't remember how many hits they took, but it was many. I didn't max holy shock, but I think mine does 1-1.3k damage which shouldn't be a big difference.

About the mana burning. It was a friend's sorc and he basically said that it barely took any mana at all and that it was replenished instantly. I know that according to the formula it should take something around 0-225 mana per hit with max telekinesis (if you have 1-1750dam). Anyway, I'll test it again later.
Hmmmm. What difficulty was that in?

~900 average holy shock is 150 pvp, should clear all dogs in 2 pulses normal or 1 in hell (average, will vary of course). It also has a significant radius which I find helpful in forcing them to be a bit more aggressive. With wolves, I use HS to clear dogs as the wolf approaches (on foot) and after shifting. With windys, the HS is mainly to help me wear down the windys mana. I find a teleporting windy to be a serious challenge, this helps reduce minion effect and overall mana pool (as he is recasting dogs and hopefully cyclone) giving me a chance to use FOH.

With regards to the mana burn, I use holy shock in tandem with foh when going after ES sorcs. Because convic is useless, holy shock is nice supplemental damage that encourages them to come to me. I typically use it before I need medit.

Blade said:
Nice guide Pravda :clap:.

Anyways, since I don't see you often anymore.. u got an extra widow maker? lol. I wanna use one on my asn :drool:.

Yeah I got a spare one. I'll put it on your account if you're not on next time I get on bnet. Btw, try to get on more often! College? tsk tsk -_-
Garbad_the_Weak said:
I think its a viable alternative to the traditional V/t. You trade smite damage for foh and team effectiveness. Worth a mention IMO. With a 3 25/25, you could boost foh to just overr 7k. 7k foh, 2.6k, 35/35 smite is comparable IMO to the traditional v/t, averaging 3k smite, 4k foh, and say 25/60 or so.

Okay, that's what I thought then. 6.4k seemed very high with no facets :S

I think both are equally common on east. I've seen lots of people who max foh/shock. They usually have bad smite because they put more than 1 point in conviction.

Garbad_the_Weak said:
Hmmmm. What difficulty was that in?

Ill have to try 1 of theseout if i ever get the funds/time/working comp.Well either 1 of these or a mage pally.Sounds good tho...i love smite.
Can I get some more comments from people who have had V/Ts for a while? I know that there are a few who never write _-_
Pravda said:
Can I get some more comments from people who have had V/Ts for a while? I know that there are a few who never write _-_

Well most of those people probably are banned or quit. :D

Anyway I suggest to add hotkey placement which alot of people disregard in their guides. Unlike zealots a V/T has an array of skills that are paired. Vigor/Charge Fist/Con Fan/Smite holyfreeze/charge etc etc. A really good hotkey placement really is part of a V/T game because of the array of skills needed. Unlike the zealot where they rely on one button action. :D
hrm? I wrote a hotkey placement suggestion...

and I was thinking more about west ppl. I sometimes log on sh's west account to check temple out on west but i rarely see some v/t dueling going on.
Pravda said:
hrm? I wrote a hotkey placement suggestion...

and I was thinking more about west ppl. I sometimes log on sh's west account to check temple out on west but i rarely see some v/t dueling going on.

Duh I ran through your guide too quickly!!!

Yeah then there really isn't anything you didn't cover except maybe screen resolution and taking all the fancy shading and stuff off. I personally don't like having that stuff on when dueling cause it's more fluff not needed.

This is a much more extensive guide then your last one. Bravo! Now we just have to wait for the 23 new ladder-only runewords to come out. I guess that will be in the year 2010...:rolleyes: Also on a side note I already upgraded about 6 Swordback Hold shields on ladder which is actually nice as a blade barrier. I think I'll probalby upgraded a butchers pupil too since it has some decent mods as well.
I know I'm an east-based palla too (why I don't know because I'm actually far in the west) but gonna give my comments anyway. My comment is no comment. :lol: I can't think of anything that needs to be added. Good job on the guide. :thumbsup:
Pravda said:
hrm? I wrote a hotkey placement suggestion...

and I was thinking more about west ppl. I sometimes log on sh's west account to check temple out on west but i rarely see some v/t dueling going on.

I didn't realize you guys had a West account. Gathering up a few V/Ts for a demonstration shouldn't be too difficult.
Stoutwood said:
I didn't realize you guys had a West account. Gathering up a few V/Ts for a demonstration shouldn't be too difficult.

it's sh's old account with everything expired except a weak trapper -_- no one ever plays on that account though. Also, I meant I hardly see any v/ts. i don't really wanna see any demonstration. it's so hard to tell what's going on if you're not the one playing anyway. it's gear i wanted to see.
HandofElysium said:
Duh I ran through your guide too quickly!!!

Yeah then there really isn't anything you didn't cover except maybe screen resolution and taking all the fancy shading and stuff off. I personally don't like having that stuff on when dueling cause it's more fluff not needed.

This is a much more extensive guide then your last one. Bravo! Now we just have to wait for the 23 new ladder-only runewords to come out. I guess that will be in the year 2010...:rolleyes: Also on a side note I already upgraded about 6 Swordback Hold shields on ladder which is actually nice as a blade barrier. I think I'll probalby upgraded a butchers pupil too since it has some decent mods as well.

yeah i use windows mode and the shittiest graphics possible too. btw, keep a couple of those shields for me. i trade for them whenever ladder ends.

hey pravda, ive been around the forums for quite some time but havent really spent the time to make any posts. After reading ur first guide, it intrigued me to make one of my own. The v/t i made is currently my favorite char to play atm.

the equipment i use is similar to urs except i prefer to use my 15/15 trek over any other boot. mostly because of the vita boost. I was also wondering what u think of the imfamous rosebranded war scept of quick. thx for all the info and great post


p.s. too bad im on east i would like to have a duel :uhhuh:
-homeslice- said:
hey pravda, ive been around the forums for quite some time but havent really spent the time to make any posts. After reading ur first guide, it intrigued me to make one of my own. The v/t i made is currently my favorite char to play atm.

the equipment i use is similar to urs except i prefer to use my 15/15 trek over any other boot. mostly because of the vita boost. I was also wondering what u think of the imfamous rosebranded war scept of quick. thx for all the info and great post


p.s. too bad im on east i would like to have a duel :uhhuh:

Duel who? Pravda is an eastie too. :scratch:
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