US Protests - How do you think it's going to end

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
Watching this unfold across the pond is really worrying especially with the virus still on the rampage.

I can't imagine how this is all going to end as there is so much in play right now. There are peaceful protestors who seem to be getting actual real support from some brave cops who are willing to stand with them but it's unclear where that will go with the current leadership. I can't see any movement there. There is no reaching out to them.

Then there are the rioters who don't all seem completely on board with the cause so I'm doubting their intentions. They strike me as a mix of genuinely wanting change to opportunists to the antagonists who are stirring for the sake of it. The news seem to be focussing on them, I guess it's more sensational.

Has anyone been involved in the protests? I've been involved in a fair few over the years and they were always peaceful despite coming into contact with neo-nazis. If you've been involved in any of the protests you must have a theory as to how this will end, if it'll end in any change at all or it'll just fizzle out.
There are actual military manning the lines. Trump just said that he ordered them to clear the streets and crack heads. Any state or local gov't not wilingl or able to crush the protests tonight will see federal military forces doing the job for them tomorrow night.

Here is some light reading for those that may not understand the implications of his orders....

5 minutes before Trump's speech, The police cleared all protesters(peaceful) from in front of the White House by using flashbangs, teargas and nightsticks. Trump wanted a photo-op at the historic St. John's church just outside the White House. The rabble had to be removed with force.

To make this all "legal" the gov't has declared Antifa a terrorist organization. Think about this for a second. A loosely based group of individuals with no real leaders whose only agenda is fighting actual Fascists and it's the Anti Fascists that are the terrorists? WTactualF? The men who went overseas during WW2 to fight actual Fascists must be rolling in their graves right now. They would be labelled a terrorist according to what i'm seeing.

"A riot is the language of the unheard." MLK
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"I am outraged", Bishop Marianne Edgar Budde, who oversees the church Trump used for his photo-op.

She calls it an abuse to sacred symbols. I don't think she will be voting for Trump in Nov.
The rector of St. John’s reported that she and other clergy and members of her ministry, who were on the church patio to hand out water and snacks, performing the work of their faith, were driven from their church grounds by tear gas and police batons so the POTUS could do a photo op there.

I think he nailed it. It IS a bible. An upside down bible.

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Stay classy Trump campaign senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis...stay classy.

Unfortunately, Antifa took quick control of the protests in many cases, which have pretty much eliminated earnest sympathy from those not of the hardest Left. You'll hear people use trite, shoddy phrasing about, "Our sympathies go out to the family..." &c. &c. but the chance that this was going to accomplish anything beneficial has been burnt like a Target store & looted like a flat-screen TV.

It looks very much to me like this is the George Soros funded plan called "Days of Rage" which originally was supposed to happen during Bush the Lesser's Presidency. The anarchists are well organized and have ground support, like medics, evacuation plans, and pallets of bricks being purchased & positioned for evening use.

Adding to that is the vile behavior of the rioters, who were performing coordinated B&E (breaking & entering) here in NYC last night. Despite dishonest claims from the media about looting being done by non-residents, the number of 'home grown' looters range from 60% to 95%... with nary a white-supremacist-false-flagged-unicorn to be found.

The one thing that I've found infuriating over the past few days is how many utterly moronic conservatives want to call out the Regular Army because the Progressive Mayors & Governors are abandoning their responsibility deliberately giving the rioters "space to destroy". Many residents are furious at the way the supposed leadership is coddling violence & shirking their responsibility to constituents.

This is exclusively on them, yet Trump seems to be eager to destroy up a gift-wrapped present laid at his doorstep. The ONLY thing that will get depressed Progressives off the couch to pull the lever for their senile, racist pedophile candidate in November are accusations of Trump having black blood on his hands.

Not that the Proggy filth won't claim so anyway, but people have eyes. They know that the Proggy mayors are deliberately letting minority-owned businesses be burnt in hopes that they can avoid being blamed for the violence.

Trump sending in the tanks would be an epic move of retarded abuse of power, because it gives every one of the Proggy officials a "but OrangeManBad!" card to play... so it's quite possible it may happen.
" Antifa took quick control of the protests in many cases " - That's just not the case. A few small elements and right-wing nut jobs pretending to be Antifa jumped in to escalate things.
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" Antifa took quick control of the protests in many cases " - That's just not the case. A few small elements and right-wing nut jobs pretending to be Antifa jumped in to escalate things.
Care to provide any substantiation that the proud Antifa members are actually right-wingers?

Which, like the false accusations about use of tear gas to clear the way to St. John's church, has not been forthcoming?

For my part, I'm taking the Black Lives Matter types at their word (which is amusing) because THEY are the ones saying the violence is caused by Antifa.

EDIT: Fair warning: even the utterly corrupt Southern Poverty Law Center, which makes money from fabricating tales of ravening white-supremacist terrorism to scare foolish Progressives, said there's not any of them to be found here.

Of course, over a year ago was blocked on Twitter by a NeverTrump fanboy called "Popehat" because I repeated a sneering (true) comment: to wit, that there weren't enough white supremacists to fill a bus in Washington D.C. on their own "Pride Day".
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There are hundreds of videos taken by respected news outlets and protestors exercising their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS showing the police using tear gas, clubs, shields, rubber bullets and flashbangs to push everyone including the actual clergy from St. John's church from the square. I watched it live. After the tear gas cleared, Trump and his entourage made the short treak from the White House to the church for the photo-op.

You are wasting your time trying to convince MERV otherwise. He'll continue to spout his Antifa funded by the conservative's boogeyman Soros conspiracy nonsense.
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I hate actually bypassing the "ignore" function, but I kept seeing the post count on this thread exponentially rising. Won't make that mistake again, given the "Mexicans are being slaughtered in death camps by ORANGEMANBAD!!!!ELEVENTY!!" source.

U.S. Park Police Chief Says No Tear Gas Was Used on Washington D.C. Protesters Before Trump's Church Visit

So I'm sure anyone reading will be treated to another half-dozen or so posts about how the U.S. Park Police are actually lying fascists, while the fascists calling themselves ANTI-fascists are holy, righteous people who would never do the sort of thing that dozens of them have been arrested for so far.

P.S. Apparently some of the vermin who decided to physically attack police (apparently with bricks, not plastic water bottles as claimed) were shot with pepper balls, which are paintballs filled with, duh, irritant. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Vermin(using Merv's word) physically attacking journalists.

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"The FBI’s Washington Field Office “has no intelligence indicating Antifa involvement/presence” in the violence that occurred on May 31 during the D.C.-area protests over the murder of George Floyd ."

I hate actually bypassing the "ignore" function, but I kept seeing the post count on this thread exponentially rising. Won't make that mistake again, given the "Mexicans are being slaughtered in death camps by ORANGEMANBAD!!!!ELEVENTY!!" source.

U.S. Park Police Chief Says No Tear Gas Was Used on Washington D.C. Protesters Before Trump's Church Visit

So I'm sure anyone reading will be treated to another half-dozen or so posts about how the U.S. Park Police are actually lying fascists, while the fascists calling themselves ANTI-fascists are holy, righteous people who would never do the sort of thing that dozens of them have been arrested for so far.

P.S. Apparently some of the vermin who decided to physically attack police (apparently with bricks, not plastic water bottles as claimed) were shot with pepper balls, which are paintballs filled with, duh, irritant. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
CDC says that both you and the US Park Police are wrong and are playing WORD GAMES.

Riot control agents (sometimes referred to as “tear gas”) are chemical compounds that temporarily make people unable to function by causing irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin. Several different compounds are considered to be riot control agents including Chloroacetophenone (CN)<<<mace. These were "administered" to the protesters through bullets and canisters.

PS...Trump is still caging children.
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Care to provide any substantiation that the proud Antifa members are actually right-wingers?

In fairness it wouldn't be the first time "ANTIFA" wasn't all it seemed.

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Yes, Proud Boys is always a little cringy as it sounds like a kid's gang.

I used to have my own gang as a 12 year old and it was called the The Red Hands, we used to climb trees and smoke thin elderberry tree sticks to act grown up. That's what sprang to mind when I first read that name. Then I saw they had modeled themselves on hipsters, well the look at least, everything else was somewhat England 1970's.
Letterkenny, a Canadian sitcom did an episode on dealing with the Hard Right.

In fairness it wouldn't be the first time "ANTIFA" wasn't all it seemed.
The questionable way in which guilt by association is the rock-solid & acceptable norm for one side but beyond the pale for those in opposition might be better discussed in my other thread (I can't see the NBC article behind a paywall). We could always discuss the way Rolling Stone deified the Boston Marathon bomber with a Tiger Beat style cover if things get boring.

In part I wanted to point out that something Krischan frequently accuses me of - use of weak sourcing & echo-chamber belief - is definitely part of the problem here. Of course, Krischan rejects my evidence without examination, because I'm Evil with a capital E and therefore anything I say cannot be true.

For example, "everyone" insists that tear gas was used in the brutal suppression of totally innocent tourists hanging around the Church of St. John... yet not only is that extremely unlikely given the Park Police denial (which they would be excoriated for if false) but many of the surrounding claims are also fabricated or invalid.

Likewise, Trump wasn't holding a Bible upside-down - the binding is visible in some shots - and those claiming otherwise are of the antiChrist sort that wouldn't know a Bible if they ate one and are simply repeating from stupidity claims they've read made by others. The most likely reason for that particular nugget of "fake news" is ignorance about the ribbons used for Bible bookmarks, because they appear overly long in some pictures. On the so-called "right", their counterparts are the people believing that photoshopped pictures of Obama speaking into a phone upside-down are real.

Nevertheless, the assertion was regarding " A few small elements and right-wing nut jobs pretending to be Antifa jumped in to escalate things. " This seems to not only be extremely invalid, but actually ludicrous at this point. What you (Elly) provided is more evidence supporting my point: guilt by association and a deliberate muddying of actual events with social media claims and online opinion journalism.

What I did find interesting in looking into this is that the "Bellingcat" site seems to be the nexus of what meager substantiation is offered in defense of ALL the non-Antifa allegations. I looked into it, and while "Bellingcat" certainly is not the credible, unbiased site it asserts, it seems like they *DO* attempt to minimize their bias and research - which is more than one can say for a majority of news outlets. So they're trying from the center Left to do the same thing many sites on the so-called "Right" do: cut away the bias & provide improved factual information.

In fact, the aforementioned assertion, which will never be demonstrably false, serves as a fine example. Nobody can ever say conclusively that NO "right wing" agitators were involved. All that can be established is that none have been found, none have been 'outed', none have been arrested, and the supposed examples which "Bellingcat" identified on the Internet are a very interesting situation in & of itself (which they wrote about in the article below).

The Boogaloo Movement Is Not What You Think

The bottom line is that all these "news" reports about "right wing" instigators tie back to two apparent postings, both from this group which I've never even heard of and which can't claim more than several hundred adherents, similar to /b/ or other 4chan type s#itposters. The "Boogaloo Boys" (various spellings) are either anarcho-Libertarians or alt-right gun nut preppers expecting the next American Civil War, depending on your political perspective. Two individuals were apparently trying to give moral support to the anti-law-enforcement Black Lives Matter rallies before they were run off due to their skin color.

So at least I learned something from stooping to interaction with SD.

EDIT - oops, I took so long to compose that I missed your subsequent post:
Yes, Proud Boys is always a little cringy as it sounds like a kid's gang.
At least I know who those are, and had an unpleasant interaction with one online. Gavin McInness, who is the founder of Vice Magazine and a skilled self-promoter, was involved at the start of the "Proud Boys". Originally it was a group denouncing the standard assertion by the Progressive Left that only whites can be racist, white Americans are responsible for all bad things on Earth, &c. &c. However, it obviously started attracting white supremacists and Gavin (who has been married to an Aleut for many years and an advocate for Aleut rights) eventually left.

Here's one of his bits that I always consider amusing. I wonder if Elly will as well? (NSFW language)
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