Ultimate PvM and PvP Hammerdin

od yard

Aug 18, 2009
Ultimate PvM and PvP Hammerdin

This build may sound a little crazy but let me share my thoughts with the incgamers community anyways. I want to talk about a godly pvm hammerdin build that is sturdy through all environment even in an 8 pp environment. Its tough to imangine with the build I am going to be talking about but it sounds effective anyways.

Now for the build we are going to have to know two different setups and that is the hammerdin's gear and the merc's gear. I am going to be talking about both in this forum and why use this or that gear.

Hammerdin Setup:
Weapon- 40 Heart of The Oak Flail(non-eth, please dont overstyle the character over gear you dont need)
Helmet- Harlequin Crest(socketed with Ber)
Armor- Enigma Mage Plate(supior 1.1k defense)
Shield- Spirit Sacred Targe(35% fcr, 45% all resist base, superior if you can)
Belt- Arachnid
Gloves- Trang Oul's Claws
Boots- 65 Life Waterwalks
Amulet- 30 Mara's
Ring 1- Crafted Safety Ring(10% fcr, 10%+ all resist, life, etc.)
Ring 2- 20% Light Sorb Wisp Projector(very important too much lighting in hell)

Hammerdin Inventory:
T=Tomb of Town Portal I=Tomb of Identify H=P Torch(20/xx) A=Anni(20/xx)
K=Keys L=20 Life Small Charm 0=Space in Inventory


Act 3 Fire(you dont want to freeze what you can redeem)
Weapon- Azurewrath(10 to all attributes, 15% all resist 20 life jewel)
Armor- Ethernal Guardian Angel(200% ed, up'ed, 15% all resist 20 life jewel)
Helmet- Crown of Ages(15% dr, 2os, socketed with Gul and Lo)
Shield- Stormshield(Socketed with Um)

In Stash:
Hoz(socketed with Ber)
x2 fcr dex rings
20% Sorb Wisp(another one is necessary
x16 20 life small charms
x2 Raven Frost
x2 Dwarf Star(15 mdr)
Wizardspike(rare quality godly cold jewel)

If you got any questions I would be more than happy to answer them because I am going to subscribe to my post anyways. Feel free to post your opinions but please keep it PG.
Re: Ultimate PvM and PvP Hammerdin

This wasn't necessary.

And I'm also doubting you've even tried this setup for yourself.
I highly doubt using the aforementioned set up, you can get your A3 merc to get 190 STR to use an up'd ethereal Guardian Angel. Even if you do plan to use the Stormshield for the extra 30STR, your merc would have to be at least level 90~95 before it could use a Monarch.
...amongst others.

Re: Ultimate PvM and PvP Hammerdin

mmm i've tried various mercs, overall insight act 2 still wins. and on a side note mp nigma cant reach 1.1k. heh not a biggie.
Re: Ultimate PvM and PvP Hammerdin

This wasn't necessary.

And I'm also doubting you've even tried this setup for yourself.
I highly doubt using the aforementioned set up, you can get your A3 merc to get 190 STR to use an up'd ethereal Guardian Angel. Even if you do plan to use the Stormshield for the extra 30STR, your merc would have to be at least level 90~95 before it could use a Monarch.
...amongst others.


Yeah I realized azurewrath is a dex hog so lawbringer also works too. Most the merc gear is innacurate sorry about that. Im planning on lawbringer, eth coh, eth shako, and ss. Its just to get rid of the cookie cutter ice or insight merc. They are just too boring and plus act 3 merc can also get the job done.

Re: Ultimate PvM and PvP Hammerdin

mmm i've tried various mercs, overall insight act 2 still wins. and on a side note mp nigma cant reach 1.1k. heh not a biggie.


There is the max armor for enigma mp dont say something when you do not know what you are talking about. I just want to try a merc that is not cookie cutterbut at the same time having sturdyness and does not die in chaos. Hmmm I got something to tell you. GTFO

Re: Ultimate PvM and PvP Hammerdin




get your language sorted, no faming, and please, read rules. they are there for some reason.

and honestly, i am tired of newcomers saying: ULTIMATE. well... cause you can buy it on e-bay, it isn't. -_-

Re: Ultimate PvM and PvP Hammerdin



get your language sorted, no faming, and please, read rules. they are there for some reason.

and honestly, i am tired of newcomers saying: ULTIMATE. well... cause you can buy it on e-bay, it isn't. -_-

**** thanks for correcting me. I thought that it applies to both but I guess it dont. Btw when I meant ultimate I did not specifically say he is the best hammerdin I just meant that the hammerdin has all around stats for pvm is all I meant.

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