Ultimo DClone Killer Setup??
First question.. whats the best pally build to take DClone down? I was thinking of a smiter. Anyway if its a smiter this will be my planned gear.
Helm: Guilliuam Face (Um/Diamond Jewel)
Armour: Black Hades (Never thought this thing was useful) :howdy: 60%ED to Demon (3x Diamond Jewel 120%ED)
Weapon: The Redeemer 250%ED to Demon (Pul'd +75%ED)/'Black' Flail for the CB??
Shield: HoZ (Um/Diamond Jewel 40%)
Belt: Verdungo
Glove: Laying of Hands 350%ED to Demon
Boot: Gorerider
Ammy: Seraphs Hymn 50%ED to Demon
Rings: Natures Peace and Raven Frost/BK/SoJ
Total Dmg to Demon: 905%ED - 985%ED
50% - 90%CB
Would this work? Any other options available are welcomed as I dunno what other items also add dmg to Demon. :thumbsup:
First question.. whats the best pally build to take DClone down? I was thinking of a smiter. Anyway if its a smiter this will be my planned gear.
Helm: Guilliuam Face (Um/Diamond Jewel)
Armour: Black Hades (Never thought this thing was useful) :howdy: 60%ED to Demon (3x Diamond Jewel 120%ED)
Weapon: The Redeemer 250%ED to Demon (Pul'd +75%ED)/'Black' Flail for the CB??
Shield: HoZ (Um/Diamond Jewel 40%)
Belt: Verdungo
Glove: Laying of Hands 350%ED to Demon
Boot: Gorerider
Ammy: Seraphs Hymn 50%ED to Demon
Rings: Natures Peace and Raven Frost/BK/SoJ
Total Dmg to Demon: 905%ED - 985%ED
50% - 90%CB
Would this work? Any other options available are welcomed as I dunno what other items also add dmg to Demon. :thumbsup: